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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Honeydew Sago Days

I really wanna eat that honeydew sago that Yingxiu says is like sugar in HK. Ohwells. Might as well tell you guys here about my interesting life, aye? :) Places I frequent: Kovan, PS and Hougang. XP So guess where I went yesterday?


Plaza Sing. If you guessed right, you're still wrong. LOL. Anyway, before the whiole thing began, I was still busy at home barging through my christmas wrapping and cards trying to finish them before I left the house. So the meeting time was 1pm and I left my house at 12.45pm. Not bad eh. I turned out to be half an hour late and made Hy wait for me (like a good slave should). Cuz Jingyi wasn't coming, so at first there was only me and Hy, and we walked in circles until I made up my mind to eat at Burger King. The mushroom swiss actually tastes disgusting to me now lor. AAAHHH. Australia has turned me into an Aussie Burger lover. No lah. My aunt liked Aussie Burger so everytime in Aus went to BK and ate that. Come to think of it, it was quite nice. Lol. Gradually, everyone started coming, and Sheryl arrived looking like a teacher, haha! So funny...but I know her secret and I won't tell.

The ice in my Milo all melted and it became icky-tasting. So I turned my attention to CR lor. She wore until so cute can. All orange. Like some Sunkist person. :) I suggested she paint her nails orange too, haha, to match. Actually, Hy wanted to watch "Night at the Museum" at that new Cathay Pacific place near PS, but we ended up watching at PS instead, 2ND ROW OK. NO JOKE. But before the movie details, we went down to Watson to pick Junli up. LOL. She's still as tall as ever. And I felt all the more punier. TT_TT CR and Hy went to test the weighing machine, and so heng I couldn't weight myself. Oh, I bought some really nice violet nail polish, the exact shade I was looking for. Cool. :) The shade where it can be said to be either purple or pink. So in fact I have a 2-in-1 nail polish. :) Sheryl bought some gold nail polish lah, so funny. Which suits her weirdness anyway. In the movie theatre we were initially complaining about neck cramps and everything lor, with the screen so IN-YOUR-FACE. Ahaha. We saw the trailer for Spiderman 3 and Shrek 3. Spiderman 3 looked cool and all, so I'm definitely watching it in theatres. The only reason I'll watch Shrek 3 is to see the cat again. XP Wanna hug it.



Man. I laughed so much my tummy ached. EVERYONE READING THIS GO WATCH "NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM"!!! ^^ Free advertising, but the movie deserves it. Ben Stiller is a good main character, and Robin Williams was a cool supporting actor too! The movie suddenly made me wanna go visit a wax museum. I will never look at a T-Rex skeleton seriously ever again. Man, I WANT MY OWN T-REX SKELETON!!! *ahem* Movie aside, we had lots of fun just roving around PS like a group of gangsters, lol. We ate dinner at the Kopitiam (my fried fish noodle tasted almost like maggie noodle can...>_>) and I shared Honeydew Sago with Yingxiu. Wow. The taste of the coconut melds so well with the honeydew flavour. I think I almost swooned and died. XDDD

Next stop was Comics Connection, where I bought my A-cash card and we ended up taking SOOO long because SOME PEOPLE (aka Sheryl and Junli) were browsing almost all the 偶像 (idol) cards. AND IN THE END THEY BOUGHT SO FEW. HAHA. (i'm glad my com can finally type chinese. :) Next I'll input Hiragana) CR was whining (no offense, whining cutely) to go to Best Denki, so we went and there were these cute photo programs whhich put stuff on your face if you look at the camera. There was a sunglasses one, then an Afro hairstyle one and a long blonde one. SO cute. Stupid Hy kept pushing me into the cameras lah. OI. 美女害羞 understand or not? HAHA. I remembered something totally hilarious. Sheryl went to try out the massage chairs, even though she had no intention of buying any, lol. The salesperson guy must also have known la, but sheryl was damn thick skinned can? HAHAHAHA. Upon seeing her in the chair, we all burst out laughing! XD

Didn't do much after that, just went into Dorothy Perkins (which is way out of me budget) and went to Samuel and Klein to find Hy's crush which apparently, according to her, looks like JJ Lin. To trust her or not to trust? LOL. No question. The answer is NO. To her immense and utter disappointment, her "guy" wasn't working that day, and she left the store looking stricken and devastated, and as deflated as if a pony had kicked her. haha. Something very to that effect. ^~^

While walking home, this Ah Peh suddenly began walking behind me. Damn scary lah. It was like 9 something at night. O_o But thank God it was just my imagination. :) I should stop making assumptions about these Ah Pehs. Maybe they're actually loving grandads who have cute grandchildren and are generally kind to everyone they meet. :x

HAHAs. Goodbye then, I'm off to AuditionSEA already because it's mindless fun (and I'm gloating cuz Hy thinks its hard). LAlaLAlaLAH~ Oh, I ate wanton mee for the first time in a very long while. WOOHOO. Hooray, I can tick that off my to-eat list liao. Next up I guess is carrot cake and char quay teow.

*big wave* (O,~)(Y)

...is what I said. Savvy? 9:27 pm

Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Merry Christmas!!!

Hmm. This is my christmas post, but unfortunately nothing remarkable happened today, lol! I had a rather NORMAL, of sometimes boring, Christmas Day. Oh well, its not like I mind. :) It's christmas but, looking around at hawker centres and stuff, life still goes on. So, it's true what Pastor William said: Do you see what I see? You see just another day in 2006, I see a birthday party of universal proportions. You see Santa Claus and presents but I see a baby in a manger who doesn't cry. You see the end of another year, but I see the start of a whole new chapter. You see religious crap but I see a miracle of reality.

So do you see what I see?

In the massive city
One temple
In the flock of birds
Two pigeons
In the midst of the crowd
Three people
In the family
One True King
And that is X'mas in numbers


I think I've lost my storytelling skills. :( Tried writing a paragraph and it came out all crappy. LOL.

...is what I said. Savvy? 2:04 am

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Holy Night

Empty words flow from earnest lips
Like plastic flowers
Cascading from an illusion
And sunshine twinkles off perfection
Shrouded with broken glass
But the need is gone
Marred but whole in the eyes of one
From the abyss
Come whispers of

Yes, that indeed sums up my feelings for the day. It may sound complex, but feelings ARE indeed complex, so if you guys don't understand, just forget about it. :) It's hard enough figuring out your own feelings without having to decipher others', haha! This one's for Saturday.

Ok, the day actually started out pretty slowly, with me waking up sluggishly from bed, just to discover in my email a letter of offer from Melbourne Uni. :) So I was happy and all, and went to find out some admin stuff. After that, had to go out for lunch, and my dad brought us to Lorong 8 to eat his beloved Pinang Hokkien Mee. Yeah, it was quite good actually, so no complaints from me. Had to go NTUC shopping though, and we racked up $250 worth of groceries cuz my mum hasn't grocery-shopped for 2 weeks, lol! The counter-lady was very friendly though, just like an Aussie. The cashier table top was damn small lah, and we constantly had new stuff to pile and pile and pile. I thought it'd never end! But finally we did (I had the honour of carrying the eggs. Carrying the eggs is a symbol of trust on my mother's part, lol. so I felt grown up. XP I know lah, sounds so childish but I DON'T CARE) and upon reaching home I had to rush to go bathe cuz the TM412 x'mas party started at 3pm. I thought it started at 3.30pm lah, so I ended up being one hour late!!!

It was quite fun actually, we played lots of games, had some testimonials, and I got to reunite with many church friends. The drama team was very good as well. Bravo to all their efforts! C.O.M.P.A.R.E means Comparing Only Makes People Angry, Resentful and EE-irritated. :P Very meaningful indeed, in terms of S'porean society, where we keep competing and competing just to feel better about ourselves. What, the government never boost our morale enough meh? So what if your son did better than your friends' son? Does that really make you a better person? If you really think so, then you have a long long long way to go in terms of mature thinking. That's why I hate it when mothers compare their children or their work during parties I've attended. I can't help but EYEBALL them and their prim little stuck-up pathetic noses. Their noses look like nose jobs as well. PITY them, PITY them. But I despise even more those who compare DISCRETELY, because that's equivalent to flying under the radar and goodness knows Big Brother hates it when people do that.

After the fun and games were over, we had a Western dinner thing, with fried rice, fish, chicken, fries (yes, fellow S'poreans, it's FRIES, NOT chips. Chips are those that are crispy and thin and come in packets.), coleslaw, pasta etc. Quite good actually, but too bad Sharon had no appetite. Oh, I loved the colour of your bag that day Alethea! :) When the event ended, we were supposed to get picked up by Alethea's parents, so before I went I gave Minghui my prezzie, and Gladys gave me the truffle prezzie too! Thanks lots to the both of you, I'm sure you put your heart and soul and sweat and blood into those innocent-looking brown balls of chocolate and "other stuff". Looking forward to eating them! Sharon (poor thing) spent her remaining time at church to give out prezzies. She was like ticking people off her list like some desperate shopper! XP

Finally, our "chauffeur" arrived and we all piled into the car to get to Melissa's house. Upon our arrival, my mum proceeded to "show me off" like a trophy in front of all the senior citizens. Luckily I wasn't wearing trishaw-rider singlet and shorts. Everybody kept saying I had matured and grew fatter (ok, they didn't exactly say fatter, but used the word "plumper" instead. Oi people, just be frank with me lah). The program started and we had the proverbial carol-singing (in both English and Chinese), then we had the drama put up by the under-eighteens. LOL. Alethea! Your "smooth silky hair" arh!!! Damn funny. But it was quite meaningful though. BRAVO people!!! Great job, especially the lip-synching parts. Then we had the pass-the-parcel game, which wasn't really much fun because grown-ups can't think of outrageous forfeits to save their lives. *eye roll*

For dessert, we had the normal chocolate log cake and an ice cream one from Haagen Daaz (how do you spell it again???). Of course, after that, we just HAD to play cards. LOL. I didn't feel like playing, but played one game of Dai Di in the end, although I would have preferred to play Bridge instead, to brush up my skills. It's also fairly mindless, Bridge is, compared to Dai Di. Melissa's Vietnamese friend, Hanh, also knew how to play Dai Di, lol! So besides the universal language of Brands (like Nike and Coca Cola), I've discovered the universal language of cards!!! :)

That was my Saturday. Now I have to do my "chores":
1. Write x'mas cards
2. Wrap x'mas prezzies
3. Go book my flight ticket with SQ
4. Send my acceptance form in
5. Handwash my clothes and barang-barang
6. Buy my Jay Chou CD

HAHA. Wish me luck on my arduous and perilous journey of everyday life! Ta-ta for now!!!

...is what I said. Savvy? 6:09 pm

Silent Night

Aha! I have to blog about two days for today's entries. Ok, first things first, let's talk about Friday! :) So fun.

Friday was VivoCity day with Adlin and Calista. As expected, Calista was late for almost an hour, and Adlin was so un-fashionably late by 20min. :D I was the only person on time! 3 cheers for the Princess of Punctuality! We met at Dhoby Ghaut, so during their late minutes, I had Green Day and the Corrs keeping me company. Adlin had such "big-ass" (Calista darling likes to use this word. cuz it's a big-ass nice word to use. ;3) earrings, which were also accentuated because she tied up her hair. LOL. So basically I looked at her and saw this big ball with two other balls dangling at the sides. HAHAHA. While we took our first few baby steps into Vivo, Calista told us ALL about her BAD DAY *song starts playing*. All about how they basically got soaking wet, their bus broke down, they made other people miss the bus, they had to take off their shoes, Calista's sandal strap broke, MICE bar was full so they were turned away, ended up as a bunch of bedraggled "homeless" people. So. I've never had a day THAT bad. :)

Tangs had these really adorable intricate sets (yeah, with intricate prices of $300 and above) of electrical toys, like the moving circus, carousel and this mini rollercoaster thing. It was all made of wood and very fragile, not like those cheapskate penguin toys you find people selling at pasar malam. Calista offered to give me her penguin rollercoaster set, but I graciously declined, seeing as she needed it more than I did. XD We tramped around Vivo, popping in and out of stores like Forever 21 and Espirit. Too bad there wasn't a This Fashion or Mad About Shoes outlet. Hey, a student's budget is MEAGRE. Oh, Adlin's finger almost got stuck permanently in this gaudy black ring she randomly tried on at Forever 21. LOL. Her face had the word "panic" all over it. Damn funny. I stole many bars of nougat from her bag as well, sometimes with her permission, and sometimes without. :)

Up on the third level were the gift stores Mini Toons, Action City and Mu-Ee, together with another one selling many anime figurines. :) It was so crowded, but I guess its gonna be christmas soon and everyone was doing their last minute shopping. SO LAST MINUTE, tsk tsk. They had free gift-wrapping services as well, and it looked as if all three stores were competing against each other. HAHA. There wasn't any McDonalds or KFC at Vivo at all, so we contented ourselves with Carl's Jr instead. The burger was quite good. I ate the spicy BBQ burger. And the drinks were refillable. Whee!

Later on we wandered out of Vivo and I got two more cute prezzies, but for who I won't say. Sufice to say that by then my feet were aching like mad (that always happens whenever I wear that stupid gold pair of shoes. I'm trying to break them in lah, like Adlin's Keds). After Carls Jr (while we ate she was writing her x'mas cards, lol!), Adlin had to scram, and before I went home, I managed to grab a handy pack of kawaii x'mas cards. Just in time too.

After I got off the bus at my stop, guess who I met? Haha. Huiyun lor. She called me saying she THOUGHT she saw me. But ended up she was right. LOL. We chatted for a bit, then I had to go cuz my mum was bugging me. We had this family dinner at Island Country Club (complete with suckling pig, but I think Carls Jr ruined my appetite) with Da Gu Zhang and Michael's family. And I got to see Yan Zhong too! OMG, I can't believe I forgot to video him! He's not even 1 yr old and he's so huge! XP They had this fake snow thing outside as well, but when my dad touched some, he realised it was just soap detergent. Eeeyerrrr.

Thus the day ended. HAHA. If my tone seems flat, pardon me. I don't really feel like blogging but I still have to catalogue my eventful life.


...is what I said. Savvy? 5:45 pm

Friday, December 22, 2006
And Heaven And Angels Sing

Hmm...Adlin's blog can't seem to load. Gah! I forgot Calista's blog address. I was thinking of using her blog to go there. Dumb baby killer whale. At least now my laptop's wireless is working brilliantly. How I love my laptop keys. So soft and pleasant to the touch.

Yeesh. I sound like a CPU pervert. *bangs head on fridge*

Once upon a time...actually, not really. I just went to Plaza Singapura today with Jingyi and Melly Fong (aka the !Kung Bushman). Kiasu is one strong word you can use to describe my character. I arrived like 25min early. Luckily, I had my Jay Chou to pei wo. Too bad it wasn't JJ Lin today, I just finished listening to him. ^^ Then Jingyi came. Somehow, she always seems to be carrying a white bag...or is it just me? LOL. We met up with Mel at the MRT station where she confused us as to where to meet. Dhoby Ghaut is damn big. So many escalators. I felt like one of those mice in one of those lab experiments with mazes. O_o

Finally, we got to the actual mall, and wandered around a bit. I saw this gorgeous cute shirt with nekos on it, but it was $30. I am NOT buying one shirt for $30. NOTHING is worth $30 unless it has something to do with manga or anime. NOTHING. :D I'm having a current fetish for shorts with ribbons at the bottom, but can't seem to find a cheap pair. Hoping to be able to find one at VivoCity *crosses fingers*. (shit, I just dropped the grape I was eating on my keyboard. TT_TT Have to pause and clean)

Hmm, Jingyi's in SAJC now, and Mel's in NYJC. Not bad. Jingyi kept telling me how much she missed me!!! I feel so loved. *hugs self* Wound up in Yoshinoya. Luckily I ordered the Salmon set, because they sorta changed the sauce for the teriyaki one, and it was SOSOSOSOSO salty. The meatballs given in the so-called "Holiday" meal tasted just like normal meatballs. So cheat my feelings. Oh! Now I remember why I was kinda happy. We went up to Comics Connection (yeah, its a ritual for me and Jingyi. anywhere we go, we will always end up there. so even if its the apocalypse, you'll find us there. HAHA.) and I found some kewl JJ Lin calender cards. BLISS. I'm gonna use them in Uni next year, introduce all my angmo friends to this wonderful guy I will probably never meet with face to face. Boohoo. Oh well. Bought my manga mags too. It'll feel great being able to browse through them again. :)))

Guess what?


Guess again.


You're all such hopeless cases.

I was finally able to reunite with my octopus takoyaki today!!! We "illegally" sat at this table at someplace-near-the-takoyaki-store and while I happily munched away, Mel and JY chatted about shit-I-forgot. Oh yes. Her crappy President. I shall not say more lest I get sued for slander. This message is for whoever's gonna sue me: I surrender!!! *ahem* Mel had to go (whew! finally...) for her piano lessons, and JY and I ended up in Kovan once again (sigh, just once, just once I'd like to go back to Compass Point and eat my addictive chocolate eclair at Starbucks. Is that too much to ask??? *echo echo echo*). Mucked around for a bit, and I twiddled around with all the kawaii stuff at Mini Toons. Saw this semi-cool Vampire Knight keychain there too, but then I can't really afford $2.90 with $0.50 right? *sighs dramatically* There was this cute furry sleeveless hoodie thing at This Fashion that I reckon I'll look so irresistable in. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *maniacal laughter continues for some time, then fades and a bout of coughing takes over*

I guess I got tired of shopping though (yes, however incredible that may sound, this extremely rare phenomenon DOES happen, so WAKE UP PEOPLE!) and JY and I sat on the Kovan benches and had a really fun heart-to-heart talk. The contents of which I am not at liberty to divulge. But I am able to divulge THIS however: her brother really looks like a genuine gundu. Not even those pirated poser-gundus. But a REAL honest-to-goodness gundu. Whee. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, IS a compliment.

We sort of arranged this ice-skating thingy, but I have a strange feeling it's gonna fall flat, and Mel's gonna be more than a little disappointed. Ah, before I forget, in my eyes right, both Mel and JY haven't changed much either, especially Mel. Still as gila as always. She only bought 2 onigiri-things at Yoshi to eat, claiming that she had to "save" money. So sad. She even had to steal JY's black pepper sauce to season her sushi. LOL.

My next mu4 biao1: Sakae Sushi. I should, like, connect the end of the sushi train to my mouth. of course, unwrap all the sushi first, then put them on the moving belt. That way, everything will end up in my mouth without me having to reach out with my hand. Saves me the trouble of choosing too. I wonder if they charge extra to have the sushi train installed in your mouth. I should go ask.

A final piece of info for all of you to "BOO" at: The neoprint shop at Heartland has CLOSED. Arrivederci. Sayonara. Zai4 jian4. Goodbye.


...is what I said. Savvy? 1:27 am

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Lol. Ok. Today, I'm typing on my laptop, so halleluiah! :) This post will summarise like, all my mucking around since yesterday, haha! Yes, tomorrow there will be yet another post inwhich I educate my readers about VivoCity and my cute nephew!!! Can't wait. But first things first.

Yesterday, went out with Shitian, Fanny, Sylvia and Wenying. Such a pleasant surprise seeing them again, felt so happy inside! *glow glow* Anyway, we met at Kovan. But before that, I was at Cold Storage drooling all over the Japanese tidbits that are way out of my budget. (I've been going out every day this whole week and now my allowance is reduced to 50 cents, so tomorrow I'll actually be shopping with my Chinese New Year 2006 money. LOL. It's worth it though, so I don't really care. The word "saving" sounds almost foreign to me now, in shopping-paradise Singapore. Muahahahaha!!!) I vowed to myself that I'd drag my mum along one day to Cold Storage and threaten her at knifepoint to buy me those Galbo chocolates, my pudding marshmallows and my Japanese cheese biscuits. ^~^ Oh yes, and those Kettle chips. Blah. See? I'm SUCH a glutton. So who's a baby killer whale now, ADLIN???

We ended up chatting at Mac's for a bit, crapping alot about useless stuff and this show Hana Kimi that all of them were so enthu about. I shall go Youtubing once I am free of the X'mas and New Year rush. Meanwhile, we talked and talked and talked, and some of the highlights were that Shitian looked so different with her hair down, and she's like the VP of harmonica!!! Who would've thought? I mean, she so DOESN'T look like the harmonica sort. (If you're reading this Shitian, please don't bash me. I'm saying this in the name of free speech) So she's in VJ now, haha, cool. That used to be my dream JC, until I met TJC. LOL! Sylvia and Fanny dears are in TJ now, together with Priscilla and Melissa. I can't help but imagine what it'd be like studying with them there too! Wenying was last to arrive, and she was as tall as usual. She was like,"I scared the girl on my shirt too pretty, than no one will look at my face!!!" Damn cute. She reminds me of guzheng again. Sigh. Gone are the Da4 Jie2 Zhou4 days. *sentimental music plays, then is cut off abruptly*

After Shitian make me open all the chilli packets, we went off to buy bubble tea and I got brain freeze for the first time in a long while, since we couldn't bring drinks into the MRT station. Maybe I should stop sticking with Chocolate Milk Tea and go for something more interesting, like that salty plum milk tea we (almost) ordered for Wenying in her absence. HAHAHA. Upon receiving our delightful drinks, we proceeded to sip happily on them and ended up in Hougang. I bought F.I.R.'s latest CD, and almost bought Jay Chou, but realised I didn't have enough, so I tied up my hand behind me and threatened to kill it if it moved an inch. So we wandered (a bit mong cha cha) around Hougang Mall. It's changed so much since I went there in Feb. A new Comics Connection opened there, and the kind lady who owned that small modest comic book store who watched TV all day got replaced by a bag store. How...sad. The CD stores also changed, like Sembawang is now there, together with a new game store. Then again, some stores still sell the same things, but they just changed their name. HOW LAME. Oh, and level 2 has this new eating partition. Not really very interesting though. Blah de blah de dah.

Haha. I bought my beloved Vampire Knight series, then Wenying had to go for Chem tuition. We three remaining buddies decided to be cheapskates at that neoprint place, HAHAHA!!! It was SO DAMN funny. We were like using all the neoprint machine backgrounds to take group pictures with Fanny's phone (it's that gorgeous new Sony Ericsson Z610i phone, totally pink). Some of them really came out like neoprint pics, and I'm eagerly awaiting for her to put them up on her blog. :P We took a photo of all our little footies as well. Then we all got hungry and ta-dah, ended up at Long John Silvers with those exquisitely delicious fries, small scrawny chicken and fish that was actually decent. Me and Fanny are such bai chis at asking counter staff for stuff. XP

The day ended with Fanny calling her mum to pick her up cuz she wanted to watch the 10pm channel 8 show with the airplanes. LOL. Whatever THAT is. Me, Sylvia and Shitian felt so guilty, because we were still eating at 9.30pm at night! Haha, as if I wasn't fat enough. On the bus, Shitian revealed an amazing fact: Fanny's tu2 di4 is attached! To Fanny, if you're reading: what doing you? Even your tu2 di4 so pro already, as shi1 fu4, FAIL man you!!! *ahem* *reverting to more proper English* Thus, the day ended with me slumped on the bed and diving into wonderland. :) So comfortably tired I was, it was one of THOSE days... *big fat contented sigh*

So there went my Wednesday, the 20th of December 2006. I think I'm gonna crap alot about today as well, so might as well start a new post. Man. All these words on my blog giving my a headache. If it's giving you a headache and you're reading this, come to my house for free Panadol.

Go find it yourself, I won't help. :D

...is what I said. Savvy? 12:54 am

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Let Earth Receive Her King

Lol. I'm still sticking to my title trend. :)

So, as forewarned, this post contains my reflections. If you're looking for lighter entertainment, scroll down to the other two entries below this one, all in the same day. Gosh, I am doing lots of typing. Here goes: (closes eyes and jumps off a cliff, and the herd of dumb sheep behind follow suit)

As I said, so much and so little can change in a year. Let's start with what hasn't changed much. Well, duh, my house of course (all the surrounding street signs have also ditched the Zen-ish black and white for a dunno-what-ish green and white). Mostly, all the landmarks of my life haven't changed (or since I checked on Google Earth). It's mostly the people. Some people haven't changed much, like Mel and Sharon and Minghui etc. The list goes on. I don't know about my other friends though, will have to wait and see. :D I'm sure certain friends will turn up with weird hairstyles or some such thing.

Changes scare me. Its an instinctual thing. It's not that I can't adapt. It's just that, for that short period in your life, everything's different, and you're thrown off-balance both physically and mentally. I know my life now will never be short of changes, and I don't dread it. There is that vague sense of trepidation, but also that vague sense of calm. It also amazes me how its so difficult to convey certain feelings. I mean, what do you call the feeling when you feel slightly nostalgic, a little excited, maybe sad, but also quite happy, and yet there's a healthy does of fear and anxiety mixed with a calm assuredness. Any suggestions??? LOL. Maybe I'll go look it up in one of those thick Oxford dictionaries, perhaps in the year 2011.

Apart from this as well, a part of me WANTS myself to have changed in some way. Preferably in the "better" direction. Humans (yes, I hope only humans are reading this, no martians or KKK dudes) are characterised by change. We ARE change. And that's the only reason why we've come so far ahead of dolphins and gorillas and the occasional orang utan that can play chess. Change, for me, is like a double-edged sword, and yet, in the heat of battle, it rings true. :) Dunno if this makes sense, but I'm saying it anyway.

Take my dad, for instance. At the beginning of the year, he was always so boisterous, so confident. He thought he was capable of everything, and his shadow has always stood towering in front of me (not menacingly), like a monument to "anything is possible" and "reach for outer space, not just the skies". Lame jokes, computers and electronics and efficiency has always been (and I hope always will be) in his repertoire of talents. At the beginning of the year, I thought my dad was capable of anything and everything. He has this uncanny way of making things work out, always with God's help, of course. To put it simply: he seemed untouchable. I guess its always like this with most kids. We look up to our parents, and although we complain about their faults, somehow, deep down, there's always the instinct to come back to them for help, that they have, and always will, be better and more capable than us. Lol. (i'm saying "lol" in a contemplative sort of way, please don't get it wrong and start laughing hysterically)

When I came back, apparently he injured his chest and arm while in Vietnam. When I heard this, I couldn't help but think "Hey God, I prayed so hard for my family's safety in Vietnam, why???" But always when I ask why, I already know the answer. It's just in my character to ask why all the time (like why is the sky blue and why does Barbie have to be blonde and why can't whales communicate with dolphins and why can't there be a person who is extremely intelligent but who has Savant Syndrome at the same time). Anyway. That's beside the point. It's like, a year has transformed my dad. Now, thinking about this, I gloomily reflect that, yeah, we're all living and breathing, but we're also dying every day inside, a little by little. So even an infant a day older is decaying physically by that much. Shit. Remind me why we celebrate birthdays again? Isn't the "Birthday" a Western cultural imperialism thing invented by that money-gobbling conglomerate that is McDonalds'? Yeah, like they always say, knowledge is power but ignorance is bliss. How true.

My dad post-2006 is now more subdued, and more aware of his limitations. More aware of his vulnerability, I guess. Somehow, he's losing his grip on his confidence, and seeing someone as CONSTANT as my dad start slipping is more than a little disturbing for a girl who knows she's not gonna see her dad properly until after 5 years. I mean, when mum started getting sicker and sicker, the scales sort of tipped and I looked up to my dad more than ever before for both assurance and support. So when he insisted I go overseas, I went anyway, NAIVELY believing that he would never change, always be the same strong person. I hate it how sometimes we humans can get things so completely wrong. I thank God for God. At least I can be SO SURE that God will never change or forsake me. ;) I'll never make a mistake there.

So now he's changed, and I guess I'll have to change along with him. I worry about both mum and dad all the time. Like, ALL the time. They're never far from my thoughts. Hey, come to think of it, one of the most primary reasons why I was so reluctant to come back to Singapore was because I dreaded seeing how much my parents have aged. Its frightening, it is. At least if you see them every day you get to see the whole process and etc. But, the reason why "Click" the movie resonated so much with me is that, like Adam Sandler, I feel like I've fast-forwarded the "Singapore" part of my life, and I'm gonna do so for the next 5 years. This is more than a little upsetting.

Hmm. The only reason why I brought up this word "change" is my parents. LOL. So much for my reflections. On my part, I don't think I've changed much, still the same old me if a little more picky (like, now I INSIST on using gloves while doing the wash) I'd like to think I'm more daring and outgoing and confident and social, but hey, honestly Adlin, you epitomise all this. :) Love how you're so friendly to everyone all the time (yes, yes, this includes both calista and rach so don't you both go complaining arh, I'll like "slap your eyeballs").

Blah. This entry seems a bit too private. I just hope the people reading this will have the discretion to keep their mouths wide shut. I don't wanna have to take off entries like...ahem...some Trinity people I know. It's embarrassing when people bring up private stuff like this when they're talking to me. This entry is one of the few that will ever grace my blog actually touching on...well...dotz...you know. I just feel weirdly sentimental today. Gosh, I'm 17 and I STILL have mood swings???


What am I???
a) Seahorse
b) Chio
c) Tiramisu
d) Freeloader
e) All of the above
f) None of the above
g) (Fill in the blank)
h) La*me :)

...is what I said. Savvy? 11:40 pm

The Lord Is Come

...and the title of the next post after this will be "Let Earth Receive Her King". I just got this brilliant idea. LOL. This title thing will go on til christmas, so until then, all my blog titles have NOTHING to do with the post itself.

Spiffy huh?

Ok. I shall cut with the crap and say I LOVE BANANAS! I broke my virgin fast from bananas at Auntie Cindy's house. "What", you say, "were you doing at Auntie Cindy's house freeloading off her you freeloader?" Well. I'm not gonna answer that until the next paragraph.

Haha. Cheated you. I LIED. *gasps of horror and indignation arise from my mass blogger audience*

We three were having a sleepover. I guess its because this weekend was the last available weekend to have a "just us" sleepover, seeing as everyone I know starts school in January except for an elite few. During my fruitful stay indeed, I learned how to play Bridge and refreshed my memory (yet again) on how to play Dai Di. Not bad. A good harvest, for someone like me. *deep evil Mojojojo-like laughter* Later on, me, Sharon, Melissa and Alethea started crapping lots in the bedroom. I think we made too much noise, but I guess I was too busy laughing and snickering to care. Laughter is the BEST, I say, THE BEST way to get high. *hugs my lovely endorphins* In the end I think we ended up sleeping around 3.

Next day, it was ice-skating time! Woke up, mucked around, and finally, we were off!!! When ice-skating with lots of church people but I can't quite recall all their names...will try though. It's like a tribute or something. (tribute for what I don't quite know, but I just do stuff I feel like doing, is all. maybe because I love making lists, like shopping lists, address lists, presents lists etc.) So it was me, Alethea, Melissa (Sharon had to go for her flower-arranging competition, so, best of luck gal, making sure the tulips and petunias and roses and chrysanthemums and spider-lilies and morning glories don't start world war 3 or something), Chrysan, Gladys, Joash, Ian, James, Minghui, Priscilla, Avelyn, Michelle... dotz... I know I'm missing one. Please forgive me. I'll give whoever you are a "slap-my-face-once" voucher the next time I see you. How's that? ;)

Who knew ice-skating can be so fun? The skates were quite similar to rollerblades, and much more stable, easier to balance. of course I was wobbly (I still am) when it came to "rink" time, but it was way better than I expected (my rollerblading experience? No. Not vey fun at all). I only allowed myself to skate faster when someone was holding my hand. (yeah, so baby, I know. but hey, it helps psychologically when you have a hand to hold on to. so, NO SHAME on my part) Other than that, when I skated myself, I just wobbled and glided along. Not so bad. The temperature at the rink was also just like normal weather in Melbourne, quite nostalgic actually. More people started coming though, and I know kids are adorable and cute and devastatingly huggable and sweet and squishy BUT. :) One word says it all. i LOVE multi-function words.

Minghui started talking about food, so that reminded me to be hungry, but I forgot my poor mistreated stomach when I returned to the rink again, lol! Lucky I ate that banana at breakfast. Made me feel all sunny inside ;D Towards the end, almost everyone began sitting around on the benches. Since I was also tiring, I went back. So we spent like, hmm...almost 5 hours at the rink. Quite value for money. Haven't done this much exercise since Feb. I'm amazed I'm still not eligible for The Biggest Loser yet. Oh well, maybe next year I'll get my chance at misbegotten fame and fortune that will last the span of 3 months, or as long as the span of the show.

Saw the ad for the Death Note movie on the way down from the escalator, which got me on a new high. I am SO SO SO ... ... errr. I just paused to eat dinner at this point, so I kinda lost my train of thought... *smiles sheepishly* We then chose the convenient option of KFC for lunch, and I ate my beloved Shrooms again, for only $2.75!!! I have gotten so used to food being around $12.50 in Melbourne that, omg! $2.50 lor mee??? *swoon* Ahem. But a Shrooms burger the size of my fist (which is quite small. wait, your fist is supposed to be the size of your brain right? so if a person undergoes plastic surger on his/her hand, then that's so cheating!!! Sry, just a random thought) is NOT enough for a growing, bright and energetic 17-year-old. :) Decided to go back with Melissa just so i could tompang with Auntie Cindy (random comment: its so nice to tease Auntie Cindy. I can't do that with other aunties. or uncles, for that matter) That was, once again, my freeloading instincts kicking in yet again (somehow it never fails me).

On the MRT, listened to Ian's MP3 player. Switch Foot is not bad actually. I might just break the stupid new law about downloads and download their songs anyway. *huge grin with tongue sticking out* Haha. I miss Corinne Mae. Have to get her new album soon. Along with numerous other albums like F.I.R.'s first and third albums, Jay Chou's latest album, JJ Lin's first album, AFI's latest and I'm gonna try My Chemical Romance. Sigh. This so stinks of "hole in my pocket". I hope Sandi Thom comes out with a second album. I ADORE her songs and her strong vocals. But JJ Lin is my hands-down fave. XD *shrieks and faints* I'm also gonna look for all the soundtracks for Digimon at HMV, since my dad deleted all my carefully hoarded treasure trove of Japanese songs. SO SAD. At least I got to listen to Rurouni Kenshin on the train. :) That was an unexpected treat.

Stayed over at Mel's for a second night, and me and Minghui went a bit "high". Lolz, Minghui, if you're reading this, good for you. It baffles me how two so-called "mature" girls can get high while playing "pretend" restaurant. And, yeah, how can one RESIST playing restaurant? Priscilla had this really cool toy kitchen/restaurant set with all this realistic-looking food, complete with a fake black forest cake??? I just HAD to HAD to play. Everytime I play pretend cooking, I feel so nostalgic lah. I used to (and still do) love playing cooking, but my cooking set was limited. I didn't have, like, chicken drumsticks and sunny-side-up eggs that Prissy's set has. And, let's face it people, pretend cooking is so much more fun than actual cooking.

Yeah, I believe you should mature as you age. I mean, be more responsible and independent, and have more self-control. But some things you just can't afford to lose. Like imagination and childhood fantasies and dreams. In terms of these, there's no such thing as childish imagination, because children invented imagination (at least that's what I think). Why should children have all the fun? I see, over the years, so many adults with unnecessary wrinkles and frowns on their faces (if they even have any expression at all), walking robotially from trains and MRT stations, complaining about income tax rises and fussing over dishwashing... maybe I'm not making sense here. All I'm trying to say is, if you lose the "child" in you, you lose yourself, and the very essence of who you are. Because as a child, you are unmoulded by society, carefree and un-selfconscious about society's restrictions. As an adult, you are merely more educated in terms of etiquette snd tact, and perhaps mentally less naive. An adult is, I think, a "kid" who has been adjusted by society to think in certain ways. So, the "child" in everyone is in fact their purest, untainted sense of self. Basically, what I'm also trying to say is: Go out and have some fun sometimes. Even if its only just playing pretend cooking. Nothing that is able to put a smile on one's face deserves to be called childish (as in the demeaning sort of childish).

I've wandered off-topic again, have I? LOL. Anyway, eventually we ate dinner, then had a bit of bedtime gathering thingy (listened to some weird mrbrown stuff which is all propaganda anyway), after which we went to ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh yes, surprise surprise, it has been raining every since I set foot in Singapore. How depressing. Rain is fun and all, you get an excuse to get wet, and the world seems tinted in this greyish hazy blur. BUT. (this word again. me loves this word. a picture can speak a thousand words, but certain words can speak a thousand pictures)

Voila! That has been my life so far in Singapore. I'm anticipating that I will be blogging alot here, so heads up people! Plus tomorrow I'm meeting up with some old and very dear sec school friends, so I'm sure I'll have loads to say. :) Meanwhile, weirdly, I am in a VERY blogging mood today, so in the next post, I'm gonna blog some of my reflections so far. Ever since my arrival. :)

It's amazing how so much and so little changes in a year.


(i just learnt this cute expression from calista's sms, thanks gal)

...is what I said. Savvy? 10:14 pm

Joy To The World

*falls to the ground and starts kissing the screen*

No I am not mad, assuredly. I just spent the last 3 hours or so hopelessly trying to access Blogger. Ok well not hopelessly, since this post exists, but you get the point. Rememer how I said I'd update and everything? Well, this is THE post, so all of you just sit back, munch on some Tim Tams and read about the delightful world of: ME.

I'll turn back the clock for a few revolutions...

*time machine sounds*

Aha. Here it is. The day of the Trinity Valedictory Ceremony. I shouldn't have left it this late now, should I. I hardly recall anything. Bugger. I'll try my best though. So, still had my Media & Communication exam on that day, and I left the exam room feeling this nice squishy warm feeling of satisfaction in my tummy. My tummy instincts always turn out right. I scored highest among all my subjects in M&C. *big silly grin* I had on those silly gold shoes (no heels, thank goodness) and they were more uncomfortable than any pair of rollerblades I have every worn. Being a freeloader, I naturally opted to chill at Jessica's place, and to change for the ceremony as well. Her apartment seems so cosy lah! And I never cease to enjoy browsing through all her anime and korean shows (not that I want to be bitten by the same Korean bug that seems to have bitten everyone else on the entire planet with the exception of a few million other homo sapiens). Well. We bumped (literally I think, or she just presented herself annoyingly to us, out of nowhere, unwanted as usual) into Adlin on the way to Jess's house, then so we had an EXTRA (read this you fishball) tagging along.

In jess's room we messed about a bit with super dancer (Adlin SUX at it. offense intended). I got changed, then we all went to the thingy (valedictory is too long to spell, so from now it will be called the Thingy) and mingled with "our fellow students and teachers". Well, "Why?" you ask, "are these five words in inverted comas?" Ah-ha! It's because that's about all I heard during the numerous speeches given at the thingy. At first it was boring and I almost dozed off (and hot and stuffy) but Jessica sms-ed me and saved me from my imminent head-droop catastrophe. Go Jess! (but don't you go all big-headed on me. 1st warning.) then TheN THEN it was time for us to go up individually to get our certs. Whee! Like sashaying down a catwalk. I felt like such a poser!!! ;) And enjoyed it.

After the thingy ended, we went to the Bulpadock (or actually more like MiniBull-padock) to take pictures with our BELOVED teachers!!! Sadly, I couldn't find Tricia. Cheat my feelings, boohoohoo etc. *devastating crying sounds of doom and blah blah* Then of course our narcissistic instincts stepped in and we just HAD to take pictures of ourselves. I felt like breaking out in song lah, "All the pretty mei nu-s" Ahem. We tried doing that jumping trick with the photos, and ALAMAK. I think I'm the best photographer. All the photos they took of me jumping came out like I was half-squatting in mid-air like got diarhoea (again, offence intended. I love pissing pple off). By then our poor wee little footies were aching like, well, #*$^%&#*@^$. At least we weren't freezing our asses off. ;) Haha. Those symbols look so cute. I'm gonna do somemore. &$%#@*$)%^#%*^$* *big grin*

Fast-forward bbbrrrrrrrr..... (i just watched Click recently, so pardon this remote control phase of my life)

Oh shit. Hang. Just kidding.

Results day finally came, and me went with Calista "darling" to collect our slips. Imagine the grin on my face when I looked at my results. Imagine it.

Imagine already? Good.

I shall not speak of others' results. This is just another taboo for me. I think it's rude, and everytime I talk about others' results i feel RE-HE-He-He-EALLY uncomfortable. *hint nudge poke Rach* So I just stick to talking about my own results. Of course. :D Since I'm brilliant. I also spent half an hour in a little office off Swanston Street sitting on a bench deciding the course of my life. WoW. :)))) Finally, I decided my fate and decided to leave it all to God. So I mentally envisioned myself giving God the sheaf of papers in my hand, and I immediately felt better.

Oh no. My scene selection is a bit haywire. I'm just gonna select the scene where I sat among all the junk I had amassed in 2006 and wondered how I was gonna pack it in 2 days. (hear ye hear ye, procrastination has ever been mine folly) Oh. I REALLY have to talk about this. My flight back home. ALONE. At first, everything was fine, I checked in (all the while looking as if I had done all this before. I had this "old-news", world-weary look on my face, so poser me) and managed to yank my humongous pink Nike bag onto the compartments overhead. I got into a random convo with this woman beside me because I was bored, then the movies started, so my body slipped into "automatic".

AAAhhhhh. Ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump. Repeat these two sentences a million times. That was exactly how I felt when the TURBULENCE started. Worse than being in a boat cuz you can't see outside. The HORROR! The TRAUMA! The PAIN! (actually, no pain lah, I just added it in because it goes with the rest). I've progressed from my little-kid fears of ear-pain to...erm... my kidult fear of plane crashes. At least I grew up. NOT. My baggage came late too. The carousel was ssssoooooo slow. I still haven't quit dreaming about my being able to dance and run about on those airport carousels. :) Wait. Before I stop talking about airports amd planes, I'd just like to mention that, you know, all planes have this horrible Body Odour. Plus the plane I was in had blankets that smelled like childrens' vomit. So nice falling asleep breathing in old puke.

Whoa. This post is long. But, get this: Breaking News!! I DON'T CARE. Besides, I'll bet my bedside piggy soft toy that all of you are enjoying yourselves anyway. I DARE any of you not to. And no prize even if you take up this dare, you sad pathetic fool. But I guess I had better blog what I've done in Singapore in a new post. (That's just me being unnecessarily organised). If you people don't see a post coming after this one, then its probably because I can't access Blogger again *dramatic boo-ing noise*.

Well, ta-ta for now! I shall be discussing more grave and profound political matters of international importance in my future posts, so prime ministers and foreign dignitaries who have been loyal to my blog, my sincere thanks. To the rest of the normal mundane world: Stay tuned to find out!

...is what I said. Savvy? 9:14 pm

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
THE END (to be cont'd)



Actually, I'm at a loss as to what to say. I mean, what CAN you say? The year's gone by so fast, it's been such an exquisite holiday, and now the old chapter ends and a new one begins. Maybe I'm just not in the mood to blog right now. Yeah. Oh wells, will blog in more detail next time, but now I just wanna say:

Momiji from Fruits Basket is SO SO cute! And so is Kisa. :) Can't be biased.

Argh. It's dinner!!! I am so sick of instant noodles. And that ma po tou fu rice yesterday was DAMN hot lah! It actually tasted good at first. Wah. I MUST go to either Max Brenner's or Koko Black before I fly back to S'pore. *grabs a random lamp and starts rubbing*

...is what I said. Savvy? 7:17 pm