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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Days of the Dieded

I don't mean to sound so Marilyn Manson. Or whatever. Just that at least I got to eat honey cornflakes today. Then went over early to Swanston (so damn early I could have been on time for 9am classes) and finished reading about Akaky's pathetic life. Not that mine's much better. Hello, at least he enjoys his copying. And his overcoat sounds nice anyway, I want it ;) Blah, so where was I? Finished reading it, had one hour to spare, so instead of being guai, I blew the time on Furuba a.k.a. Fruits Basket, the manga I borrowed from Rowden White. I am so glad I've finally been able to find the first books in the series. I borrowed Furuba 1, Tsubasa 1 and Bleach 1 & 2. What a harvest ^.^ Just finished reading Furuba. Wonder what EAP homework I have tomorrow...

Argh. Can't watch drama. And the stupid Adlin can't make it to the Great Ocean road trip because she prefers being an unpaid nanny. Well good for her then *sticks out tongue* Don't know whether to skip Literature tute for Rachel's drama. Really want to, but I already skipped once for reasons that are too naughty and obvious...~_~ Sigh. We'll see, never try to plan your day because it almost never follows the way you plan it. Classic example would be Adliin and her *ahem* group member for drama.

They were supposed to skip Literature lecture to practice drama, but the *ahem* didn't show up, so the next time I saw her she stormed into the literature lecture (and I mean STORMED. ooooooohhh-er, never seen Adlin THAT pissed before). I gave her THAT look and she was like "Don't even ask me" so I meekly went back to hanging onto Mike's every last word about The Overcoat being a comedy of some sort...I can't believe I'm a geek by nature. Sorry society. You'll miss out on me.

Anyway, I finally sated my hunger (I know. I AM a gossip, kae? You got a problem? Talk to my lawyer. Me. In like...2011???). So *ahem* didn't show up in the end, went for another drama class. Adlin and friend were both SUPER PISSED LIKE SHIT F***. (The capital letters are to show my support for their cause. I am NOT weird.) Then both of them started ranting, like I always do when I get pissed, but I get pissed more often see, so hearing them rant was like, a novelty. Basically, *ahem* is SO gonna lose his 2 marks for self-evaluation. Seriously. And really, I'm only using *ahem* because I forgot what his name was, he's THAT pathetic.

Meanwhile, when exciting events were unfolding in Adlin's life, little ole me was stuck with horrible sitcom repeats of maths and M&C. Luckily today was about permutations, lol. The only worksheet I've managed to finish since the beginning of term 3, halleluiah! *hugs permutations* Lol, was so happy to find out that our drama group was the most talked-about one, woohoo! We rock indeed, go people! Had a half-hearted debate during M&C about whether violent video games really caused more people to act more violently. I say individual responsibility. Just because you earn points beating up some random old hag doesn't mean you go do it in real life, where there's like a counter hanging in mid-air and increases as you bash up. Like, accumulating what? Heaven points? Only redeemable at the counter on cloud 9? WTH.

I'm just making up for all the time I've spent NOT blogging. I feel horrible. Can't even make a commitment to type stuff. But I'm year of the snake see? I'm a terrible procrastinator, but I happen to be pretty and clever too. So whenever I post, a new literature text is born.

Oh gosh friggin' shit I really have to get a life. *munches on moo-moo dung*

...is what I said. Savvy? 10:24 pm

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
...in 15 minutes

Yeah. Kinda random title, I know. But lots of things happen in 15 minutes. In 15 minutes you can be late, in 15 minutes you finish your drama, in 15 minutes you have a new blog layout up, in 15 minutes comes dinner, in 15 minutes you get 4 books from Rowden White, in 15 minutes we'll be deciding to eat out, in 15 minutes I'll get sick and tired of blogging, in 15 minutes I'll be listening to Kelly Clarkson's "Walk Away", in 15 minutes I'll be out the door.

Whoa. Looky the stuff you can do in 15 minutes.

So is it too much to imagine that in 15 minutes you could save the world?

...is what I said. Savvy? 6:40 pm