Friday, October 26, 2007

The Proverbial Writers' Block
I am sitting here at Barretto's, contemplating a non-fiction piece I have just completed. It is total, bloody shite. Even I don't feel like reading it. I have no qualms about completing the fiction portion of my creative writing assignment, but my life so far has been rather uneventful. WHAT CAN I WRITE ABOUT??? Even my blog is testament to my humdrum existence. While I can imagine how others might have experiences in gay clubs and drunken boyfriends, I have none of those. Maybe I'm just searching for something too sensationalist? I could start a piece about my grandmother, except I didn't know much about her, and someone else is already doing a piece on a grandfather. A very good piece, I might add. GRAH. Maybe I SHALL do a piece about someone I know, or people I know of.
Better than a godforsaken romp through my bedroom. I'll bet only insatiable voyeurs would want a look inside and get a blow-by-blow account of each object's history.
I am so boring I even bore myself.
I shall now brainstorm right here. I feel too lethargic to stretch my fingers to open the Microsoft Word application.
Write about:
- my guzheng competitions
- my grandmother
- my first return to S'pore***
- my annual visits back to Pinang to visit relatives (some distant, some eccentric, most friendly) in their goldsmiths' shop
- my attempts at rearing various insects during my childhood
GRAAAAHHHHHHHH. This is all I can think of now. As it is, my laptop's battery is only going to last me for another 45 minutes, and I have yet to collect my essay on Defamation from the Law faculty. WHAT ARE THE TEACHERS DOING, LEAVING IT TIL THE LAST DAY OF TERM??? I will bash my face into a marble pillar if I flunk this essay. And ask the office for a $50 refund on all the photocopies of research I've done.
Plus I'm hungry, so I'll just go off now and munch on the cheese sandwich I've packed for myself.
I've decided: my writing style is more suited to the journalistic profession. I am in no way creative. At all. Ok, maybe just marginally, but marginally does me no good, since there are so many other geniuses in my class.
I haven't touched this blog in ages, have I? Whoa. Revelation. Seeing as I'm currently pissed off at my non-fiction piece, there won't be any updates anytime soon. If I can't be bothered to write about my life in an assignment, what more in my own blog??? LAWL.
...is what I said. Savvy?
3:15 pm