Friday, June 22, 2007

Bashing the Boredness
Wow. So far two of my buddies have been bitten by the bored bug. It's a seemingly incurable disease that I fear will spread as the July holidays come around. Luckily for me though, I am fairly confident that I will never ever succumb to this disease. As I'm sitting and typing here in front of my screen I am well aware that time is short, and I have so many plans and ideas up my sleeve I have absoluately no time for boredom. Idleness, as they say, is the Devil's playground.
Why am I NOT bored, you ask? Here are the reasons:
1) Have to transfer all the songs in my new CDs into my faithful MP3 player.
2) Have to transfer all the episodes of the shows I've received into the MP3 player to watch between classes next semester.
3) Have to complete the art I've started in Photoshop in two months.
4) Have to watch all the Japanese movies I've bought: four in total.
5) Have to finish all the Taiwanese drama I've bought: two in total.
6) Have to finish all the Japanese drama series I've bought: two in total.
7) Have to finish all the anime series I have yet to watch: six and counting.
8) Have to read Ouran book 6.
9) Have to cut off all the tags from the new clothes I've bought and take the time to brainstorm for new clothing combos.
10) Have to cull last year's clothes from my wardrobe to make space for the new ones, like give away that shirt I'll never ever wear again.*****
11) Arrange a sleepover and maybe even a clothes swap session. :D How fun!
12) Buy the new hard drive I've been craving.
13) Sell the old one on eBay (clear the old contents first).
14) Watch all the movies I bought from JB Hi-Fi: five in total.
15) Read the Dragon Temple Saga: Books 1-3
16) Read the other stand-alone books I've bought: six in total.
17) Watch the upcoming movies I'm interested in: Nancy Drew, Transformers, Blades of Glory etc.
18) Make my own blog layout using someone else's basic html.
19) Handwrite letters to three of my closest friends back in S'pore, since I promised and up til now haven't the time to sit myself down and write a long heartfelt thingie.
20) Arrange the mix-ups in my MP3 player according to album, artist and genre.
21) Start my own manga...? :) 9I'll only do this once everything else on this list is done.
22) Continue with the story I've typed up so far in the computer. (Again, I'll only have time to do this once all the above is done)
23) Plan my perfect and beauty-licious timetable for next semester using the tutorial times for this semester.
24) Continue with my Mapling adventures. (I'll only do this if my friends are online. It's uber-boring Mapling on your own)
I DON'T KNOW HOW I'LL EVER BE BORED WITH ALL THE STUFF I HAVE TO DO. It's obvious that some of the items on this list will never be completed in a day. And I have 24 items in all. It feels so good to be busy with things other than uni work though, so I'm welcoming this particular type of hedonistic labour. :D
The moral of the story? Before complaining about boredom, sit down and think deeply about what you've still got to do. Because what I believe is that, a person will ALWAYS AND FOREVER have something to do. Always. No matter what the situation, the time or the place. Want an example? If you think you've really got nothing to do, try a new recipe, bake a new cake, compose your own song, write your own poem, draw a self-portrait, go for a walk, go window-shopping, go sit at the park with the birds and a loaf of fresh broad, go sit on a random bus and see where it goes, go do something nice for a person close to you, go start an online business on eBay and make profits with your unwanted goods, go Go GO!!!
See? And I thought up all these things on the spur of the moment. Holidays aren't meant to be boring, live it up! <3
...is what I said. Savvy?
4:47 pm

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Story Thus Far
I was blog-shopping when I came across Basuki-senpai's lament about: BAN! JESS! WHERE ARE YOU??? Yep yep. So I was about to post a comment, which turned out to be quite long, and I decided to make an entry myself. Since I'm free and all. MUHAHAHA. So, here are the few reasons why I haven't been online much, or Mapled:
1) Went out with Anita and Jess on the day my exam went kapish. :) We met up and had dinner at Hawker's Cafe because I had a craving for the Teh Tarik there. Turns out the Kon Low Mee I ate there not bad. I just left out all the veggies. LOL. And I remember it got so cold my eyeballs were icing over can??? After the fruitful dinner we got our warm butts off the chairs and made our way to Hoyts to watch Bridge to Terabithia. HOMIGOSH. I bawled my eyes out lah. Really, really hard. Man, it's hard to hold back sobs in a cinema. SIGH. BUT IT WAS SO SAD. And totally not what I had expected. It was THAT much more special and THAT much more meaningful and THAT much more enchanting than Narnia, which, if you ask me, pales in comparison with respect to emotional depth and metaphorical beauty. I have a love/hate relationship with weepy shows. I love that they're always so heart-rendingly and moving, and yet I HATEHATEHATE to feel sad. REALLYREALLYREALLY hate to feel sad. I'm a happy-addict, ok? Sadness and tears and melancholy are just so NOT my thing. I can worry, I can be joyful, I can be angry, I can be emotionless, I can be confused, I can be in awe...I don't even mind nostalgia. I JUST CAN'T STAND BEING SAD.
Ah. I feel better after that rant. (Maybe I'm just pissed cuz there was this girl who STOLE my fave seat on the tram home. ARGH. LOL.) Basically, I really really LURVE Leslie's sense of style. So Japanese-street-fashion-meets-Western-chic. I can't believe I'm taking fashion tips from a, what, 10-year-old? T^T I went home in a totally dejected state. The fact that my MP3 player was out of GAS made it WORSE. I mean, I could have at least listened to some uplifting music. BUT NO. That was denied me as well. I had to settle for being glad my exam was over. Meh. Ok. I was content with that. HAHA.
2) The next day: Took the time to tidy up my room, from the messy computer desk, to the floor, to the cupboard, to the bed, the store room and finally, the dressing table. ARGH. Took me almost half a day, I swear. And I spent the next half of the day slacking in front of my computer watching SAIUNKOKU MONOGATARI. Oh man it rocks. My top 3 most fave characters are Ryuuki, Ryuuren and Sakujun, in that order. WAHAHAHHAHAHA. That show has so many bishounen, no wonder after every episode my mouth feels dry. *wink*. Oh, and to make matters worse, I got sad because of what happened to Sakujun. WTH. So what if he killed alot of people??? If Shuurei had come into his life earlier, maybe he would have turned out like Ryuuki, who had Seien for company. To be honest, I can't fault Sakujun for wanting to kill his power-hungry family. Even if it was in cold blood. Heck, if I was raised iin a family like that, I'd be corrupted too. What I really admire about Sakujun was that, even after living amongst so much greed and hatred and manipulation and hate, he still managed to learn how to love in the end. And that, my friends, is the greatest achievement of all. Faith, Hope and Love. "...and the greatest of these is Love."
1 Corinthians 13:13.
It's easy to love once you've experienced it, right?
Well, what if you were never loved?
The other characters are easy to explain. I think. I love Ryuuki for being who he is, and for caring so much about Shuurei. I love his "Tamaki-ness" and his maturity, and him putting duty before his personal interests. It's that vulnerability and that strength in him that earns my respect. Shows that you can be weak, and yet strong when your loved ones and country are counting on you. Just the right balance of sensitivity and maturity. :D HAHA. So that's Ryuuki for you. And Ryuuren? OMG. For those of you who know me, I love eccentric, weird and strange stuff. And, well, Ryuuren IS eccentric, weird and strange. Not to mention incredibly hot. I so totally understand why he has to present himself as a lone weirdo. But inside, I know he's just an ordinary guy forced to live up to high expectations and to live under a veil. If ever he reveals his true self, he'd have to assume alot of the Ran family responsibilities, and become enmeshed in power struggles and politics. (Worse still, he'll have to struggle even more because Ran is supposedly a politically-neutral family clan) AHAHAHA. And I love it when he calls Shuurei and Eigetsu his "bosom friends" or "soul friends". LAWL. If you ever asked me what impacted me most about Ryuuren is the phrase he used when Shuurei and Eigetsu drove him out of Brown Province because they didn't want him getting caught up in all the struggles. He said something along the lines of: "But I stayed BECAUSE I wanted to get involved. The only people in the world who can ever take advantage of Ran Ryuuren are my soul friends."
Don't you think he's just too adorable? ^~^
3) Which is today. Went out with the MIRROR queen today. -_-;; Guess who. Bwahahaha. Today was shopping day, haha, and admittedly, we DID shop quite alot. But mostly in the city though, around Jay Jays (bought a Snoopy vintage tee, whee!), Cotton On (bought a long-sleeved top with ribbon, and a white, supersoft scarf), Supre (bought the same short dress as Jess, grey and pink, hontou ni kirei desu!), Deborah K (got three GORGEOUS tops that compliment my broad shoulders, lala~) Jeans West (I said I'd buy that rainbow dress and cute square-collared pink top. And I did. HAHA.) and the socks place in Melbourne Central, where me and mirror"preen"cess bought enough hand socks and a legwarmer to mimick Leslie's style in Terabithia. :D So naughty I know. ;P We bought tickets to Silver Surfer, then ate at Teppansan, where my Teppanyaki noodles WEREN'T AVAILABLE AGAIN. GAH. But we didn't feel like eating big anyway, so ended up eating takoyaki, tempura and yakitori instead.
THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVEN'T WATCHED SILVER SURFER I SAY GO WATCH IT NOW. Or else the Timbuktunian Mafia will come finding you.
The Silver Surfer rocks! <3 I don't know how a bald guy covered in silver manages to look hot. But he IS. Maybe that's because he's, like, in human terms, practically naked? >:O Me and mirrorprincess both hope that there's a Fantastic 4 Part 3. XD AND both of us got high when they started showing the trailer for The Golden Compass. OMGOSHNESS I LOVE THAT PHILLIP PULLMAN SERIES! HAHAHAHA! I DON'T EVEN CARE IF HARRY POTTER ENDS, CUZ THERE WILL STILL BE THE SUBTLE KNIFE AND THE AMBER SPYGLASS! WAhahahhahaha... *maniacal laughter goes on for some time and trails off as people start banging on the door and asking if I need a psychiatrist*
P.S. I told them I didn't.
HAHA. There ends my summary of reasons why I have had no time whatsoever to Maple or be online in general. That makes tomorrow too, because tomorrow is Hana Yori Dango day. :D And Saturday is chores day. So boohoo. I don't think I'll be able to Maple much anyway, considering there's still Blades of Glory to watch, and Transformers and Nancy Drew coming out next Thursday. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. All the movies I want to watch are coming out in force. And I say...
BRING IT ON, MAN!!!!!!!!!!
...is what I said. Savvy?
10:49 pm

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Quick Prison Tour
It's made of a light wood, and quite durable. Doesn't wobble when I write anything down. On the shelf, there are loads of miscellaneous stationary that I hardly pay attention to. The super bright lamp on the right side provides me with all the yellow light I will ever need in a lifetime, and the wide, spacious nature of the table leaves me plenty of space to lay out my spare examination pads, notes, files and reading material, not to mention my dictionary and textbook. Right now it's litter with papers and pens and highlighters, but in 9 hours time they will all be gone, without any shadow of a trace of their existence. The chair is comfortable and obedient enough for me to feel like studying, and is able to swivel to accommodate all my fidgeting and stomping and general restlessness.
Beside me is an old discarded computer moniter flanked by three motherboard units that have become too outdated and have been replaced by a newer model gleaming black at me to my left, across to the other desk which we call the "computer table", for general family use. On that table in particular is a crappy book called the Secret, which I flipped through and found it to be another one of those fickle self-help books that I totally despise. I can never understand why people must read this particular genre of books to "improve" themselves. Better off going to read Aristotle, Socrates and Harry Potter. Heck, read about Aboriginal injustice, like I was doing just a few minutes ago.
Across the expanse of the faded pink of the carpet, there lies a bed, recently put there by the prison wardens for god-knows-what. All I can discern is the fact that it's supposed to be a day bed whereby one is supposed to lie down in and wallow in self-pity. Ok, maybe not
that extreme. I'll probably use it to read a book, since the heater being downstairs is also a plus in winter. But for the time being, it has come in handy during breaks between intensive writing, grouching and squinting at all the almost-one-dimensional surfaces filled with words and meanings my mind clambers frantically to understand. It is a place of respite in an otherwise dour prison of inescapable reality and emotionless entities.
Above me and in-my-face is the lamp-cum-chandelier used for my particular prison cell. It's wide flat plate-like glass surface and bulb in the middle reminds me of the planets orbiting around the sun, the solar system, to be precise. Due to this very characteristic of its nature, it has caused many of the previous inhabitants to leave dozens of CDs on its top, creating a somewhat modern-postmodern effect that I can't help but mull over, just for an excuse to be distracted from my work. Finally, to my extreme left, there are the windows, and the blinds that are so often drawn down by the prison wardens that I have to repeatedly draw them back up. Not surprisingly, my prison wardens and fellow inmates don't take too kindly to being rudely awakened by the morning rays of sunshine beaming through the slats.
The view provided by the drawn blinds is mundane indeed: a paved driveway of muddied red bricks flows down to melt and meld in with the cracked pavement outside. This gives way to a substantial strip of grass which then abruptly ceases when the road cuts a swathe through its luscious green ranks. What else mayhap be in the distance I cannot be too sure, for my mind wanders and is easily distracted from the tastelessness of suburban decor. From time to time my eyes alight on the mailbox, and I wonder about the mail and the package yet to arrive. And then my mind dismisses the notion, relegating that stray tendril of thought back into the recesses of my inner vault.
My one last thought as I turn away from the scene outside is how the hedge lining the rest of the front portion of the house feels remarkably similar to the likes of the one found in
I'm the King of the Castle. I can somewhat experience a semblance of what Kingshaw feels as I stare at those hedges. And then Mabo No 2 and the separation of powers and the rule of law filter into my thoughts again and my heart sinks with the recognition of the inevitable return to my accursed studies. I pick up my pen, and begin to write lines and lines of meaning that seem to not mean a thing...
Yep. This is as close as I hope I'll ever get to being in a real and proper prison. TT_TT In 9 hours I WILL BE FREEEEEEE. And somehow I know it will feel more liberating than the knowledge that Aboriginal land rights have been acknowledged by the High Court judgement in Mabo.
...is what I said. Savvy?
8:03 am

Monday, June 11, 2007

Enough Said
This is what happened to me today:
one day, i was chatting with my friend
suddenly, i wanted to make fun of her, and so.
I made her to copy down my words, how funny.
it's so much fun, and that lightens up my mood.
and her name is Ban Tan Yi Xian
Yeap, and I know SOMEONE who will find this particular paragraph hilarious.
...is what I said. Savvy?
10:38 pm

Thursday, June 07, 2007

My Nose Ish Cold
But my feet aren't, cuz today I bought a GORGEOUS (and I'm still admiring them AND getting admiring glances) pair of uber-fluff boots that rival the feet of that monster in Monters Inc. It even has fluffballs I can play with if I'm stoning. How cool's that? Oh, and if it seems weird that I'm writing a deep and profound analysis of a pair of rainbow-coloured boots, don't be surprised. I, the ultimate must-have-8-hours-sleep-if-not-"mati" sort of person, woke up at 3am to do my MPS essay. Worst still, I think I'll have to do this consecutively for my Law exams as well. But my brain's sick and tired of mulling over work work work. Let's see what I did today, shall we?
So I slogged through the essay and finally arrived to meet Jess in the city with Basuki-senpai at around 3pm, after which I went and bought those BOOTIES. :) Sha told me that Basuki-SENSEI aleady passed 2nd job advancement for Maple can??? LOL. I doubt that I can ever become so dedicated a player. Maybe if I have enough social support...yeeesh, that's my essay talking. *throws it out of my head* Anyway, to revert back to "me" and not to the "essay" talking, we finally met Sukiyaki to go to the Aussie Immigration with the imposing revolving doors I almost knocked into because I was trying to fit some free newspaper into a clear file. Scary. Don't want to think what will happen if I wedged myself and got stuck.
The wait was fairly short, thank goodness, because Sha and Sukiyaki were TOTALLY trying to jam spoilers in my ears about Shinshi Doumei CROSS. HUMPH. Not to mention the fact that I was HARAHETA!!!!!!
So we finally ate at Kaneda, since the last time I went I didn't finish my food, so today I was able to soothe my guilty conscience. :D Sha gave me a quick run-down on how to cook fried rice while Suki went to buy ice-creamies and we all trooped down to the Chinese supermart to get our STUFF. And when I say STUFF, that meant me carrying this SHITHUMONGOUSOHMYGOSHYOUWILLNOTBELIEVEIT-sized bag. -_-;; Do I look like I got Hulk arms? If I had the Hulk as my shopping boy then maybe I wouldn't even give a DAMN, but even then, that's HULK-ABUSE.
And I had no idea until today that 6pm here now looks like 9pm. I mean, I've been here for almost 1.5 years, you'd think I would have gotten used to it by now, but no. It's just so wrong for it to be so dark and I'M AFRAID OF THE DARK!!!! WAAAHHHH. And that's why I hate being home alone as well.
Man, my eyelids feel like they're made of lead. I better go off now (shit, most of the English and grammar used in this post is SO CRAP, so typically sleep-deprived me. ARGH. shall sleep and drool on my pillow tonight ALL I WANT and no one, not even Mojojojo can stop me.)
I'M LOVIN' IT (a.k.a. my boots/slippers/legwarmers/newbuddies/fluffies/cotton candy/OhMyGoshIAmSoFreakingShit-ified)
...is what I said. Savvy?
11:21 pm

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I'm Complaining Again
Yep. As usual. Do you all have ANY IDEA how uneventful the past two days have been? :) Ok, this is considered sulking. But I like to sulk. Sounds better than wallowing in self-pity. HAHA. I'm supposed to be gathering all my research together now, but HECK CARE MAN. You know, for once, I just want to throw all my books in the air and DON'T GIVE A DAMN. Just for a sweet blissful moment. And then reality comes crashing down all around me again. Sigh. I'm so bored I actually look forward to the breaks between my research? Like today, I couldn't wait for that irritating watch of mine to reach 1pm, so that I could stop researching for awhile and go bathe, then cook instant noodles??? THAT was my highlight for the day. But admittedly, even though doing essays might make me feel like pulling my hair out, I'd rather essays than exams. :P
Jess' blog is so chio now la. I hate to say it, but I LURVE her new Chinese blog. Just like she's making resolutions to go to the gym regularly, I'll make resolutions to read her blog daily, to keep up with my dastardly chinese. HAHA. Reading her Chinese blog, for once I felt happy that I could finally read a whole paragraph without stopping to wonder: what weirdo-cheem word is THAT??????
Everyone seems busy chionging for exams as well. Except for me. LAWL. Not because I don't want to, but because I still have 2 more 2000 word essays to write. I am so NOT looking forward to my LAW exams at all, at all. The only way I can make myself feel better about those exams is to tell myself, at least I'm not lying by the road somewhere, killed by some serial killer. HAHA. Drastic, I know, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
A few days ago my second aunt brought over a cauliflower-broccoli hybrid. Not only did it NOT look like either a cauliflower or broccoli (by the way, we call it the broccoliflower. Figures.), it looked like some SPASTIC alien plant from some other planet. And right now its sitting innocently beside the lettuce in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. :( A constant reminder that I'll have to EAT it someday soon. OH NOOOEEEZZZZ. I'd better find out in advance when my aunt's gonna cook it, then whip up an excuse to go out for dinner. And make plans for the next day as well, since there'll probably be leftovers.
I'm such a conniving little brat. :D
I've also taken recently to noting down all the movie premiers of the ones I wanna watch on my Year Planner on the wall. HAHAHA. They look so out-of-place beside all the essay deadlines and exam dates.
Besides that, I woke up at 4am today cuz I had to use the loo, and couldn't sleep after because I was brainstorming in bed about my story. Sigh. So I ended up tossing and turning until 9am in the morning. It's times like these where I envy how Basuki-senpai and Sha can sleep so late without waking up. For me, once I reach my limit of 8 hours sleep, I wake up. For no other apparent reason. Plus I feel so smothered nowadays, due to the sheer amount of blankets I use because winter's here. Right now I have 4, not including the spare one I have in the closet just in case it gets colder. And it doesn't help when the 2nd level has no heater.
At least I have my Hello Panda. :3 (Gosh, I eat so much it's a wonder I never get fat. Maybe I have worms in my tummy. EEEEUUURRRRGGGHHHH. NONONO. Yuxor. I'd rather think that I have high metabolism. That sounds more lady-like.)
...is what I said. Savvy?
5:45 pm

Saturday, June 02, 2007

MySpace and More
Oh man I feel so guilty now. After going onto LexisNexis to do research, I finished at about 3 and spent the next 3 hours setting up a MySpace account for the fun of it. So lame. And I don't think I'll even use it anymore. :S WASTE TIME OMG I DESERVE TO FAIL MY EXAMS AND ALL MY ESSAYS.
And here I am blogging because, what the heck, since I've already thrown so much time away, no harm in waiting for dinner right? :D
So while MySpacing, I searched for Dean Geyer's profile, since I was uber-bored. Came up with his music site, and his songs were not bad. Like "Rush" and "If You Don't Mean It". But I still prefer chinese and japanese songs.
Oh Oh. When I got home yesterday after dinner with futuresexygirl and basukiyaki, I realised belatedly while flipping through the 3 DVDs I bought that:
I nearly died from bliss. I had thought only 2 had him in them. But the Mika Nakashima one had him inside also!!! Man. I'm swooning in from of my computer screen. I should have searched for his name on MySpace Japan. :'(
HAHAHAHA. I am SO SO looking forward to watching those 3 movies now. Psyched! I don't feel like blogging much today, so I'll just jot down the main highlights:
1) Watched PoTC: At World's End. Not too bad. Didn't expect the ending, but at least it wasn't cliche. The plot was too complicated for children to comprehend I think.
2) The vanilla brioche at Bread Top is really delish!
3) I wish my chinese was as good as futuresexygirl's. One of her posts almost made me wanna cry. :D
4) I wish I could just settle down and do my essay properly. But it's due on Thursday, and I have no sense of urgency whatsoever. Punish me someone!!!
5) Ate at Nando's on the night of the PoTC jaunt. Man, the chicken portions are so small. And no, it's not because I have a big appetite. Grrr.
6) I'm coming up with really fun plot ideas for my story, and I'm looking forward to fleshing it out and creating that alternate world with its many (hopefully unique) characters during my school holidays. My target: 10,000 words, maybe more. :) Sigh. I don't usually make it public, but everyone has an ultimate dream of dreams right? Mine is to get published. XD What I'd give for something like that! To make a living out of weaving enchanting stories with winning heroines and fast-paced plots with lots of derring-do and fantastical places and creatures. And I have so many movies and authors to thank for my ardent love of fantasy.
7) Whadayaknow. I've run out of things to say.
8) Oh, thank goodness I'm finally brushing up on my digital illustration skills. All hail Photoshop and my trial-and-error luck! Will put up my finished art soon! ;)
Yawn. Time for dinner and a bath. But brrr it's so damn damn cold. I just realised I've got so many thiings planned for my hols. O_O
1. Job Advancement for MapleSEA. Ganbatte!
2. Work on my yet-to-be-named story: 10,000 words.
3. Complete digital illustration.
4. Read all the books I've left unread, like the Dragon Temple Saga and especially that Faith Hunter series. (I am so so impatiently waiting for Book 3 of the Zodiac series. *throws tantrum*)
5. Finish reading any outstanding manga.
6. Watch all the movies that I've bought, including Death Note etc.
7. Watch at least some of the anime series I have, like Full Metal Alchemist, Saiunkoku, Shaman King, BLOOD+ and Ouran.
That may not sound like alot but I can easily spend hours on digital illustration alone, not to mention the inking and the layering. :'( I'll probably finish one book in one day, so that won't take too long, and I'll bet I can finish reading all my manga in a day. Not sure about being able to finish watching the longer anime series though. Will try to cram. As for my story, it'll take quite awhile to plan the plot outlines and characters' traits, and the timing of each characters' appearances and etc. Plus do research on miscellaneous details like boat structures, land formations, miscellaneous musical instruments, maybe even look up that myth about the youth elixir and strange weather phenomena? And theories on alternate realities, plus research on Egyptian myths and culture. Yeah. Oh, and I have to think more about my theory of shapeshifting. Surely it must be a painful process???
As for MapleSEA, LOL! To level takes 2 hours. You calculate the rest bah. I still have 10+ more levels to go to 2nd Job Adv.
WOW. So there. All my musings about my holidays to come.
Watashi zettai ganbatte! (broken Japanese)
...is what I said. Savvy?
6:44 pm