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Friday, November 17, 2006
D is for Drama

So here I am, waiting for session 3 of drama to start. Haha. Was looking back at my drama vids yesterday, and I think my acting sucks!!! Today's performances ere not bad actually. There were some really hilarious ones, and some that almost made me cry. :) I hope they get uploaded to Youtube, so I can put them here, lol! Apart from the fact that I'm feeling REEEEAAALLLYYY guilty for not studying for the whole of today... I can't believe I stayed up til 2am this morning just to download doll pics! But they were so cool... I wanna make a collage of them after exams, but I just know I'll never get down to it. Boohoo. Oh well.

D is for Drama. Drama rama rama.

Haha. That's Adlin's quote. My bloody eye was irritating me throughout all the drama sessions, and I forgot to clear my camera's memory card, so I ended up not taking any vids. Anita's drama was really fab. She was really convincing as a grandma. If you're reading this Anita, I'm glad you've already started practicing for old age. Lol. Can't wait to see session 3. Lots of friends there. By the way, talking about drama, there were, like, lots of violent scenes and screaming and scandals and sex suggestions. Plus fighting and throwing things around. But then again, without these things drama wouldn't be fun anymore, would it? :D Now all I have to do is start on maths. Waahahaha.

After looking at all those doll pictures.......ARGH! I finally realise what I wanted to do!!!

...is what I said. Savvy? 3:33 pm

Saturday, November 04, 2006
Sweet Presidential Suite

YEAH!!! Who knew? Oh my gosh. We thought it was going to be a normal suite lah, with just two bedrooms and a living room. So, this is how it all began...*cool music plays~*

Prom day, so hectic. Came to school with all my stuffs, to put at the hotel. THEY DIDN"T TELL US WHAT KIND OF SUITE IT WAS LAH. But nonetheless, had EAP, in which we wrote half an essay. How anti-prom the activity was. After that was lit, which wasn't so bad, just mainly listened to the last parts of Othello on tape. Damn sad. I almost cried at the part when Desdemona, Emilia and Othello died. Unlike in Japanese shows (everyone always gets killed in the end), Othello was way more sentimental. So ironic that Iago lived while everyone else died (except for Cassio, whee! Go Cassie!). That's not the point.

When Lit ended, I was so darned happy. H-A-P-P-Y. :) No more lessons, but Adlin and friends still had lessons so...ended up going over to Jessica's house, then looked over her DVD collection while she packed her prom stuff to bring to the hotel Grand Hyatt. So many Korean movies, plus all her anime. I'm glad she chose to watch Gatekeepers, upon my recommendation. Wahahaha! Her room was super neat, way neater than mine, but less floor space, so maybe I might be excused. LOL. Then, when Jess and I were getting on the tram to go to Grand Hyatt, I REMEMBERED THAT I FORGOT TO BRING MY PROM TICKET LAHZZZZ! A major panic session ensued. But before I went back to the house to get my tix (my ticket ticked me off), went to put stuff at the suite. PRESIDENTIAL SUITE. Oh man! The first and last time I will ever enter a PRESIDENTIAL SUITE. But I will describe details later just to keep all of you in suspense.

Went home and found ticket, then bathed and missed my makeover at Bloom. The stupid trams damn slow lah. So ended up cutting my hair. Why it was a bad decision: I grew it out for a year. Why it was a good decision: Less hassle and more cute-ness. Haha. Anyway. So by the timewe reached the hotel. we had to rush and put everything oh, then rushed downstairs (by the way, the suite was on the highest floor, 33, and was only accessible by card. SO GRAND SO POSH) to the Savoy Ballroom and took loads of pics. The entree, smoked salmon with some sort of salad was GOOD. The dance competition was a bit lame though. All in all, a fun night, and I got to see various friends in different transformations. So cool. After prom, went back to the EXQUISITE suite, and Ashley and friends went clubbing at Hush Bar. We fiddled around with some room stuff, then watched Mr and Mrs Smith, in which Calista, Anita and Lucia all went to sleep. I think me and Adlin were still on a high after dancing for quite long on the dance floor. :D

After the show leh, Adlin went for a jacuzzi session in which she played music and danced herself!!! So damn funny, but she didn't invite us. >:( Wet blanket. Can't stand her message ringtone "Buttons". It starts with a clashing sound like a chinese gong. LOL. Me and Jess sat around crapping about good-looking waiters, showing off in the elevator with our card etc. Then Adlin came out and slept, and I started snapping shots of the sleeping princesses. Almost laughed myself to death. Fiinally, I slept at 3am, then woke up at 7am to get my jacket, then slep til 10am. We cleared out and ate brunch at Yoyogi, then went to Il Freddo's for their BEAUTIFUL!!!! Ferrero Roche gelati. HEAVEN. OMG, I want it now. Now, I'm in Swanston, typing this while Adlin and Calista are having their Maths 1A session. -_-

Ok, so the suite had a GRAND PIANO, an LCD TV, playstation (pay per use), meeting room area, kitchenette, two bathrooms, one sauna, one jacuzzi fit for four, a master bedroom with LCD TV of its own, DVD players, one heck of a view, an OFFICE with fax machine/phone/printer and 3 dressing tables. Wahahaha! Photos uploaded later. They're all in my phone. LOL.

THUS ends some superbly wonderful memories that I'll cherish forever. That's why I'll never support mind-wipes. :) And she lived happily ever after...(to be cont'd)

...is what I said. Savvy? 3:09 pm

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Bling of an Eye

Yes indeed. The year has whizzed by and coming up next, we have the Trinity Ball [brought to you by Trinity Student Committee and sponsered by (insert name here)]. Anyway, enough about the ball. I've been slogging almost the entire week because of the ball. Arghz. Today's psych tute had to be the funnest one we had so far. We did experiments, all of which were damn funny.

In the first experiment, we had to pair up. The first person had a map and had to go ask a random stranger about how to get to the medical building. Then he/she is supposed to run off for her/his "bag". The first person would then swap places with the second person, who would approach the same stranger with a bag. He/she would then continue to proceed as if nothing had happened and prompt the stranger to give directions. Basically, the aim of this one was to see if strangers noticed that the two people had switched. HAHA. Of course most of them noticed, but most didn't say anything, just gave the second person a weird look. LOL. So damn funny. Only one pair got away with it. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And the rest of us were like glancing furtively at the active pair, sitting innocently on the lawn... ... ...

We only did the second experiment once though. One of us was supposed to carry a pile of papers through a busy corridor, then a partner would run up from behind and knock the papers from his/her hands. The experiment was to see if anyone would help the "victim" pick up the papers. Ian said that people were more likely to help if a girl dropped the papers instead of a guy. LOL. POWER TO THE WOMEN! ;) Well, so we did the experiment, and oh man, there was this guy who was only five feet from Mel when she dropped the papers and all he did was glance in her direction and walk off. THE IDIOT! All of us were pissed, even Ian. But the girl and guy walking behind him DID stop to help pick up the papers. SO RUDE. Bah. Haha, for those interested, the experiment was conducted at that busy place where you can walk straight out of Melbourne Uni and reach the tram stop.

All in all, a fun day, muhahahaha. Oh wait. Not really. Spent ONE AND A HALF HOURS DURING HOI COPYING STUFF. That was sick. Child labour man. I mean, instead of us wasting pen ink and slaving away at our notebooks, they COULD have just photocopied the, what, 5 sheets of printouts for us??? Sigh. Gonna have to do HOI during the Melbourne Cup days. Thank goodness for the races. LOVE 'EM. Except for the fact that women always truss themselves up in weird hats with feathers, like peacock-posers. Reminds me of the song:

Yankee Doodle went to town
Riding on a pony
He stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni

Yeah. Pony = racehorse. Town = Melbourne. Feather cap = as is. Hmm. Well go figure, it's dinner.

...is what I said. Savvy? 7:23 pm