Friday, June 30, 2006

Ok. Well. Bought this really warm furry coat today. And another knitted overcoat thingy, which cost $41 but rawks. Still, guess what? Smith Street sucks. Big time. As in, speaking as one who has gone to Bridge Street before? Smith is NOTHING compared to Bridge, and I can't imagine why I just spent 2++ hours on Smith street looking at "supposedly" budget Converse, Nike and Addidas. This is one of those days I feel like smacking my head on the wall. Ok, sure, Janet already conked me on the head several times today, and I've probably like lost several thousand neurons. But still. Ah well, at least I have my furball jacket, chocolatey in colour, haha.
What else did I do today? Lemme see... went to Yoyogi for lunch today, just me, Janet and Lucia. The tonkatsu ramen was good, and there was an extra platter for the, uhhh...fried pork?? Couldn't finish it though, and it irked me. I mean, why pay extra for extras you can't finish? Might as well get half the portion at half the price AND be able to mash the whole thing in the tummy. Gah. How I'm feeling now? I still prefer Ajisen Ramen... ONE day...
Actually wanted to start slogging through my work during the first week of holidays, but after that Stick It stint, I can't pick up that academic momentum anymore. Carpe diem I guess, can't waste it on homework, haha! It has finally struck me that I have photo scarcity. Despite me being here for, what, 6 months and counting? Just can't be bothered to yank out that camera and start snapping. Yeah, photography is fun, but only to a certain extent. What happens if you run out of things to snap? You turn the cam around and snap yourself? I can't waste my life on such lame pastimes...sheesh... But anyway...turns out I'm going to church early this weekend too. Rachel's staying over, so I guess I can't update...for pretty much the whole weekend. It's been some time since the blogging itch began all over again, but I enjoy tapping on the lappie board. Which is...still a lame excuse for blogging.
Snuck some peeks at my cousin's ancient photo album. Awwwww, she was so cute back then. Ok, no offence intended, she's still cute now, but adults can only be SO cute, then it sorta stops being cute...and either veers off being gross or...being scary. Well. Other than that, I've taken a sorta shine to snakes as pocket pets. They're so cute and slithery and if you run out of jewelry... Nyaahh, still no substitute for a kitty/puppy.
PLANETSHAKERS rule!!! Was listening to their "Arise" cd today, so now I'm thinking of hosting the music and putting it up here, only I stopped short at the hosting part cuz I don't know any music hosting sites... I really wanna share the tunes though. Gahblahfarkinhooha. Aaaahhhh...now that I've gotten all that out...oh yes, that Trinity jumper semi-homework design obligation... Look, I don't even have inspirations for that one, just that momentary fantasy about implementing the Matrix look...which is NOT very original. I need to meditate and find my inner muse. And curb my essay fears, which are, lucky tooty me, looming on the horizon.
My blogspace has shrunk dramatically... *sigh*
...is what I said. Savvy?
10:25 pm

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The bestest way to summarise my life so far in Melbourne would be in terms of pictures... Haha, haven't taken much due to chronic laziness, but still... Feast your eyes...
Firstly, I wanna commemorate a special moment...
Wonderful, is it not? Imagine me savouring my first bite... *drools*
The next best thing to talk about when you have nothing interesting whatsoever to say, especially on a blind date, would be the weather. Here, of course, is an exclusive view from my house...
Misty, and cold too, bleh.
Then, two of my good pals came to serenade me. They would have stayed longer, but I drifted away from the stink... :) Still, cute but stinky, haha!
Lastly of course, the skyline of the church against the clear blue sky. It hardly ever rains here, so every day is a photo opportunity. Federation Square has become a sight for sore eyes, MRT Station away from home...
Well, that ends my post. The lazy procrastinator strikes again, and instead of filling this entry with meaningful words of wisdom... What can I say? Pictures convey a thousand words...
...is what I said. Savvy?
9:45 pm