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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Breaking the Habit

Ok, I'm just procrastinating my work. Other than that, I've finished throwing together my EAP Plan. A bit like giam chai but at least I came up with something. Right now, I'm alone at home listening to crickets chirping...cuz my cousin and everyone else is at Hoyts right now watching Pirates 2. And they'll not be back until around 5??? Hope Adlin finds her MP3 player, though I highly doubt so. Nasty dishonest Trinity thieves. Oh well.

Now all I need is a guardian to go with me to get that 3 plan. Have to go ask someone...so ma fan.

Next up is HOI and Psych research, where I lose all my highlighter ink mysteriously to the papers. ~_~ Ate Laksa-flavoured instant noodles for lunch, but it was a disappointment (what a surprise). Aussie food is almost always never Asian-hot. =_= Tonight I plan to do all the music stuff. Musickkkk. >.<

"Can someone please save us from Punk Rock 101."

Random sentence. ^o^ I'd better go get a bath... ... ...

...is what I said. Savvy? 4:20 pm

Saturday, July 29, 2006
The 'shing shing' Guy

That's how I will always remember Adlin describe Wolverine. OMG, so damn funny. So, actually, I can't really think of alot of exceptional things that have happened this week, other than Adlin telling me her friend farted during band breathing exercises. Man, I almost did something really dirty today with a jelly and two paus. Must stop bing so dirty. At least my aunt didn't get the joke, but of course my cousin did, so both of us were giggling and my aunt was like giving me suspicious sidelong glances... But enough about family life (gets sorta mundane). This week's M&C class wasn't as boring as I'd thought it would be, haha. On the contrary, it turned out quite funny, after we came up with those stoopid advert ideas (which I will not say lest it jeopardises our groups originality). I just like the random ads, haha. All I remember really vividly about the lesson is me wanting to die because of what I said about cocaine in coke. I really meant caffeine, but it sounded so funny at the time >.<

I am still stewing over Jessica's delicious chicken and cheese meal. When I went yesterday instead, there were fish and chips. Gosh. How exciting? And then everybody (meaning Kwan, Ashley, Lucia, Calista, Adlin and Mae) gathered around my side of the table to do what??? PINCH MY CHIPS, that's what. Luckily, Adlin got clever and bought chips of her own (moot point, since after that she took out an apple and munched on it instead). The mayonnaise was kinda disgusting, but then again, EVERYONE was RUBBING OUT my TOMATO sauce that I had almost NOTHING for myself. SOME people...*mutter grumble*

Anyway, had this debate during Literature. Quite...how to put it...dead. Okay, I was unlucky enough to be put in the group of almost-corpses, except for a blessed few who should be sent straight to heaven for just speaking up. The debate was about whether entertainment was valuable or not. Something to that effect. And we have to do this Lit paragraph *moans* By the way, SOMEONE HERE is feeling lonely cuz NO ONE HERE is accompanying SOMEONE HERE to Mt. Baw Baw. *smacks everybody else's eyeballs* What?!? Am I the only person here who wants to see R-E-A-L snow??? Apparently. Hmph.

I hate validating on those new low-floor trams. Hate it. Cuz after that I can't validate the same card on other normal trams. Suxor. The songs on my MuVo are getting old. I know I should change them, but how can I replace my JJ Lin with the Black Eyed Peas??? Unfair exchange I tell you. And I want F.I.R.'s second album, but how do you get it here? In an island (albeit large) surrounded by the sea? Talking about feeling very distanced, mum called yesterday during dinner when I was almost about to enjoy my mee tai mak and meatballs. So instead of eating hot mee tai mak, I ate it cold. My cousin was so damn funny. When I pointed to the noodles and said "Mee tai mak.", she looked and me and went "So, you're a tai mak?" If you don't get it, rest assured, I didn't get it either the first few times. Then it dawned on me and I cursed myself (while laughing hysterically) and my cousin. ~_~

Anyway...I'm still looking for a suitable phone to go with a suitable phone plan. And I seem to have made it a habit to blog once every nine days. WTH???

...is what I said. Savvy? 3:47 pm

Thursday, July 20, 2006
Did you all miss me?

Sure you did. Muahahaha. It's almost been 10 days since I last blogged. Nearly didn't make it *gasps* but I dragged myself back up. So, I'm going for the Mt. Baw Baw trip, anyone else I know going? Anyway, I think it's worth my $39 to see real snow, not like that fake dirty sludge you get at Snow City that THEY say IS snow... -_- And skiing! And tobogganing on the kids' slopes like a true-blue Singaporean who's been deprived of snow for all her life. And I don't and will not care if I malu myself by, say, falling or tumbling or tripping over my own skiis. I'll be able to make snow angels. Now, will anyone be willing to loan me winter clothes???

Besides this very exciting event (yeah), I have YET TO DO my Trinity Jumper thingy, and Anita will kill me, stake me, swann me, dao me... etc. Well. Look how I live on the edge all the time. I certainly don't need bungee jumping. So many ideas, but with 4 essays?? Who has the time to breathe? *hoo~haaa...* Fahrenheit 451 is so interesting, but basically I'm biased towards sci-fi, ok??? Too bad the Julys won't be studying it. Heard only 2 people were in the July Main intake o_O I'll be happy to take charge of Trinity's advertising of course... ^^

The stupid sushi outlet at QV doesn't open properly until 11am lah. And I think the sushi at Union House sucks, cuz (largely) there are NO fish eggs. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? NO FISH EGGS. I feel so cheated. Luckily, today's Literature lecture progressed smoothly, made a little more interesting by the comments from the back (you're unhappy and you're happy?! Qi xin!/Who want to marry him?? and etc. Damn funny, but sad and stupid. *winks at Calista and Adlin*) Writing for 45 minutes straight, and then 45 minutes more... @_@ I think that Book-a-Minute was quite funny, haha! Like-

Beatty:"Keeping books are against the law."
Montag: "Oh."
So Montag kills chief and runs away.

^^ Smith Street Sucks. SSS. I'm gonna like spray paint this all over Adlin's and Calista's books. just so they get it and listen to the elderly's advise. Ok, maybe not "elderly" elderly, just "more experienced" elderly, eh? So, Jessica (revealing all her deepest darkest secrets so if you wanna know, SHAME ON YOU. haha.), never attend M&C lecture AND Lit. tute again. Orh hor hor. You die. Rebecca's gonna give you a spanking man, watch out! XD

I tried looking at the physical version of Domain for the ideal house (i.e. newspaper) but... no luck. I would have had better luck if the budget was unlimited (dream on, preferably in REM sleep), but I actually don't know Bill Gates personally. In case, you know, Annette, Anita and her friend didn't get it. By now. Oh yes, do not despair dear Committee members, I have feedback that some people don't even know where to go to sign up for Talevaganza. So tell them. I'm such a resourceful person, I know. No need to thank me, I did it out of the kindness of my heart and my angelic soul.

That's why I voted for the Angels vs Demons theme for the annual ball.


...is what I said. Savvy? 11:58 pm

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ngeh. Just went to print all the filthy disgusting HOI materials, yuxor!!! Felt so depressed, and this afternoon Michelle and Adlin *happily* rubbed salt into my wounds by mentioning that I have four essays and two presentations this term, THANX arhhhh, the both of you, ONE day~ Just when the hols vanished so abruptly, gahHhhH. But then again, when I'm frustrated, I don't pull my hair, cus there's too little as it is. I'm supposed to be doing HOI stuff now, but I'm trying to recall pleasant memories today, so SHUT UP CONSCIENCE. Today, "dearest" Adlin also reminded me that besides packing my room, I did nada, nothing, zilch!!! work. Much less homework. Swoon...

By the way, Jessica, the evil witch, dropped accounting and left me all alone with Mary and her other annoying little lambs. Amidst which I, the sole human, sat, surrounded by meaningless baa-baas and bank reconciliation shit. >n<'' And my drama marks sucked, and I bet my HOI mark sucks as much as drama because I read my palm just the other day and saw the black hound of doom.

~and its doom and gloom when things go boom...in Dexter's lab!!!~

Ahaha. Don't know if any of you've ever watched that cartoon, haha. BTW, Jessica set up a blog, so funny. Adlin, Rach, gotta go see it! Haha. Well, since I feel very unoriginal tonight, I'll just copy her and list some of the anime I'm thinking of buying next:
-.hack// SIGN
-.hack// Legend of the Twilight
-Samurai Girl Real Bout High School
-Twelve Kingdoms
-Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne

ehhh. Well, can't think of anything else, and I don't wanna sound greedy, muahahaha! Kaleidoscope was quite nice, but the ending was just so bittersweet... =_= Oh well. Can't wait to watch Dead Man's Chest this Saturday! I can SMELL the anticipation. *sniff* *puke* Catching Gronks on Thursday too, didn't know the tickets were running out so fast o_O

Fahrenheit 451 is actually a really great book...wonder where Trinity finds all these great Literature books for us, I wanna know their source, so I can siphon off somemore books...haha. Then again, there are so many forms of literature (sci-fi, general, historical etc. etc.) Gah. Never the mind. Worry about HOI first. Our new EAP teacher is also as nice as Gayle. She's called Tricia, and she's Italio-Australian...did I get THAT right??? Wateva. Well, it was easier speaking up during EAP today, but my mouth felt stiff...like I put too much starch in (I didn't even eat konyaku jelly, though I DID eat pseudo-shark-fin soup).

Well. *waves*

...is what I said. Savvy? 10:09 pm

Friday, July 07, 2006
What would I do without...

...Music??? ^^ Just a random thought. Doesn't matter what language it's sung in, music is still music, and it's beauty is universal. ^^ I'm just in a good mood today, probably since I've been nodding my head to tunes since 4 hours ago, typing notes. (poor notes, I think I didn't type them very well while tapping my foot...) Haha, while typing this paragraph, F.I.R. is playing on shuffle. It'll change come next paragraph~

Yesterday, I kinda sprained something in my thigh exercising, bleah. I can almost feel those rusty joints screaming. I wanna go to the gym, but then again, I'm too lazy to get out of the house >.< My clothes have finally dried!!! Ahahahaha *rubs hands in glee* but I ran out of hangers... Mixed blessing, argh. Good thing though, looks like rain today in Melbourne. Oh, before it leaks out of my brain. went to Myers yesterday with my cuz (she drove). There was this big sale (we went to the Westfield one) and all these people were carrying Myer bags. Yeesh. In the end, I bought a quotable quotes mug and a keychain for $10 in all. Luckily, since my cup (former) was cracking and getting chinks in the clay??? Porcelain??? =_=

Sigh. Reading Huiyun's blog about failing and all that, I suddenly feel so detached from life in Singapore...like I'm an outsider looking into the house I've been living in all my life, and finally noticing all its flaws, and all its beauty. The Singapore part of me hasn't died, I feel as if it's just taken leave (sick leave? pregnancy leave???). The stress my friends feel isn't here with me anymore, though it used to be. Gah. I don't know HOW I feel. Ok, how about an operating surgeon feeling detached while cutting a close relative open... ... ...

I'm feeling very cheem today, so if you don't like it you can stop reading here, because I'm musing to myself: Looking at all the overseas students on the trams and buses and in the university, and listening in on their remarks, I hear that unnatural twang of the Aussie accent tangled together with their own native accents. Maybe even warping the English. I don't know. I don't want to put up pretenses either, but it's so HARD. SO hard. Everyone around me (it seems) talks that way, as if...embarrassed? Of their own native slang... I'm easily pressured by peers, and half of me wants to go with the flow, fit in, blend in, camouflage, fade into the background, because it's so easy that way...but the other half is screaming to keep itself from being smothered, telling me NOT to blend in, NOT to be meek and submissive, telling me to STUFF EVERONE ELSE. I find myself constantly being pulled this way and that, and in class, one half whispers "Stay down. Don't talk, or else everyone else'll notice you and think you're weird..." while the other half goes "For goodness' sake, speak up! No one's gonna curse you or anything. Stop being so weak and indecisive and self-conscious! You suck!!!"


Even If
'Cause even if the sun came tumbling down
You light the ground I walk on
Even if the moon fell out the sky
You light the ground I walk on

No matter what I turn into, I'll always follow Jesus.

...is what I said. Savvy? 4:07 pm

Thursday, July 06, 2006
MeruPuri Day!

For lack of any inspiration today, I shall just merely introduce all the main characters in MeruPuri, just for the sake of it X3 Ehhhh...well, piccie first, talk later:

Aha! [You know you can click to enlarge...rite???] *ahem* From left to right: Jeile-sama, Nakaoji-kun, Razalude (!!!), Lei, Aram and Airi. Uhhh...it's pretty obvious who I like...isn't it...haha >.<

Aren't they cute??? *sigh* Jeile's the comic relief, but sometimes he can be really sweet and serious ^^. And not forgetting the main, mainest character...

Here's Airi, with Aram's young child form. Oh errr Aram has been cursed by Jeile...but it's a semi-serious one, haha! That's why he has an adult and child form...Kawaii!!!

That's all folks, hoped you enjoyed this small little educational jaunt through MeruPuri. Actually, this introduction is really rather skimpy with information, but then again, I just wanted to show off to the world Matsuri Hino's great works! So, TTFN!

...is what I said. Savvy? 12:58 pm

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just a quick doodle... Enjoy!

...is what I said. Savvy? 5:38 pm

*waves hands helplessly*

Sigh. GAH. How do you convert a .RIF image file??? Grarh. *darkly* I should have known it would come to this... NOTHING works out the way you want it to (ie. I have expectations...). The worst of all is that no one cares. If I rant about this to someone, it wouldn't take a genius to know that that person will look at me as if I were a three-eyed semi-demon from Hulaland. Oh well... Tsh. Nothing much happened yesterday AGAIN. Ever wonder why history repeats itself so frequently in my case? Nothing much happened the day before yesterday, and nothing much happened yesterday either. Deja vu? Stuff it. The little else that happened was that my cuz and I ended up peering at the computer screen watching "Underworld Evolution" since that new Soniq player couldn't play it. WTH. What's a plasma TV for anyway??? It was kinda nice though. I was in one of those flash gloomy moods, you know? The ones that pounce on unsuspecting tweens like me, during puberty. So I just needed a happy ending to lighten up my crappy mood, so thank you Selene, and Michael. After all, happy endings provide a sorta blissful escape from reality...a great alternative to stoning at your bedroom ceiling, anyhow...

Stayed up last night to gobble up Meg Cabot's "Avalon High", then finally finished devouring it at about 5.30am. Which would be about the time I woke up for school in S'pore. Fascinating. And my clothes haven't dried. Gosh, back home, they'd have been fried to a crisp right now, And I'd have crispy, flaky...errr...not-quite-clothes-ish...thingamajigs... Oh, I finally got down to some exercising yesterday, after contemplating all my fats for a time. Hey hey, not MY fault *glares accusingly at full cream mik*. I am stunned and appalled at my fitness level. I got to somewhere around 14 sit-ups and almost died superduperhyperventilating, DESPITE the carpetted flooring... I just KNOW that, somewhere in the not-so-unimaginable future, I'll become this lardass bachelorette chomping Tim Tams in front of the telly. Depressing, isn't it? When the three fates allow you a glimpse into your not-so-appetising future...

Perk up time, though. Will be catching "Dead Man's Chest" in the cinemas next Saturday, so at least I must SURVIVE long enough to catch another glimpse of Jack Sparrow and gaze into his kohl-rimmed eyes...~~~ *ahem* (btw Adlin, you can have Johnny Depp, I just want Jack, is all). Dum de dum dum dum, can't wait... But apparently my holiday homework can...even the spiders have gotten friendly with the sheaves of papers on my desk...and floor...and cupboard...and bed...and dressing table... ... ... ... This is what happens in the absence of a nagging mom. Go anarchy!!! Guess I'll go munch on "Fahrenheit 451" now~

Stupid .RIF formats.

...is what I said. Savvy? 2:45 pm

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Laundry + c00kies

Ok, before the whole laundry and cookie saga, there was the yummy steamboat and bridge street zoom-zoom saga. The day Rachel came to stay over, had this super delicious sumptious meal of homemade steamboat, with this fast-cooking steamboat wok. I think I stole alot of taupok, but no one noticed... ^^ So, well, after the whole meal (the bowl kept burning my hand cuz the plastic was too thin), the karaoke session fell flat because there was no microphone, so the uncles ended up singing solo...which was...errr...~~~ Oh, Rach made some muffin cookies for me, so sweet, thanx gurl! Actually, they taste kinda yummy!

Next day next day, went to church super early, and Hughlyn was playing the drums. So cool, next time I wanna be as good as he is lah~...ONE day... Oh well. After church, skipped over to Minotaur while Rach was doing 2 weeks' worth of grocery shopping (yech) and grabbed 3 more books to read during the hols. Found out I forgot to bring my hp, so I panicked, then I became too xian to panic, and I stoned at Bourke street for about half an hour before giving up and going to that Camy noodle shop to wait for Rach. Turned out my genius hadn't failed me, cuz she came to the restaurant to find me too, haha (after ringing me 5 times). We ate beef noodles again, with fried pork dumplings, soooo nice.

*Tour guide mode* Took Rach to Bridge after that, where we shopped for cheapo stuff. Bought a $5 shirt but that was it. Finally, spent a crappy time on the 48 tram, CRAMMED like a baked bean between all the footie fans going home from the MCG, GAAHHH. My feet hurt like hell lah, what's more no one got off until somewhere before Kew, aaarrrggghhh...!!! Sheesh. Pretty cheesed off that day...but...(fast-forward whirring sound)

Yesterday, finally took all the winter coats I bought recently and handwashed them until my nails became blue. I think I spent the whole day sniffing detergent, gross. And the knits were so heavy...next time I know better than to buy a dumbbell to exercise... After cleaning up that mess I made in the laundry room (washing took up about 4 hrs of my day), I kaypo-ed and helped my cousin bake cookies. We emptied a whole bag of chocolate chips into the mix, so cool! But the mix itself was AGONY. SO sticky and stubborn and what shit... But in the end we managed to get great cookies (somewhat soft, since I think we were too anxious and yanked the cookies out of the oven too quickly...). Felt so full after dinner yesterday that I actually slept early, wth.

X3 My life is so fascinating...

...is what I said. Savvy? 2:54 pm