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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Saturday, September 22, 2007

OMG thank you all for being so encouraging, LAWL! The post below was written on one of my DOWN days, so yeah. :P I feel much better now, and the COLD is G-O-N-E!!! WOOHOO~~~! So my ego is back to the normal high. HOHOHO.

I've also got a grave statement to make:

Edward Elric has officially topped my fave anime character list. PERMANENTLY. OMG.


Haha, yeah, I might be a bit slow, but I finally got around to watching FMA!!! XD So basically this whole post is going to be a rant about it. Haha. Non-anime interested people can leave now, shoo shoo. Cuz only major anime freaks will understand what I am vigorously muttering about here.

Kidding lah.

Anyway, after watching the series, I got damn sad lah~. Maes Hughes DIED (the frickin' idiot, discover a Homunculus also dun wanna get help first, straightaway rush down to the stupid trap. I mean, he's head of the intelligence department CAN??? INTELLIGENCE~!. *grumble grumble*) and then two of my fave characters in the show fight in the finale and one kills the other. -_=

But after watching the movie, I feel that the whole anime gives me a very bittersweet feeling. In fact, so bittersweet that, up til now (I finished the series + movie 3 days ago can, still haven't gotten over it...) I can't help but cry when I hear the 2nd Ending Song (because I feel that this song sums up the whole anime in the BEST and MOST AWESOME way) and the background song "Brothers". In fact, I cry the MOST when "Brothers" is played. So now I restrict myelf to only hearing it once a day, if not I will always be in a perpetual shadow of sadness. Seriously. I get THIS ATTACHED to an anime series. That's why I get apprehensive around epic anime like this. But at least FMA wasn't as heart-rending as Chrno Crusade. Haha, for Chrno Crusade I swear I cried for almost 30min. T^T

I read online that so many people hated the Conqueror of Shamballa movie. I, for one, LOVED it.

(OIOIOI for those who haven't watched the movie, BIG SPOILER HERE, AND THIS IS THE LAST WARNING I'M GIVING FOR SPOILERS since most of my friends don't really care about them anyway. I'm just wasting valuable typing space.)

Why should people be sad that Ed has to stay in our world? And Al too? I mean, for Ed right, even if he goes back to his world, he won't be able to become a State Alchemist anymore, and plus he burned down his house. It isn't realistic to say that he and Al will stay at Winry's because, let's face it, FMA is not an anime for happy endings, just like all good anime. Anime with happy endings don't get as much hype and/or praise. Plus, Ed and Al staying with Winry just irks me because I don't like any of the girls in the anime. Oh, with the exception of Lust, cuz I think she's really cool.

And my strongest argument? I just don't see Ed retiring happily in the countryside with Winry and the rest of them. It's just wrong. Even if he stays back in his world, he'll surely be off travelling and helping other people through his alchemy, maybe even fighting in the border disputes. Even that isn't realistic. If he helps in the war, he's either for or against the military, and both don't look like very probable possibilities.

For Al? Haha, this is an easy argument. If he stays back in his world, he would have lost all his memories of the 4 years of travel he did with his brother. And that would be the BIGGEST loss ever for him, since I believe he learned alot during his travels. So if Al is able to regain his lost memories by staying in our world with Ed, isn't that all so much the better? After all, their promise was to find each other eventually, and they HAVE, even if it isn't in their world but in ours.

So there. WHEW. I fully support the fact that Ed turned 100 in the year 2005 of our world (haha, omg, the OVAs were so cute, too bad they only made 4, and out of the 4, I couldn't find the 4th: "reflections"). That must make Al 99 in 2005. LAWL. But I'm digressing.

I guess the one thing I feel bitter about is the fact that Ed and Al can no longer practise Alchemy. It was so gut-wrenching for me to watch (in the movie) how much Ed missed Alchemy. You know, the scene where he completes drawing the alchemic circle, and then berates himself for doing so cuz alchemy can't be practised in our world. AAGGGHHHH.

Therefore, in conclusion... (LOL) The anime is bittersweet for me because bitter = cannot practise alchemy and sweet = Ed is reunited with Al in the end, after all their efforts.

I can safely say that I'll shelve this anime along with all my other all-time favourites like Chrno Crusade, Groove Adventure RAVE, BLOOD+ and +++ (because I forgot the rest). Hehe. Here ends my tirade about FMA.


It's funny how people bond to the first thing they watch. I lent my cousin a copy of my Japanese Hana Yori Dango, and she said she didn't like it cuz it felt weird, since she watched the Taiwanese one first. I, on the other hand, watched the Jap one first, and thought that the Taiwanese one was the inferior one. O_O LAWL. Just a random point I'd like to make.

But apparently all the people who watched Full House loved it no matter what. HAHA.

Lastly, I'd just like to remark upon the fact that I purchased a FMA mug from eBay. :)

To remind myself every day that, even if the Pinciple of Equivalent Trade is too simple a formula to be applied in such an imperfect world, one will always be able to gain something of value if one puts in enough effort, whatever the goal is. :P

Ganbatte, Ed and Al! ^^ (I wonder where their graves are in this world...or have they even died yet...? HOHOHO...)

...is what I said. Savvy? 9:59 am

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Word Vomit

I'm down with a cold. RAWR. The only decent thing that's happened to me all week is Ratatouille. TT_TT

And I have this RANT that been fermenting inside me for such a long time I feel I'm about to burst, so I really really have to blog about it.


Look, I know I'm stupid. I know most of the time I say the stupidest things. I'm forgetful. I'm blur. I speak without thinking about what I'm going to say. I mistake some things for others. I remember things wrong. I panic for no reason. I do silly random stuff that most normal people won't do. I AM A BLUR, EXCESSIVELY THICK-HEADED SPOILT USELESS BRAT AND I AM VERY AWARE OF THIS FACT.


Not everything I say deserves to be scoffed at. Not every memory I recount is wrong.

It has just come to a point where I feel as though I'm being JUDGED by EVERYONE.

It just sometimes hurts SO MUCH when what I say gets dismissed. JUST LIKE THAT. And I don't say a word and smile and laugh and act as if nothing is wrong, but it's times like these that I feel smaller than a gnat, even more insignificant than a piece of discarded chewing gum.

Is it so wrong to be naive? Is it so wrong to make lame comments? Is it so wrong to BE ME?????????????



Whew. Maybe it's just my cold working up. I don't know. Such a mouthful, right? HAHA. When I mean fermenting for a LONG time, I mean LONG time. I've had years and years of this kind of experience and today I'm just letting a bit out. Cuz I'm sick and sick people are allowed to wallow in self-pity.

Plus I have an Op-Ed to type and a presentation to do, and my head is killing me and my nose is trying to burrow into the other side of my skull.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me be able to sleep tonight.



...is what I said. Savvy? 5:58 pm

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
A Brief Respite

HOHOHO. I'm in the library right now, cuz I'm 30min early for class. Usually I'm not this early. The 205 bus driver is supposed to drive slower than this, but today I hitched a ride with my uncle, since he was already fetching my counsin to work. Haha. Beats sitting on the bus and listening to the horrible rock-n-roll the bus driver turns up on the radio. This happened to me yesterday and I was damn pissed lah. The driver tuned in to some stupid channel with screaming singers and lots of rock'n'roll and it drove me crazy can. And there I was trying to listent o some soothing tunes on my MP3.

But that was the only adverse thing that happened yesterday. Peanut buter and jelly tastes kinda nice. I keep reading about it in books but have never actually made some for myself. I even made it on time for my earlier bus, which put me in a good mood when I arrived home, after which, of course, I continued reading Lovely Complex. I'm at book 6 now, by the way. Too bad I have to read book 7 online, since I don't have it. I'll have to read books 11-14 online too, which SUXOR! Yesasia had better restock quickly or I'll eat it.

Oh well. Worst comes to worst I'll rent the comic on Saturday or something. Beats WAITING.

I now have a Country Road bag (lent to me by my cousin, haha, so kind) to carry my laptop and all my stuffs in, so that I don't have to carry two bags. TWO BAGS! They're so irritating! Especially since the laptop bag is a hand-carry.

These few days my nose has been feeling horrid. Utterly horrid. It's like it's going on strike or something. And I just read Cal's blog, and she says she'd love to have a blocked nose. You can have mine Cal, give me yours. We'll trade for a month or so.

The STATIC in my HAIR is ALSO driving me crazy. I combed my hair this morning, and I swear, I looked all the worst for it. So much so that I mussed it right back after combing. Geesh. You never get this in S'pore. Wait. I shouldn't be complaining, should I. In S'pore my hair is FLAT. As flat as that plateau that is supposedly the heart of Australia (forgot it's name. I'm never good at names, even rote memorising doesn't help). Why is the grass always greener on the other side?????? I need to send myself to Africa in a crate one day.

Which is to say, NEVER.

There's nothing wrong with being a spoilt brat. It's KNOWING you are one that really matters. So I AM ONE. Not proud to be one though, but then again, I'm humble. Huehuehue (Cal says no one uses "huehuehue", so I'm using it now. Now it's (c)YiXian. HUEHUEHUE)

My creative writing assignment is due Friday, but I'll have to hand it in on Thursday, since Friday I have my "bee" job. Again. Oh well. I am telling myself that I'm saving money to go to Sydney next year, but really I'm just kidding myself. I'll probably splurge it all during the two-week holiday I have. XD Which is in 1 and a half weeks' time!!! JOY JOY JOY! But really, I shouldn't splurge. I need to be held in those restraints they put on mentally-ill people, but the straps on mine should be neon pink. That way, even if I'm bound up like a crazy, I'll still be fashionable.

OHMYGOSH what am I blogging. the truth is that I just like the feel of my fingers on the keyboard. That's all. My genetic makeup is keyed for office work, which is really sad. I'd like to be able to say I was built for bungee-jumping, or even poem-writing or fashion-designing. Even house-cleaning!!! Being built to do officework is just thw most mundane of mundane-ness. Even Kenny has a job much more fun than mine. He cleans SHIT. Which actually MAKES A DIFFERENCE. AND HE ONLY GETS PAID LIKE $400 A WEEK, MAYBE EVEN LESS, I'LL BET.

Agh, leture's about to start, but at least I LURVE my Arts subjects this sem. Takes the sting off all the horrid Torts stuffs. Even Dispute Resolution isn't THAT bad. No wonder I've been having better moods. :D

***NOTE TO SELF: Buy Girlfriend! XD And smoked salmon, for next week's lunches. YUM. And Philadelphia cheese. And those Allen's gummies. And more packet tissue. And a carton of milk. And a life (which probably costs $1,000,000++).

...is what I said. Savvy? 9:31 am