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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Monday, January 29, 2007
When Bored I Resort To...

Your Aura is Violet

Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach
What Color Is Your Aura?

Your Brain is 80% Female, 20% Male

Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!
What Gender Is Your Brain?

You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut

You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.
You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...
Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.
To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions.
What Donut Are You?

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking

You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

Foreign language
What Should You Major In?

You Are: 70% Dog, 30% Cat

You and dogs definitely have a lot in common.
You're both goofy, happy, and content with the small things in life.
However, you're definitely not as needy as the average dog. You need your down time occasionally.
Are You More Cat or Dog?

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

...is what I said. Savvy? 8:53 pm

Held @ Knifepoint

This is how I feel about today's entry. If you people would just move your eyes over to Adlin's few taggie posts, you'll hopefully understand how I feel. In order to stop her blatant spamming sprees, I am forced to continue my memoirs. But the problem is I don't really think my life deserves a blog. I think people like Lara Croft should have a blog, and maybe it'll go something like:

Dear diary, can't update much now. An ancient Egyptian sphinx is on my tail because I just stole the Great Jewel of Horus. The fact is, the last few weeks have been filled with gruelling hiking trips, and we would've been eaten up by the local cannibals if not for our guide's quick tongue. After speaking to the village chief though, we prepared to leave, and his little son approached me with his favourite toy: a baby's skull. As an act of respect I accepted his generous offer, but later on decided to leave it somewhere near the edge of a great canyon we traversed in order to get to the Cove of Yellow Rocks. Along the way we were inturrupted by a cougar, and the guide had to use the last of his poison darts to neutralise it. Next time it's up to my semi-automatic, but I tend to prefer leaving well enough alone. Our rations are dwindling and we're now reduced to living on rutabaga and mangrove roots, but otherwise, we're making good time towards the Amazon. Til then, lots of love, Lara.

Wouldn't a blog like that be so much more interesting than something like:

Sigh. My life sucks. Didn't do anything today except muck around on the computer and answered the phone once. Now I see why going to school and going to work is actually necessary to keep a person sane. Read about some interesting stuff in Life! newspaper, and later on I'm intending to lug my laptop back up to my room to continue my Japanese drama stint. Other than that, even the plants in my garden seem to be having more fun than I am. It's times like these that I wish I were a tadpole. Or maybe a goldfish in a bowl, swimming round and round in circles and never knowing that I'm swimming around in circles and having a ball of a time. Being a lion on the Serengeti would be fun too.

See? Note the contrasts. By the way, the second example passage IS what's happening in my life right now. Fascinating isn't it. So deep and profound and meaningful.


I just spilled watermelon juice on the keyboard.

OMG. My Primary 3 brother just asked me how to write "9" in Chinese, and then muttered that homework is so complicated. My pedigree is showing. I'd better start barking and begging for food instead of lamenting about the uneventful turn my life has taken.

Oh, if your life were a car, what'd it be? I know Adlin's life would be a Volkswagon Beetle. Mine? ... ... I'd say I wouldn't know what my car would be, because of the big yellow sign hanging on it that reads "repairs in progress". Because this entry has been so absolutely dismal and boring, I shall end this bout of forced typing with a lame joke that, hopefully, would be able to hobble along and generate at least some weak measure of laughter...

Why shouldn't we be early risers?


Because the early worm gets eaten by the early bird.

***Due to excessive lame-ness, this blog entry will self-destruct in 5-4-3-2---***
***Error: Hand cramp***

...is what I said. Savvy? 7:51 pm

Friday, January 19, 2007
Bras 'N' Things

The title sums up today very well indeed. I shall consider not even bother to blog about today.


Considered. But rejected. LOL.

Today was OG day. Overnight, I managed to finish Auntie Carrie's silhouette stuff, and I actually enjoyed it. It's been so long since I've done artsy-fartsy stuff like that. After mum's prayer meeting, she, my aunt and I went to eat the famous Ka Soh fish head noodle. At Quemoy street I think. It was a wonderful experience. Although I know they out XO in fish head noodle soups, it tastes great. Been so long since I've eaten stuff like this and I was like zoning out in bliss. I can't believe people can actually hate Asian food. It's so wonderful and diverse and titillating and so much less fattening than Western stuff. O_o *hugs Asian taste buds* Wait...how do you hug taste buds??? -_-;; Ahem. They so kindly refilled the soup for us once. The soup is like turtle soup, not the taste, but those type of soups that you can keep drinking and never tire of them, no matter how many times you drink. ^^

Next destinaton was OG (oh no, it's started raining already??? Sigh.) and I got this funky colourful pair of slippers. (Note to teens: Only shop for the expensive stuff when your parents are present, unless it's something they don't approve of like...ummm...sorry. I have no examples. Go think up X-rated stuff on your own) Mum got this weird beige jacket thing (I will never understand adults) and I updated my underwear closet. Got an extra pair of black shorts with buttons (whee buttons!!!) and we left OG to go buy hot snacks and soya bean. The mr bean mascot is so cute. XD I wish they'd make it into a soft toy. After soya bean, we said goodbye to my aunt ( I love my mum and aunt both so much, so old, kind and jolly. On the trip to the fish noodle store they were like giving the taxi uncle food advice for the elderly. XD Luffs them both dearly!) and queued up for taxis.

So now I'm back. Here. In front of the computer. Wau. At least this entry's short. I'm gonna go get a chocolate marshmallow mini-bun from the snack shelf. All of you people still chionging in JC2, ganbatte! I am eagerly waiting for all my Digimon and Inuyasha songs... *sly grin*


...is what I said. Savvy? 8:47 pm

Marina Rectangle

Why do they even call it Marina Square? It's more like a rectangle. I remember thinking on the way there (since I can safely say I had never been to Marina Square before until that day) that even if I got lost, I'd be exploring new places. Haha. So the already 15min late me sauntered out from City Hall and sluggishly made my way slowly (but languidly) from the MRT station to Billy Bombers to meet Ashley and Clarice. I was so surprised to find out that there are so many eateries at Marina. Like, one LONG list of restaurants stretching from top to bottom on the directory. Some even have plastic models of the food they sell, and I knew I ogled at some cool Japanese desserts. Ahem. But I must always keep in mind that people are more important than food, so I shall now proceed to describe Clarice and Ashley. Weird or what? I always hang out with friends whose names start with "A" and "C". Ashley and Clarice, Adlin and Calista... O_O I just realised this amazing fact. WAHAHAHA. Ashley, apparently, has had a change of hairstyle 3 times this past month, and so now she has several patches of straw blonde mingled with remnants of washed-out green, and a lonely hair extension hanging out of nowhere. I know this is not exactly a very flattering description, but I'm telling it like it is. ^^ Clarice has a single blue hair ext. which I think is appropriate in a subtle way. For me? I love my hair thank you. It has stayed this way since I was a baby and I hope it'll stay this way until I'm old and it starts graying. XD Dyeing hair is like losing your virginity. YOU CAN'T GO BACK. So that's why my hair's special. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

We were wishy-washying on where to munch, so reliable Ashley made the abrupt decision to eat at Cafe Cartel (proclaiming loudly that she now hates Asian food and will advocate Western food from now on). Upon arrival however, she switched to wanting to eat at Swensons' instead, so in we went. ^^ I think I was just "blur"ly following along. I am SO NOT a town person. Played around with Clarice's D Mobo phone a bit, then her salad came together with gigantic fork and spoon. LOL. Her eyes bugged out can? She thought she would be eating a "light" meal. But how light can $9.90 be? Me and Ashley's (I am carefully not using Ash's, since she specifically complained about that during lunch. I'm so considerate.) chicken baked rice came along, and we happily dug in. Miracles of miracles, I managed to finish my baked rice and I was still hungry. ^^ Thank goodness for Ashley's apple crumble. IT WAS WONDERFUL!!! OMG. Now I know to order apple crumble when in Swensons. Crap. Just thinking about it now makes me wanna eat it. X3 I had my ice chocolate blended (thick and yummy) and we set off for the bowling alley.

Guess what??? Clarice wears size 4 bowling shoes can? I wore like size 7. But mine was strangely comfortable and worn, I almost didn't want to return it. ^^ At first I kept long-kanging, but then I got used to it and remembered how to bowl. We only played 2 games though (love those 8kg balls) and ended up at the arcade where Ash showed off hr skills in shooting and ParaPara. O_O She scored at the top of the hi-score list in ParaPara can? And just a little note: I only come to arcades once in a blue moon, so if felt strangely weird going into one again. I can safely say that I haven't been to the arcades since I was...primary six...12-13 years old. O_O And I remember my fave game was the hit the crocodiles as they come out of the hole game. That's the only game worth pplaying in an arcade, if you ever bother asking me. Ash and Clarice played a bit of a lame drum game, then we wandered around those small cute shops again. I LOVE SMALL-TIME SHOPS LIKE THESE. I'm not really into Espirit or Giordano etc. Preferably nameless shops, or Ice Lemon Tee.

Ashley's parents arrived at Jack's Place at around 5.30pm, and we were at Watsons marveling over these miracle glasses with little holes in the black lens. It really made a difference when I put them on. I was like OMG IT ACTUALLY WORKS??? After Ashley left, me and Clarice went noseying around shops like The Body Shop and Mini Toons (where I bought this pretty starry bracelet in gold, bronze and silver). I felt really happy with my purchase at Ice Lemon Tee, although I had to dig quite deep into my pockets for it. Clarice bought this bear soft toy storage box for her sister's birthday, it was so sweet. The day ended with us parting ways at the horrendously crowded MRT station. ARGH. Sardines ok, sardines.

DUM DUM DUM DUM. So this was my day at Marina Rectangle, where I finally got my MP3 to work again. *big sloppy grin* Once again, I'm being hounded by mozzies... And why must Saiunkoku have 39 episodes? It's breaking my heart...

...is what I said. Savvy? 8:07 pm

Ichi, Ni, San...

Yes yes. I have three days to blog about. And OMG I don't feel like blogging. But I MUST. It's like my homework. HAHA. Maybe I should label them...

First Day

Yes. This day was the Yi's day where I went out with Yi Ching. HAHA. So fun. We went to Bugis and loitered around... Shucks. I remembered we arrived, then went looking for "cute" stores... Unfortunately, all the clothes didn't appeal to me. Oh well. More money in my pocket then. After that window-shopping session was Kinokuniya, where I managed to find the two different editions of Play mag featuring Hana Kimi (sorry Ching, but I just HAVE to mention it again. wakaka) and Colour mag. After agonising over which cover to buy (there was a wu zun one and a Jiro one. Guess which one I bought.) That day I remember whining on and on about not being able to find the DVD, haha! But patient Ching was there with me. LOL. Being a Neoprint-ster, we naturally ended up taking Neoprints at Angel Queen. Not bad leh. I think I'm very photogenic. NOT. Oh, another thing I was very happy about (praise God) was that I managed to meet Yi Ching even though it completely escaped my mind to get her hp number. I felt so dumb can? HAha. It can be said now I feel clever.

But that's not the point. We decided to go to the Icon, which was this ultra-ulu mini-shopping complex filled with teeny weeny boutiques, where Ching got her nails painted. Its located opposite Bugis, but so deserted. And SMALL. While it was interesting to note how small entrepreneurs struggle to survive... errmmmm... not a very fruitful trip. A bit dismal, actually. I feel mean. OH NO. >.< We went to this bargaining place next, a Bugis market sort of thing. The ground level was HOT and packed with people, so we went up to the second floor instead, and Yi Ching bought this gorgeous red plaid sling bag. She needed one actually. But that's not the main point anyway. RED PLAID = SHIN. ^^ Before we ate lunch, we were like wondering out loud where to eat, and we half-shouted half-screamed "air con" at the same time. Loud enough that a few people actually glanced over. Have we been influenced by Australian youth??? Lol.

Ended up at Yoshinoya, where we agreed to have this open policy of "speaking up". The spudsters tasted disgusting!!! I so regret buying them. Should have ordered Ching's scallop prawn things. At least I enjoyed the salmon bowl and miso. After our scrumptious meal, both of us headed over to Citylink mall to check out if HMV had the Hana Kimi DVD. Well, it didn't. We couldn't decide whether to go to Marina Square or Suntec, and weirdly we ended up at the Plaza Singapura Starbucks instead. O_o BUT I MANAGED TO FIND THE DVD AT THE TS THERE! BLISS! ^^ I rewarded myself with a chocolatey eclaire from Starbucks, and I remember those funky tables they had, with words on them that actually tell some semblance of a story. Next time you people are at Starbucks, go read the tables. XD Thus, our day ended with me dragging my feet back home and falling promptly asleep on my wonderfully soft and succulent pillow (the word succulent is here only because Adlin said she had succulent eyeballs in her sms to me, which I thought was disgusting but so typical of her...).

EEEeeeeeee... this is LONG. I initially started out hoping I would blog about one paragraph per day. BUT. SEE NOW WHY I FAIL MY SUMMARIES???!!!

...is what I said. Savvy? 7:46 pm

Monday, January 15, 2007
*scratches head*

Sometimes, I just can't be bothered wih a title. :) Let me tell you about my eventful Friday! Bet you're all interested in my vunderful life. ;D Guess why Fridays are important? Because that's the only day I ever get to go out with my friends in JC. HAHA. Poor unfortunate souls. Jingyi had CCA on Friday, but we managed to meet for dinner at least, at Hougang Mall. Friday, if anyone remembers, was a shitty-crap day filled with heavy showers and intermittent pauses, so praise God! When I walked out of my house the rain paused, then continued after I was safely at the bus stop. And I guess I missed my 113 because I waited for 15min. So xian. But there was this cute little boy at the bus stop too, and every time a bus came he announced the number. Haha, felt like pinching his chubby cheeks but his mum might sue me for molestation...-_-

Initially, I was expecting a short boring bus journey (I forgot to change my MP3 player's battery, whee...) but lo and behold!!! I met XIAO YANNY!!! XD I didn't expect to ever meet her, so I was damn happy. :DDD Turns out she's at NY too, surprise surprise. So many PLites in NY, and so little in NJ. *hint hint all pre-JC PLites* It turns out she was going to meet Junli and gang at White Tangerine cafe, so I decided to get off the bus with her at Kovan anyway. Good decision, because by the time I reached Hougang it was pouring tomcats and bulldogs. :) Luckily, from Kovan to Hougang only one stop, LOL, cuz I was already 30min late can? XD Found Jingyi already waiting for me (OMG SO SORRY!) and we mucked around a bit. Christine called us a bit later and asked if we wanted to join the gang at Tangerine, but we decided to eat dinner at Long John's first.

The ironic thing about Long John is that the chicken is better than the fish lah. And even that is not really that remarkable. The only reason I'll go back to Long John's is for their scrumptious fries. We had fun crapping all over JC life and such like (but I shouldn't mention anything here cuz the things we discuss quite slanderous, HAHAHA). JY told me that in JC Lit they learn odes and elegies and cool stuff like that. Sounds so fun... especially since I know I won't be taking Literature anymore. T_T After our meal, we window-shopped somemore and I went up to Poh Kim to see if they were selling the Hana Kimi DVD yet. Oh well, I left disappointed.

JY had to go after that though, but it was only 8pm and I had time to kill. So I called up Christine and ended up joining them at White Tangerine (I did some grocery shopping for my mum first), where they were in the midst of a very hilarious game of Monopoly (S'pore Version). Junli and Xiao Yan were playing as Sang Nila Utama (Merlion), then Chris and Huiyun played as Cat in the Hat(Hat). Cairong was Sole Survivor (cuz her token was the Shoe, HAHA). Eeerrrrr...I forgot what Sheryl played as though, LOL. But when I joined them she was like THE Tycoon, haha, with all the $5000 notes. ^^ Cairong was moaning because she owned all the cheapo estates, and she didn't manage to buy a house for any of her properties. XD Then Sheryl made a "grave" mistake, haha! She sold her MRT station to Cat in the Hat in exchange for Queen Astrid Park, then Chris and Hy had monopoly over all the MRT stations and Sheryl kept landing on the MRTs! WAKAKA. So suay. Oh, and another interesting point to note is that Sang Nila Utama (the dice is Junli roll one lah) kept landing on Geylang lor, DAMN FUNNY! About 5 times? HAHA. Joked that it was their favourite haunt.

At about 9pm, they decided to drop the game and the whole group of us went to Kovan to loiter around. Saw this very Japanese schoolgirl top (imported from Japan), but I bet it wouldn't fit me, haha. Anyway, Chris and I spotted some cool Adidas earrings, so we bought them together. I bought bubble tea, and all of us said sayonara to each other. At the bus stop ne, I was going on and on and on about Hana Kimi to Junli, lol. Chris stays very close to my house, so we took the same bus and I found out she plays Fantasy Warrior on her phone too! XD

By the time we reached the stop, it was pouring. X( But at least I had my umbrella, and I didn't get very wet at all! ^^

Oh manz. One day of my life takes up...like...O_O No wonder I sucked at summaries in secondary school, HAHA! At CG yesterday, we were helping Alethea with her English Compre (actually, more like Sharon lor. Me and Mel were figuring out how to make "Cars" work, since it was pirated, haha) and it brought back lots of unwanted memories of horrible summaries. XD I'm so glad I'm no longer in secondary school, but I still admit to missing sec school life...

*waves goodbye merrily*

...is what I said. Savvy? 12:27 am

Friday, January 12, 2007
Fave Ha'Ki Guys

Today, I feel like letting pictures express all my current feelings. So here goes...(maybe I'm just getting too lazy to bother explaining myself...?) LOL. I thought Ha'Ki was a cute nick for Hana Kimi. XD Uhhhh...before I go on...***SPOILER ALERT***

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This is Jiro Wang. Or 汪東城, in other words. Up til now, he still stands as my unwavering favourite in the show, as 金秀伊. I wanted to show you a more cheerful picture of him, but I kinda like this one, because of his cross necklace. ^^ Yay. I love how he lightens up the show... His character reminds me of ME sometimes, especially when my friends are down, and I don't know how to cheer them up, so I say stupid crappy things... XD I'm also putting him as the first on the list because 秀伊 is uber-cute and innocent, and always tries his best to cheer on the people around him. I also think 秀伊's character also quite the DRAMA, like me. LOL. I hope I can be like 秀伊 someday, constantly being an encouragement to the people around me and not letting things get me down. WAKAKAKA. Next...

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Kk. This is Wu Zun. Or 吳尊. He plays as one of the main characters in the show, 左以泉. I feel like laughing every time someone messes up his name. Reading posts on Youtube, I see different versions of his name crop up, like "Jian", LOL. Then I feel like yelling to these n00bs, "It's Quan! Not JIAN!!!" *ahem* Jiro has no such problems, since he's Jiro. XD At first, I must admit, I didn't like him. I thought his character was much too cool and stiff-faced. HAHA. But he kinda grows on you, I guess. And upon reading his profile and finding out he graduated from Melb Uni... I guess that helped too. ;)

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Introducing Tang Zhi Ping, or 唐治平. XP In HanaKimi, he plays this gay doctor, 梅田, who always becomes a reluctant ally with Ella, constantly helping her get out of difficult, and often hilarious, situations. ARGH. He is in such fierce competition with 左以泉 ok? I still can't quite make up my mind but... His character in the show is SO SO funny. I love how he always runs away from 盧瑞莃 everytime he sees her coming to him for advice. LOL. He has this adorable tired/bored/xian look that is just PRICELESS can? Definitely an important asset to the show! *nods profusely until head drops off* On a serious note, I love how he seems like the "wiseman" of the show, albeit a reluctant one, and when I learnt that he has two sisters and that 梁思南 was his nephew...LOL. He behaves so meekly around his older sis. ^^ Oh, and one more thing I like about 梅田 is that he can't stand 瑞莃 touching him can? So adorable, keeps shrugging her off. I still LOVE LOVE LOVE the scene where he stuffs cotton into his ears. It's PRICELESS. Lalala~

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HAHA. You might be wondering why he's even making the list, but anyway, wait and see... XD His name's Ruan Jing Tian (阮經天), and he plays the character 申樂 in HanaKimi, as 泉's rival. On first impression right, he seems stuck up and rude and arrogant and blablabla but on his further character, I find him rather cheeky, and although he doesn't like 泉, he's cool. :) So actually, he's not that bad. After all, a person can't be ALL bad, and with such a cute little sister, 申樂 has successfully made it onto this list. XD I kinda liked his scene where he warned 瑞莃 about that bad dude (I won't even bother finding out what his name is, LOL). In that scene he said that there weren't many people he liked. ;) I hope I am one of the few deserving of his approval, HAHA!!! Here he actually shows that one must EARN his respect and liking, not buy it or anything else. Isn't that a fantastic trait? My impression of 申樂 also changed because although he keeps acting really unfriendly around 泉, it's also his way of encouraging him. ^^ Takes alot for someone to actually encourage a rival, don't you think? And the scene where he teases 泉 half-seriously about 瑞莃 going out alone with that guy...haha. SO DON'T YOU PEOPLE GO HUH-ING ON MY TAGBOARD ABOUT WHY I LIKE 申樂 OK??? I think I've explained myself pretty well already. PPPBBBTTFFFFHH XP

Oh yes, and people, it's 申樂 (Shen Le) ok? NOT SHEN LURK. What kind of stupid turkey name is THAT??? *kicks Youtube posts*

There it is, people, my HANAKIMI TOP 4. If anyone does not agree with my analysis, please post a rational argument on my tagboard and not some squeal-ly "I LOVE WU ZUN HE SO CUTE" bimbotic phrase *ahem JESSICA*. LOL. I'd be happy to hear fromyou people who you guys like and why. Let's share and bask in the warmth of Hana Kimi together!!!


I just now realised I sound like this totally obsessed Hana Kimi fan. Chronically obsessed. Please note that I have already realised this and will now moderate my behaviour... ... ...


...is what I said. Savvy? 6:26 pm

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Hana Kimi Marathon

Haven't blogged these few days because I have developed a severe addiction. I'm not really a Youtuber, but...

HAHAHA. Hana Kimi is the GREATEST.

My head is full of Hana Kimi stuff right now, and why can't the VCD or DVD come out sooner??? Sigh. It's such a bother downloading it from Youtube, but I suppose I should be thankful that I'm watching it. For those of you familiar with the series, I'm raving about the new Taiwanese Drama, not the Japanese manga. XD It has some of the craziest scene ever!!!

LOL. Wu Zun and Jiro are super cute, but I like Jiro better! His smile is so infectious, OMG! I wanna smile together with him!!! ;P Another character I adore is Mei Lao Shi (aka the doctor). He is SUCH the funniest can? The way he keeps flipping his hair is so hilarious. His character makes for the funniest situations! :) I love the scenes of him and Ella together, especially the scene where she complains to him about her brother and how he's gonna bring her back to the US of Wu Zun doesn't jump high enough. I think that has got to be my most favourite scene so far.

I'm high right now because of that very scene. LALALA~ Thanks to all those wonderful people who introduced me (very eagerly) to the show. I shall be indebted to each and every one of you forever and ever and ever... Romantic comedies are just so fun. As they say, a day without laughter is a day wasted, so I think I've laughed enough for the rest of the week, and some more. Aaahhhh... It sure feels good to shriek in laughter. Been so long since I've done that since I've been staying with my aunt. LOL. Of course, not that I didn't cackle loudly while in Australia.

If you ask anyone in my family, they'll say I laugh exactly like a hiccuping hyena. Seriously. Especially if you sit me down in front of comedies like Hana Kimi. GOSH. What Sylvia told me is right. Downloads are really slow in the 8-10pm period. Sigh. I guess I'll go off to sulk now, then wake up super early tomorrow morning to continue my Hana Kimi Fest.

But before that, I must(x300) find out who's the actor for the doctor. If not I know I won't be able to sleep tonight. He has the world's best "diao" look. I felt like pausing the video at that exact moment to draw the vertical lines and sweatdrops lah!!! ARGH. I wanna take a screenshot to show it to you guys, but how do you screenshot on YOUTUBE???


Life is unfair.

***Please note: This is just yet another one of those tantrums I have yet to outgrow. Bear with me, or else go away. XD

...is what I said. Savvy? 11:26 pm

Monday, January 08, 2007
My Eyes ------> (=_=)

WAhHhHh~ This morning of all mornings. I got woken up by both my brothers' bingbingbongbong-ing and the mite bites on my elbow. At about 5.30am I think. I only managed to go back to sleep at about 6.45 - 7.00am like that, then I had to wake up at 7.30 to go to the Australian Embassy!!! Which was all for nothing because I'm supposed to apply online for my visa. Ohwells.

What am I blogging for?


Oh yeh. It's to tell you guys about my new MyPod player on my blog. :) Wouldn't it be cool if we could customise our real iPods like that? So fun. Less fun for those iPod-less people (aka me included). Otherwise, nothing out of the ordinary happened to me today.

I re-read Vivian Vande-Velde's dragon book. HOW COULD I FORGET THE NAME!!! I JUST READ IT LAST NIGHT!!! This says alot about me. Oh well. Even after quite a few years, Selendrile still seems so cool. XD Since I didn't bring any of my unread books from Aus, I'll just have to re-read. LOL. But it's damn fun revising all the old stories again, just like I enjoy re-reading my old pre-school Cinderella, Rapunzel, Little Mermaid, Red Riding Hood, Gingerbread Man etc. books. :) I still find children's books very enchanting to read, wau.

EEEeeee. Later my bro's piano teacher coming again. Don't wanna see him. XP So unfortunately this'll be a short post. Until he goes away again. AHAHAHAHA.

...is what I said. Savvy? 5:41 pm

Sunday, January 07, 2007
Random AuditionSEA Screens

HAHA. I was bored, so I thought I'd post this, since lots of people have been asking me what AuditionSEA is, LOL. But I didn't take lots of screenies though, cuz uploading takes a shitload of time. :D

My nick is Sorenza, before I forget.

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I thought this move was cool. XD We all looked like we were about to do some wushu move, so funny! I guess I just like the crescents formed by the hands though. :)

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HAHA. This one is funny. Like we're all trying to listen to something. ;P Do people really dance like that??? LOL. But it's fun to watch replays. Some dance moves are way fab, especially the finishing moves. It's just that I can't really do finishing moves for random fast choreo yet!!! TT_TT So no screenies, nyah nyah nyah.

BTW THANKS JESS, for teaching me how to "screenshot". I am damn blur about these sorts of things. Hope you peeps enjoy these piccies, and 'til next time!

...is what I said. Savvy? 7:57 pm

Sweet Treats

Yeah. Friday was SWEET all right. Well, not the beginning part, more like the end part. All that I can remember for the beginning part of Friday is that I almost set my tongue on fire with that RED HOT wan ton mee. O_o This was the day where Sylvia and I had to go shop for our ingredients and stuffs, and initially Jingyi thought that she couldn't make it, but she DID, and I got to see SAJC's uniform. The tie was darn cool, but the skirt looked like nerdy baggy shorts from some angles. TJ's skirt is still the bestest. Pleats rock! Ok, enough about uniforms (but boy do I miss uniforms...why is the grass always greener on the other side?), we bascially had a great time browsing through the items at Cold Storage and telling lame jokes, like the "Mr Muscle" one, lol (pronounced mus-kle). Cold Storage is the best for buying Japanese snacks can? Not like I'm doing any product placement or free advertising, cuz it's true. And I bought a Nata De Coco drink on Jingyi's recommendations. Her recommendations are always SUPER on-the-dot, I am so jealous XD. She does this with the neoprint machines too lor.

The neoprint machine I chose only allowed us to take TWO PATHETIC shots. AND we didn't have extra time to deco the pics. But the one she chose? (I think it's called the Angel Queen one, it rocks) Unlimited time plus 12 shots choose 6. X( Not surprisingly, the shots we took in Angel Queen (ohman. I'm like referring to the MACHINE like...like the Titanic or the QE2) were the better ones. HAHA. I liked the act dao one, and Jingyi's DARLI smile. LOL. And I think I'd better not cut anymore neoprints... The line I cut was horribly jagged, and I was doubly horrified. Next up was chocolate eclaire time, but it turned out I was the only one who ate any eclaires, lol. We ate at the Hougang Mall Delifrance, and one lousy cup of ice lemon tea cost $3.30. *_* That aside, I enjoyed my mixed fruit tart and choc eclaire. :) Then all three of us had a heart-to-heart talk about school and relationships and problems and it felt just like old times. Don't worry Sylvia, I am SO ABSOLUTELY sure that someone out there has a crush on you but you just don't know it. OPEN YOUR EYES.

We roamed around Hougang for a bit, then JY had to go. TT_TT I had to go take my 自恋 photo for the embassy visa thingy, and while waiting for the photos to "ok", we met up with two friendly Christian ladies (both accountants, and I HATE accounting like hell...) and we chatted for 10 min. HAHA. I was glad. At least I had something to do while waiting for the photos. :) I hope Sylvia 大姐 enjoyed herself as well, yeah? Because I did!

OMG the bus journey home was the FUNNIEST. If we had taken a video I think it would have won Singapore's Farniest Videos. It went something like this: we got on the bus, then we were like telling each other to sit down first cuz we thought each other got off earlier. Ended up with me sitting on the outside. Awhile later, I looked at the bus route we were on and I "realised" that Sylvia got off first, so we switched to the opposite aisle seat (all the while giggling a little, cuz we felt damn stupid and gundu-ish) and Sylvia sat outside. THEN, when 113 got to Kovan I REALISED that in fact, I got off FIRST. HAHAHAHAHA. We both realised our mistake and started laughing like hell (I think I laugh like a canary with hiccups XD) and we switched seats AGAIN!!! So you can imagine by the end of the bus ride we felt like children, shifting seats here and there like gongs. XD I can't stand it!

At least, because of this, I got home in high spirits. XP Don't worry Sylvia, if you think you're blur, I'm blur-er. :D We shall both be blur queens and rule the world together. :)

That's all folks. I feel like bananas now...

...is what I said. Savvy? 6:17 pm

3 Little Pigs + Giraffe

No offense Wenying. Giraffes are very beautiful creatures. Like the giraffe in "The Wild". :) I was about to write wolf but none of us are very wolfish at all... In case the rest of you don't get it, haha, well it all started with a person whose MSN nick is "pien kan te lord chi wit". I DO NOT understand her nick at all. But that's not the point. LOL. So this little piggy asked me, aka another fellow piggy, whether she and some friends could come over to make some tasty treats and mess around with my house oven (no really, it's not because of you guys that the oven dieded on and off. it was gong when I came back from Aus already, so don't go and punish yourselves like that albino monk from the Da Vinci Code. XD). Thus, one bright and early saturday morning, Shi Tian, Sylvia and Wenying cheated my feelings. They didn't tell me got school CCA fair!!! OMG, it's been ages since I've heard any guzhengs playing. TT_TT Am I just too deprived? No. It's because I'm just lazy to play my own guzheng. And THAT's because I so long never 调音 already, and I bet a month's allowance that all the strings are out of tune. XP

Ahem. But I appreciated the white balloon doggy and I will wait patiently for the wonderful dangly earrings that Shitian and Sylvia will SOMEDAY manage to make for me. LOL. We opted to make the honey cornflakes first, and we melted the butter, sugar and honey together in a pot. It smelt SO wonderfully yummy. But it was DAMN hot. Luckily I remembered this before I attempted to stick my finger in. After this, we had to mix the stuff with the chopped almonds and cornflakes. But even then, it didn't taste as good until we ate the honey cornflakes straight out from the oven. MMmMmMMmMmMMm. One cupful of cornflakes = one round around the track. Unfortunately, I think my equation is bound to become extremely unbalanced. HAHAHA. And so begins the story of all my cellulites and extra "beer" belly. But I shall neglect the unimportant issue of fats and proceed to sing the praises of the double chocolate chip cookies we made after the cornflakes. Hehe. They turned out good, even though the oven decided to throw another mild tantrum during the baking. But Wenying had to go for tuition before the cookies, so we bid her farewell (btw, she wore another shirt with a pretty face on it lor, so now we know what sort of shirts she likes, LOL).

While the cookies inched closer to their imminent doom in our tummies (aka in the oven), Sylvia showed me the TJ yearbook. WOW. So little guys in their year, and the previous year as well. And their were so many shots of Pris, haha! After that, Shitian went on to discuss her numerous crushes (as many as there are stars in the sky) and then I found out one of Sylvia's crushes was a classmate I had in kindergarten. That was SO astonishing. :) Too bad I lost my kindergarten class photo somewhere in the murky depths of one of the myriad cupboards in the house...my mum seems to have only kept the photos of my bros... >_> But I know it's not favouritism since I'm her FAVE daughter. XD XD XD Aiyo. I'm still as ego as ever. Friendster is actually quite useful though, now I've realised, for tracking down old friends.

The cookies, when they were done, were still quite hot though, so we decided to wait for them to cool, and went up to my room to hand-make those dangly earrings. Shitian and Sylvia bought some crystal beads and chains cuz they wanted to try making their own jewelry. OMG WTH ROFL. WHO KNEW JUST TWO LOUSY BITS OF METAL COULD BE SO HARD TO MAKE??? We spent, like, more than an hour, and in the end managed to each make only one earring each (except me, I just couldn't be bothered). @_@ I now have a new appreciation for the complex dangling earrings you see in retail stores, and I shall, from this day forth, no longer cringe at their sky-high prices. I would also have no reason to cringe because I'd never purchase them anyway. :P All in all, the day was a success! I just felt more like a pig, but aren't we all? :)

After the other two little piggies went home, THIS smelly piggy went to take a shower, and got shoved into the car immediately after that to go eat curry bee hoon at this impromptu missions gathering thingy. LOL. Managed to play two decent games of Bridge (I make such a SUCKY partner at Bridge...my first game went along the lines of "London Bridge is falling down...") before I got rudely ushered back home. O_O So for the remaining part of the day I just went with the flow, because sometimes the current is just so strong and its not like its gonna hurt you to just float along and drool...


Hmm. Just realised I forgot to blog about the day before this thingy. Ohwells. And Ashley and Clarisse called to see if me and Adlin wanted to meet at Cathay Cineleisure. But I think Adlin's SIM card is broken or she switched off her phone. WAU. I'm also quite thoroughly broke now, since I took like four neoprints in two weeks. Plus plus plus. ARGHHHH!!! All these small little mites are driving me over the edge!!! One just crawled on my forearm and tried to bite me can. I can almost see it's evil little eyes eyeing me and my pores. *whimper whine whimper whine*

I love giving out prezzies. Giving out prezzies = warm, golden fuzzy feeling.

...is what I said. Savvy? 5:37 pm