Who Me?
Yi Xian aka Ban/Isetan/YiXi/Xian Xian
nineTEEN going on twoZERO
University of Melbourne
Arts (Media & Comm)/Law
Other home planets include PLMGS(P).PLMGS(S).NYJC.Trinity College (feb'06).
Habitats: Singapore/Melbourne
Fluent in Singlish, English, Chinese, BS
Professional Procrastinator (1st Class Hons.)
Famous for: Short Term Memory
Yes You.
:: me bro ::
:: esther ::
:: cairong ::
:: shi tian ::
:: xian ling ::
:: xiao yan ::
:: ruoyi ::
:: charlene ::
:: christine ::
:: sylvia ::
:: fanny's group ::
:: huiyun ::
:: felicia ::
:: adeline ::
:: nicola ::
:: lean may ::
:: zongxia ::
:: stefanie ::
:: mindy ::
:: claudyne ::
:: zhiwei ::
:: yingxiu ::
:: ashley ::
:: yiching ::
:: jessica ::
:: adlin ::
:: calista ::
:: annette ::
:: venessa ::
:: minghui ::
:: melissa fong ::
Couldn't Be.
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
May 2009
January 2010
Then Who?
FOOD! <3 (especially Milk Tea, Seafood, Cheese, Milk, Noodles, Desserts, Orange Dark Chocolate)
JJ Lin
Ayumi Hamasaki
Hiro Mizushima
Matsuda Shota
Christian Bale
Johnny Depp
Natalie Portman
Scarlett Johanssen
Hugh Jackman
Eric Bana
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Bynes
Lindsay Lohan
Slumdog Millionaire
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Lion King 2
V For Vendetta
Gossip Girl (CHUCK BASS~)
Ugly Betty
Ghost Whisperer
Thank God You're Here
BBC's Pride and Prejudice/Emma/Persuasion/Bleak House/Doctor Who
Bleach (Rukia)
Ghost Hunt
Shugo Chara! Ikuto <3
Fairy Tail
Vampire Knight
Skip Beat
Penguin Revolution
Beauty Pop
Japanese/Korean Culture
Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away/Princess Mononoke/Howl's Moving Castle/The Cat Returns)
Full House Rain
Coffee Prince
Japanese Hana Kimi
Hana Yori Dango Japan
My Name is Kim Sam Soon
Witch Yu Hee
Angelic Layer
You're Under Arrest
Death Note Drama ~L~
Drama/Anime/Manga in general LAH.
Playing Games (RPG)
Watching Movies
Nail Polish
Baskin Robbins
Pancake Parlour
Max Brenner
Il Dolce Freddo
Non-Generic Soft Toys (Octopus/Unicorn/Penguin etc.)
Urban Fantasy
Doing the washing
Referencing essays
Long nails
Dry lips
Vacuuming carpets
Running out of time
When people cry
Horror/Slasher/Scary/Gruesome/Cheesy/Vulgar films
Nicole Kidman/Tom Hanks/Tom Cruise
Big Bombastic Insects
Mosquitoes! GRR
In-grown toe nails
Email Spam
Slow computers
Candies in general
Asam Laksa
Anything Bitter/Sour
Bittergourd, Ladies' Fingers and Beetroot!
Wet socks
Dirty/Smelly alleys
Cookie Jar
Currently Munching On
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Mei-chan no Shitsuji
Gossip Girl
Ugly Betty
BBC's Pride and Prejudice

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bloody Blisters
Sigh. I LOVE my new KEDS. I just wish they didn't give me blisters the size of 50 cent coins... >_>
This post comemorates the end of my one and only PPL essay, and the beginning of my LMR essay. Whoop de doo. I finished my essay at 12nn on the due day, lol, and I spent like 7 and a half hours footnoting. Hell right? Then I tried handing my essay in online at Turnitin. I thought my Internet was gaga, or maybe my computer was lagging or being lazy, but in the end? My aunt switched off the modem. Lame. I panic over the stupidest things.
After that, I took the bus to the city. Was so surprised it only took 20min+ to reach my stop. O_O Love off-peak hours.
Me and Jess went to lunch at that noodle shop in the small alleyway corridor place, and we saw that weird guy from Red Silks. O_o More like she spotted him and pointed him out to me. And I swear the waiter at the noodle shop can't understand English. He's probably too busy speaking some native dialect to realise that Australia is an English country. =_=;;
Jess was also explaining to me about the merits of a host club. But I didn't get it, and I don't think I ever will. If there was a host club set up as a CCA in S'pore, you definitely won't be getting an A1 for your CCA grade, that's for sure, lol! I mean, sure, meet new friends and all, but only because they're shuai? HAHA. I'd rather do volunteer work at SPCA or at Unicef and meet guys who don't have to be nice to you just because they HAVE to. XD I would rather a guy be nice to me because he thought I was worth being nice to. And that would be splendid, don't you think? <3
But off the topic of host clubs...I'm having a brain-drain session right now because I'm not thinking straight. Seriously. All this while I'm typing almost blindly what I'm literally thinking because I think my brain has ceased to function. So if I have lots of typos please let it pass. GAH. I feel as though none of the gears are clicking in my head, like everything's gone deathly still.
And there you are thinking, "Oh, she's just realised she's stupid."
And about the Virginia Tech incident, why do I have to get flamed because of my opinion? Just because I think the leniency of gun laws in America and the NRA are partly to blame doesn't make me a blonde idiot. I also have a second humble wish: if people want to have a rational argument, please don't TYPE IN CAPITALS and curse every third word in a sentence. How am I supposed to defend my opinion if I get swear words thrown in my face like confetti??? Sheesh.
Just because I think I'm an idiot doesn't mean I always AM an idiot.
I swear my printer guzzles black ink like limousines guzzle oil.
...is what I said. Savvy?
10:16 pm

Friday, April 13, 2007

Crummy Work Choices
I spent the whole day (or the better part of it) looking for research books. So fun right. The only highlight for the whole entire day was lunch with Jess. Before that, she slept late, and so since I was already incredibly starving, I went to Mac's to get a $2 Cheeseburger, and walked into Imagination to find so many BOOTS! <3 All of them were so lovely, but unfortunately, today wasn't boot-buying day, so I didn't get any. Today was research day. =_=
After coming out from Imagination, I went over to 7 Angels because they were having their half-priced sales. I love these sales they have. I always seem to get good bargains during these sales if I go to them early, muahahahaha! So I got this lovely lacy dress that Jess called Snow White. XD That $10 was well spent. Now all I have to do is find the occasion to wear it... LOL.
When I met up with Jess we inevitably started asking each other to choose where to eat. It's become a ritual. But today, she cut off our usual wishy-washy "You choose la! No, you choose, yesterday I choose liao. No la, yesterday where got?" and introduced me to the set lunch meals at Ye Shanghai. On the one hand, it was good that the restaurant's ambience was lovely, and I can't say that the food was bad, it was pretty, especially the fish cakes, and given a chance, I'd eat there again. :) At least it's not Red Silks or something predictable again. :B
The corn soup was tasteless, but the PRAWN. The ONE SINGLE PIECE OF PRAWN I had was so good. And the GRAPES. LOL. To think I was complaining that they only gave us two measly grapes and a small chunk of rock melon. Jess was laughing at me la. But then again, she always does that, so now I'm de-sensitised. By the end of this year, the shoulder where I always hit her will become immune to the pain as well. ;P
But today isn't over, because we're supposed to have this super big dinner at Hog's Breath again. That Spanish restaurant on Wednesday wasn't too bad, but the lemon lime bitter I drank got old after awhile. I love oysters! Lol, and peeled prawns. My cousin Mei Lin wanted someone to finish the prawns, and I'm a prawn-lover, except that I hate the peeling part. So she peeled them for me and I ate LOADS. XD I can NEVER get enough of prawn. Whee!
one interesting fact Jess taught me today: White Catfish are soon going to be extinct. So next time, whenever you're thinking of eating White Catfish, switch to venison instead, it's much better! <3 T00dles!
...is what I said. Savvy?
5:46 pm

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Friendster-Surfing Geisha
Ooooohhh-er. I haven't blogged in awhile and everyone's forgotten about me? That is just so disappointing. And I thought I was just as famous as Mother Theresa. :'( *pout* But I'm very proud of the title of today's entry, because I promised Jess that this would be the title of today's entry. XD Go click on her blog link and look at her picture. Your head will be nodding and you'll be saying "Yar hor..." unconsciously. <3
Daisuki desu!!! <3
Can't say that I remember everything that's been whizzing on so far, but I read Jess' blog to refresh my memory. :)
What happened on Wednesday was that me, Jess and Basuki-senpai went to go watch Happily N'ever After, produced by some ulu film company that I've never in my life heard about. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why the movie is so dodgy and downright crappy. Yes, if you might be wondering, crappy as in totally predictable, UNfunny every which way, cliched storyline and all-too-perfect characters that only help the damn story limp along like some Ah Peh who's past his prime. XD Wait. An Ah Peh is already a person past his prime. O_o Whatever. I'm not thinking right, after all this PPL Law Essay crap, and neither is Jess, since she walked out of the lift wrongly and in front of a car today. But who am I to judge? Lol. The lovely Baka-chan stayed with me while I did my Primary readings (and I haven't finished. Sun of a beach). But that's today. Heck, I'm trying to talk about Wednesday!!! Oh my Tian.
After that dismal hell of a lousy cheat-both-my-money-and-my-feelings movie, we went to Smith Street to get my wonderful KEDS shoes. The Mischa Barton line. I wanted that red-and-white cherry one can!!! Not only does it have cherries on it, it's patriotic! XP Oh well, but the yellow-and-green lemon one I settled on was cute as well, uber-cute, so I wasn't THAT disappointed. Goes to show that ignorance is bliss. I SHOULDN'T have seen those cherry KEDS. *slaps own eyeballs*
MOO. The RMIT building is so funkeh compared to Melbourne Uni's stiff formality. I kinda like that informal ambience there, like everyone's so laid back etc. In the Law building especially at Melb Uni, I always feel as though I have to walk around with my back ramrod straight or something. O_o :B
Huh? Where was I huh... After the KEDS, I decided, what the heck. I'll have dinner with friends instead. Eating with family has just become so passe. Besides, eating out for two meals a day feels splendid! XB Guess where we went??? I can't believe we almost settled for Spicy Fish. Before we went in, I was like, let's try Supper Inn. Both of them told me it tended to be quite crowded, but the optimistic and opportunistic me saw a chance and I grabbed it. YEAH. Great decision! *pats meself on the back* The shitake mushrooms were REALLY REALLY mouth-wateringly delish, and so was the chicken! XD I'm sure all you pork-lovers and meat-lovers out there would appreciate the pork as well, but I didn't. I wish I'd ordered a whole plateful of baby spinach just for myself... *DROOL*
That's not all though. I'm used to getting up for a walk after a heavy (trust me, it was heavy, the meal was so heavy I MYSELF felt heavy. >.>) meal so we three best buddies trotted down to the Yarra River where we discovered GODZILLA!!!
Ok lah. Bluff you.
We found a ferris wheel instead! And instantly I was filled with a distinct nostalgia. It's been ages since I sat on a ferris wheel that size. The one in S'pore at the Escape theme park might as well be the 3rd storey in a normal block of flats. =_= The 3rd storey in the block of flats will also be more fun. At least there right, you can 跳楼 if it gets boring. You can't 跳楼 out of a squeezy ferris wheel carriage.
That's not the point. The price was an exorbitant $5 but, hey, when it's an opportunity for a good Kodak moment (ok ok, it's not like anyone uses Kodak anymore), and yet another one of those unforgettable memories that one should never stop collecting, that $5 was worth it. The view was great, the company was perfect, and though the random fireworks were scarce, I'm sure me, Jess and Calista had lots of fun. :D If my dad read this I would be strangled over webcam for spending money on a "stupid" (Dad 2005: 1-forever) ride. I'm just a tad sad I couldn't get a ride on the carousel, because I was broke. XD
I couldn't have asked for more, Lord. You have been my provider and my sustenance and you have blessed me with friends I feel I don't deserve. So thank you, and I pray that you'll be with all these special people in my life, giving them your guidance and your love and your everlasting care, and so even if they don't know you, even if they don't believe in you, even if they can't see you and even if they're skeptics, I know you'll be there looking out for them for the rest of their days, even when I'm no longer here, because you love each and every one of them, and because I pray for them too. What else can I ask for that you have not blessed me with?
The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not be in want.
Here's spreading the love to all my friends and family, to all my acquaintances and relatives, to all my teachers and lecturers and to all that I will meet in the future by God's grace: I LOVE YOU ALL WITH ALL MY HEART AND I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER FORGET YOU, JUST LIKE THE LORD NEVER FORGETS YOU ARE THERE. Though sometimes I might be foolish and act rashly, please forgive me. :)
...is what I said. Savvy?
7:30 pm