Who Me?
Yi Xian aka Ban/Isetan/YiXi/Xian Xian
nineTEEN going on twoZERO
University of Melbourne
Arts (Media & Comm)/Law
Other home planets include PLMGS(P).PLMGS(S).NYJC.Trinity College (feb'06).
Habitats: Singapore/Melbourne
Fluent in Singlish, English, Chinese, BS
Professional Procrastinator (1st Class Hons.)
Famous for: Short Term Memory
Yes You.
:: me bro ::
:: esther ::
:: cairong ::
:: shi tian ::
:: xian ling ::
:: xiao yan ::
:: ruoyi ::
:: charlene ::
:: christine ::
:: sylvia ::
:: fanny's group ::
:: huiyun ::
:: felicia ::
:: adeline ::
:: nicola ::
:: lean may ::
:: zongxia ::
:: stefanie ::
:: mindy ::
:: claudyne ::
:: zhiwei ::
:: yingxiu ::
:: ashley ::
:: yiching ::
:: jessica ::
:: adlin ::
:: calista ::
:: annette ::
:: venessa ::
:: minghui ::
:: melissa fong ::
Couldn't Be.
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
May 2009
January 2010
Then Who?
FOOD! <3 (especially Milk Tea, Seafood, Cheese, Milk, Noodles, Desserts, Orange Dark Chocolate)
JJ Lin
Ayumi Hamasaki
Hiro Mizushima
Matsuda Shota
Christian Bale
Johnny Depp
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johanssen
Hugh Jackman
Eric Bana
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Bynes
Lindsay Lohan
Slumdog Millionaire
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Lion King 2
V For Vendetta
Gossip Girl (CHUCK BASS~)
Ugly Betty
Ghost Whisperer
Thank God You're Here
BBC's Pride and Prejudice/Emma/Persuasion/Bleak House/Doctor Who
Bleach (Rukia)
Ghost Hunt
Shugo Chara! Ikuto <3
Fairy Tail
Vampire Knight
Skip Beat
Penguin Revolution
Beauty Pop
Japanese/Korean Culture
Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away/Princess Mononoke/Howl's Moving Castle/The Cat Returns)
Full House Rain
Coffee Prince
Japanese Hana Kimi
Hana Yori Dango Japan
My Name is Kim Sam Soon
Witch Yu Hee
Angelic Layer
You're Under Arrest
Death Note Drama ~L~
Drama/Anime/Manga in general LAH.
Playing Games (RPG)
Watching Movies
Nail Polish
Baskin Robbins
Pancake Parlour
Max Brenner
Il Dolce Freddo
Non-Generic Soft Toys (Octopus/Unicorn/Penguin etc.)
Urban Fantasy
Doing the washing
Referencing essays
Long nails
Dry lips
Vacuuming carpets
Running out of time
When people cry
Horror/Slasher/Scary/Gruesome/Cheesy/Vulgar films
Nicole Kidman/Tom Hanks/Tom Cruise
Big Bombastic Insects
Mosquitoes! GRR
In-grown toe nails
Email Spam
Slow computers
Candies in general
Asam Laksa
Anything Bitter/Sour
Bittergourd, Ladies' Fingers and Beetroot!
Wet socks
Dirty/Smelly alleys
Cookie Jar
Currently Munching On
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Mei-chan no Shitsuji
Gossip Girl
Ugly Betty
BBC's Pride and Prejudice

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

13 x 5
That's all because of adlin!!! >.< Anyway, I wasn't thinking when I decided to blog today. Bleah, burnt my tongue during dinner today, eating that egg soup again, can't stand my stupid tongue...blah blah... I think I'm turning into this maths bai chi. Today, during accounting, it took me ages to get 13x5. Sigh. And before I had a chance to even THINK about 13x5, someone said "65". Damn that person. Damn me man. Argh. Before I move on to even more depressing topics (I always have a tendency to do that), I think I have an OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I get so paranoid around alarms, and switching them on and off. I can't go in or out of the house without making sure the alarm is on or off. Gah.
Oh, and we analysed Freud today during HOI, it was so funny. Our group did the "Wet Dream" painting, haha! We finally let our dirty selves out during lesson XD *ahem* Where was I? Had no psych tute today, so that only resulted in me sleeping in later, rather than motivating me to do maths (gosh I am getting worried about my compound interest...never really practised it). Woke up, stuffed my cheeks with cornflakes and set about doing accounting and financial analysis shit. At least it's not as bad as...well...lots of other accounting stuff. I am SO not a commerce person. Sometimes I ask myself why I even bother taking Accounting. When I'm not even confident that I'll get 88%. ~_~
I'm always going out of point. It was super wet today. I spent so much concentration on not stepping on puddles today, but still my socks got wet. I HATE it when my socks get wet. My EAP in-class essay splatted. I didn't know what I was doing, I just knew that my ballpoint pen was nice to write with and I wrote stuff... ... ...uh-oh. @_@
They were doing a show in memory of Steve Irwin today, he's always with snakes and crocodiles, but the baby kangaroos were just SO SO SO SO cute!!!!!! I wanna a baby kangaroo too! Then I could teach it soccer or something, haha! *knocks head on wall* ADLIN. I AM REALISTIC OKAY. XP And you know what? SOME people just have NO taste whatsoever. Bishounens are the embodiment of beauty!
Oh shit. I haven't done my Literature plan. IS MY LIFE SO BORING THAT ALL I CAN TALK ABOUT IS SCHOOL AND FOOD???? Think girl, think. I HAVE a life. I just haven't found it yet. Why can't I be as passionate as Steve Irwin? Maybe I should start talking cheem stuff about philosophy or something...but then I'll just confuse myself. >.< By the way, there are some Trinity dramas on Youtube. So lucky mine isn't *whew*
Nyahhhh, I'd better go now, before I bore everyone else out who isn't bored already. One more thing: I think people who get drunk are scary. O_O;; IS IT JUST ME???
...is what I said. Savvy?
10:02 pm

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bedhead (not behead)
Yeah well, spent what was left of yesterday watching Hachiyou, bleh. Finished the series this morning. The ending is quite stupid and ridiculous. The villain should have more depth. He, Akuramu, was so evil throughout the whole show and in the end the show didn't tell me why he became evil. Akuramu is just full of evil laughter but no real evil. Sigh. Anyway, Yasuaki-kun cried! XP It turns out he's a man-made human being, his master created him. So he overcame his one flaw, which was that he had to find his heart. SO COOL! Yasuaki-kun!!!!!! His full name is Abe Yasuaki. ^.^ I love his mismatched eyes as well...

So, yesterday, went over to my cousin's house for dinner. My aunt brought this weird salad with cus cus (???) rice, her famous drumsticks and some pide bread with dip. Haha, I liked the salmon cheese and spring onion with chives ones best. The eggplant one just tasted weird. Ahhhh. So anyway, my uncle and his cousin were talking about nonsensical things as usual, like how there is this super-special wine-glass manufacturer that wine critics swear by. Forgot his darn name, lol! He makes different wine glasses for different wines like cabernet and sauvignon. So they (my uncle and his cousin) reasoned that the red wine glass was designed so the nose could be inserted into the glass opening as well...it was SO DAMN funny, seeing adults talk so seriously about something so STUPID. Haha. I took all the mee pok in the curry as well, and left out all the cauliflowers and carrots. After dinner...actually, I don't quite know what happened after dinner, I dosed off in that comfy beanbag chair with a blanket, lol.
When I finally awoke (because being full makes me sleepy) they were singing karaoke in the back room with the plasma tv. With nothing better to do I tried sleeping again, but to no avail. Haha. Anyway, when I woke it was already 1030pm. I feel so bad about going to someone's house, eating and then sleeping. Plus I think it was because of the karaoke-ing old men that I couldn't sleep again (I know I know I'm mean, so what???). In the end went home, and the night wasn't that cold, so spring is definitely coming. THROW AWAY ALL THE JACKETS. Whee!
Fast-forward...this morning woke up at about 1030am, lol. Even after dozng around in bed, quite an astonishment. Had this weird dream about a woman frying hor fun. After watching her fry hor fun, I whispered to my friend beside me (ddon't ask me who that friend was, dreams are screwed) that she would be able to make good sum lou hor fun. ~_~ I know, it's lame. I think I miss it too much. Going crazy. Plus I miss hawker centre tea as well. More solid and heavy than Lipton, such an angmo tea. Bleh. So weak besides. HATE INSTANT TEA AND COFFEE. NO SUSTANCE.
I'm supposed to be doing my drama self-evaluation shit. Waste $2 of pen ink for 2 marks. Worth it? Hmmm...lemme think... I want my drama photos!!! *throws tantrum*
...is what I said. Savvy?
3:01 pm

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Haruka Hachiyou Shou
Sigh. I wanted to blog today, but in the end I have nothing better to say...oh wait...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my BRO. Lalalalala~~
Haha, although I'm like already one day late...~_~;; Well, anyway, turns out I slept too early yesterday, ack, at about 10pm, then woke up today at like...what? 8am? Waste my beauty sleep. So ended up watching the anime I bought from Malaysia like ages ago, now I just want to watch Bleach. XP
Hachiyou Shou has lots of bishounens, yay! Other than that, it lacks originality. Fushigi Yugi was much better in terms of plot organisation, the the heroine, Akane, in Hachiyou Shou is even more pathetic than Miaka from Fushigi Yugi, and did I mention that I hate girls with pink hair? Argh. Here's a piccie:

Yeah, well, see that green-haired bishie with the bun? He's called Yasuaki, and he's a great sorceror, and he's THE cool. XD Also on the cool list are Yorihisa, that blue-haired bishie with the long ponytail and Tomomasa, that bishie right at the top, with curly dark green hair, lol. He's the playboy, haha! All the guys are Hachiyou, and they're supposed to protect Akane. Plus, all of them are bishies a.k.a. eye candy. So if you shouldn't watch Hachiyou for the storyline, you should watch it for the bishies. YAY!
*drools* Other than that, I decided to start revising maths today...
Ya think?!?!
...is what I said. Savvy?
2:19 pm