Who Me?
Yi Xian aka Ban/Isetan/YiXi/Xian Xian
nineTEEN going on twoZERO
University of Melbourne
Arts (Media & Comm)/Law
Other home planets include PLMGS(P).PLMGS(S).NYJC.Trinity College (feb'06).
Habitats: Singapore/Melbourne
Fluent in Singlish, English, Chinese, BS
Professional Procrastinator (1st Class Hons.)
Famous for: Short Term Memory
Yes You.
:: me bro ::
:: esther ::
:: cairong ::
:: shi tian ::
:: xian ling ::
:: xiao yan ::
:: ruoyi ::
:: charlene ::
:: christine ::
:: sylvia ::
:: fanny's group ::
:: huiyun ::
:: felicia ::
:: adeline ::
:: nicola ::
:: lean may ::
:: zongxia ::
:: stefanie ::
:: mindy ::
:: claudyne ::
:: zhiwei ::
:: yingxiu ::
:: ashley ::
:: yiching ::
:: jessica ::
:: adlin ::
:: calista ::
:: annette ::
:: venessa ::
:: minghui ::
:: melissa fong ::
Couldn't Be.
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
May 2009
January 2010
Then Who?
FOOD! <3 (especially Milk Tea, Seafood, Cheese, Milk, Noodles, Desserts, Orange Dark Chocolate)
JJ Lin
Ayumi Hamasaki
Hiro Mizushima
Matsuda Shota
Christian Bale
Johnny Depp
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johanssen
Hugh Jackman
Eric Bana
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Bynes
Lindsay Lohan
Slumdog Millionaire
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Lion King 2
V For Vendetta
Gossip Girl (CHUCK BASS~)
Ugly Betty
Ghost Whisperer
Thank God You're Here
BBC's Pride and Prejudice/Emma/Persuasion/Bleak House/Doctor Who
Bleach (Rukia)
Ghost Hunt
Shugo Chara! Ikuto <3
Fairy Tail
Vampire Knight
Skip Beat
Penguin Revolution
Beauty Pop
Japanese/Korean Culture
Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away/Princess Mononoke/Howl's Moving Castle/The Cat Returns)
Full House Rain
Coffee Prince
Japanese Hana Kimi
Hana Yori Dango Japan
My Name is Kim Sam Soon
Witch Yu Hee
Angelic Layer
You're Under Arrest
Death Note Drama ~L~
Drama/Anime/Manga in general LAH.
Playing Games (RPG)
Watching Movies
Nail Polish
Baskin Robbins
Pancake Parlour
Max Brenner
Il Dolce Freddo
Non-Generic Soft Toys (Octopus/Unicorn/Penguin etc.)
Urban Fantasy
Doing the washing
Referencing essays
Long nails
Dry lips
Vacuuming carpets
Running out of time
When people cry
Horror/Slasher/Scary/Gruesome/Cheesy/Vulgar films
Nicole Kidman/Tom Hanks/Tom Cruise
Big Bombastic Insects
Mosquitoes! GRR
In-grown toe nails
Email Spam
Slow computers
Candies in general
Asam Laksa
Anything Bitter/Sour
Bittergourd, Ladies' Fingers and Beetroot!
Wet socks
Dirty/Smelly alleys
Cookie Jar
Currently Munching On
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Mei-chan no Shitsuji
Gossip Girl
Ugly Betty
BBC's Pride and Prejudice

Friday, October 20, 2006

How Now Brown Cow
Yeah. We had a crazy time during EAP today, haha! Tricia didn't come, so we got some sort of crap paraphrasing exercise (of course, no one did it except for Rachel *applauds*). In the end, everyone ended up leaving except for me, Rachel, Choon Kye, Ruixi and Gezzel, and then we started the crap fest. Filled with what else but super lame jokes and kindergarten songs and discussions about Kim Possible and Barney. I laughed so hard I know my face went red. Which is terrible, yes, but no one said anything, so really it's fine. Haha. Later on, when it was like 10.15, went up to Leeper to see if anybody replied my emails about my lost phone. Turned out I had this false alarm, and walked all the way to Grattan and back to Evan Burge for NOTHING.
By then I was so damn hungry, I just bought the squid noodles they were selling at the dining hall. Basically, I think they're this cheap only because those veggies in the noodles were like leftovers. Man, it was ok at first, but the dish? Sotong and noodles with weird pseudo-veggies? Didn't work out after the 10th bite and I slogged the rest of the way through. At least it was only $3.80.
Oooh. Had drama practice yesterday. Finally, a drama storyline with no one dying! Woohoo! That is a plus. I definitely don't want a tragedy like Othello happening in my drama. Ugh. Even if its those Mafia mass genocide things. But anyway, the drama examiners don't like mafia stuff. Been re-enacted too often. Personally, it's fine with me, lol. Then during Literature tute today, I almost busted my bladder lah. Why is it that Friday Lit tutes are always full to the brim? Is it cuz people skip their own Lit tutes during the week and INTRUDE on our nice, quiet session of Lit? As a result, the class was so freaking full, someone had to go sit in front of the DAMN door. So. Which means I got stuck in the room throughout the whole lesson, wishing Othello would just get over his bitching and stop acting like a drama queen who's lost her lipstick.
Yes. Honestly. He DOES sound drama. Like, "burst into tears and break down" drama. Hey, cool down man. It's only adultery. It's a phenomenon that will proliferate in the future until unmarried couples have kids anyway. Personally, I think he's moaning because Desdemona's "unfaithfulness" hurt his "i'm a warrior hear me roar" pride. Othello's portrayed as a hero, but all heroes have their pride. As "hero" as Othello is, he still can't see through Iago's two-facedness. While I can't say Desdemona deserves to die (she acts smart), Othello? Definitely. Who needs/wants a bald, old, macho drama queen??? He doesn't even wear high heels. -_-;;
Frankly, up til now, the only person I've liked in the whole play is Cassio. And maybe the magical handkerchief. I dunno. I was too busy wishing for Iago to shut up to really pay attention. Hey hey, my bladder's health is WAY more important than Desdemona's death. Really.
I'm getting too Litsy. Yucks. Anyway, Sandi Thom's album rocks!!! Finally an album that doesn't go on and on about love (losing love, gaining love, falling in love etc.) and has little background accompaniment. Nowadays, pop songs always have electric guitars or extra tunes in the background that all but drown out the singer's voice (or competes with it). If Sandi's CD was a three-eyed jelly monster with 7 and a half legs, I'd still hug it. Oh man she's so great.
Don't need superman don't want wonderland...
...is what I said. Savvy?
9:47 pm

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The world has officially ended...
...for me, that is.
Why, you ask? Well: I lost my mobile phone. How quaint. How nice and dandy. I was looking forward to having a relaxing week of slacking and procrastination, but I just HAD to go and lose my mobile phone on a MONDAY. Sigh. Back to square one. Have to buy a new mobile and enter all the contacts again. Feel so depressed. Plus I can't forget about this incident anytime soon because my EAP Oral is about mobile phones. Oh man. This must be fate. God is trying to tell me something and I think I know what it is but I'm stubborn, so I won't listen. It's only 3 strikes and you're out, and so far, this is a first even for me.
So, in conclusion (shit, I sound so EAP. This does not bode well.), I conclude that concluding sucks. Actually, there has been many firsts for me ever since I came to Australia. First time I've lived away from my parents for an extended period. First time I sprained my foot. First time taking all-new subjects like Accounting, Psychology, Media & Communications and History of Ideas. First time having to do my own washing (hate this). First time having to actually CHOOSE what to wear to school (which sucks big time. I want one of those cool uniforms students wear here, waaaahhhh!!!). First time I ate weird stuff like cheese in oysters (Ok, that was plain weird). First time I ate in Jackie's Kitchen (yes, that restaurant opened by the one and only Jackie Chan). First time actually tuning in every week to watch a Western drama series like House or Supernatural. First time being able to shop for my own clothes for once, instead of being shopped for and getting crappy Giordano Tees (geez, no wonder I shop so much. Liberation man!!!). First time I eat leftover dinners for lunches. First time having to pay $10 for a single meal at a normal food court.
Yeah yeah. There's an entire list. But I won't go on and on. Because, of course, the list is neverending, haha! So, in Psychology today, we did the TAT test. Poor Ruth, I think I talked too fast for her to take down what I was saying! Note to self: Talk slower. Not everyone wants to know about me. Haha. Anyway. About how I lost my phone? Let's not go there. I hope the person who stole it gets 1000 years in hell. Wait. That's too light a sentence. I'll go think up something more gruesome.
The flies here are getting more and more and MORE irritatin lah! Can't stand it. Every few seconds there'll be attempts to alight on my face and I'll have to swat them away. The same fly kept bugging me all the way from the traffic light to Union House. I think they assign themselves each to different people, they're organised insects planning to take over the world!!! ... ... ...
I'm just using this spare time courtesy of Bell from Maths 1, without whom this entry would not have been published. He zooms through his maths lectures brilliantly. Half an hour free time!!! And only 2 periods on friday!
Fruits Basket is so damn hilarious. Those people who don't watch/read it are all losers. MUHAHAHAHAHA!
...is what I said. Savvy?
3:14 pm

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sit back and panic
Well, upon completion of her dastardly media essay, the heroine retires back into the confines of her comfy room, signs in to her Trinity account, then vomits into a basin after seeing bloody letters drawn across the screen. The heroine then picks herself up, vows to drop Accounting, then goes off to have gourmet sausages for lunch, cursing English and HOI along the way. She reasons with herself that its not the calculator's fault the bloody numbers on the screen are screaming. After lunch, the heroine once again returns to her room, this time, to sulk. She contemplates between reading Othello, since she skipped her literature tute this week, and watching Fruits Basket. Instead, she once again picks up the courage to face her laptop, and reaches for the comfort of blogging, a pastime she has almost abandoned since term 3 exams. So here she is now...
Hi. This is me. What a crap week of essay-slogging. My body has now programmed itself to wake up at 5am every morning, since I've been doing this for the entire week. Now, I shall begin the painful process of restoring my body clock to wake up at 11am or later. Wish me luck. I still haven't found a dress for the Trinity Ball thingy. I am SO NOT gonna spend over a 100 for a stupid dress that I'll probably only wear 5 times throughout the course of my life. And that's only if I reach 40. I mean, I could buy an iPod instead of a $440 dress. You can't even play games or listen to music or watch movies with a $500 dress. So what, exactly, can one do with a $500 dress? There's only one answer:
VOILA. The SOLE use of a dress. Wear it and look pretty for the nonexistent cameras. -_-;; It's not that I'm stingy. I could get 2 PS2 consoles for a $500 dress, and both my brothers' birthday present problems for 2006 would be solved. Plus I'll still have $100 leftover. Better yet, I'll learn how to make my own dresses... ... ... Nah. That is SO not going to happen. Me? Sit willingly in front of a sewing machine? For my children, maybe. And even then, it's only a MAYBE.
Haha. I was observing the folds of fat on my tummy after dinner last night. I counted 3. Curses. But maybe that's because I was bending over. No. No excuse. It's high time I started exercising again. I can't even run after the tram without huffing and puffing like Thomas the Tank Engine. I'm making self-deprecating jokes about myself again, how depressing. I should just go on about that Nike shoebox I have in my room.
Yep. Our X'mas child is gonna be so lucky. He's getting a BRANDED shoebox. Now I don't even have to wrap it in anything. :) Which will be a good thing. It took me the better part of an hour juct to wrap Adlin's prezzie. Thank goodness for the wrapping service at shopping centres (not that I ever use them, hahahaha!). Besides, spring is in the air. Oh, talking about spring...
Thank goodness for Jericho. ***The "freaking" is just a replacement word for a stronger one that I wish I could use, but I'm not a uncouth fool. I hate people who throw around that "F" word freely. To me, they're either 1) act cool 2) uncouth and uneducated 3) evil 4) ignorant of how to curse tastefully. Yep.
...is what I said. Savvy?
2:23 pm

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

School Starts
Heck. I only have like 5 min to blog. Thus the stupidly "duh" title. Anyway, nothing much has happened so far except school started. What a load of crap. Chose our drama group already, and my group only has four members. Hooray. NOT. Anyway, we're still fussing like grannies over which scenario to use. So. I haven't even started my eap plan for my oral speech. Yeah, handphones are cool and all but...who wants to do a speech about the harmful effects of handphones??? I have to go all the way to ERC library to find all my damn books. That is such a letdown. Plus I don't think I'll EVER study engineering anyway.
Why am I even rattling on about this? I had actually vowed to do some "anime" homework this holiday, but I haven't even finished watching Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. So pathetic. I've only finished the first disc, horror of horrors. But I read lots. Because you don't have to switch on books and wait for the book to setup before you start to read. Yes all, that is my excuse for not blogging. Plus I went for the Great Ocean Road trip, and after that I got so tired by the thought of having to upload my camera images that I took "off" for like, 4 days? By "off" I mean slacking.
Anyway, got to go, before I spoil my attendance record again for EAP. t least there's only the oral presentation this year.
One last thing: Adlin IS a deep-fried cuttlefishball. YOU STARTED IT.
...is what I said. Savvy?
10:45 am