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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Sudden Inspiration

After Jess announced she was gonna switch back to blogging in English, that got me thinking...how about I try blogging in CHINESE???


Since this is the first post, don't mind the random English words in between kae. It's a far cry from my secondary school days, I know! T^T

这么久没讲华语了,连写华文字我也差不多忘掉了。这也是当然的啦。自从我决定到澳洲去读大学,在那个时刻之后,可以说我差不多抛弃我的母语。一开始,我也蛮高兴与兴奋。对我来说,华文是个很花时间的语文。要写一篇decent的文章,需要一小时的烦恼,然后三个小时的writing. 但是,过了一段时间,我却莫名其妙地开始想念华文`华语之类的东西。尤其是中学那段时间的华文课。我记得,我总是会在老师没注意的时候跟朋友说说笑笑。不然呢,我就会在笔记本里画莫名其妙的东西。

Looking back, 我发现吴老师真的非常照顾我们这一班。Ok, 可以说我们班在我们的年级是比较聪明的,所以老师们当然比较注视我们的学习。虽然事实是这样,我还是非常尊敬我们华文老师的信心和细心。


今天,没什么发生。我做了家务之后,身体感觉非常的腰酸背痛,但是,一样的,我也有收获啦。不知道减肥了吗?哈哈。我也管不了太多。只是, 把全家的房子都vacuum和mop的感觉非常好。有一个很优越的sense of achievement。哇,我又再写什么废话啦!简直像家庭主妇一般唠叨。可恶!读者们,这就是叫做"no life".

我本来想把昨天发生的事都写出来,但是我的华文本是没那么好,以及我也懒得用母语。写了以上的东西我也蛮辛苦了。快喘不过气了。Tat boleh tahan already. 我应该到此停笔了,呵呵。




我和洁西卡(哈哈,我把你的英文名translate到华文了,蛮好笑的!)到一间新开的korean和japanese餐厅,叫Big Mama。他们那里的豆腐多么的好吃呢!能跟我的魔法奶茶相比,呵呵。我们应该点了多一个。如果整餐只是吃那个豆腐,那该多好!读者们如果以后到澳洲melbourne旅行,一定要尝尝Big Mama的Agedashi豆腐,哦?千万不要去喝天人的奶茶,因为那个魔法奶茶是属于我的,你们给我记住。HOHOHO。

因为现在我们在Easter假期的期间,在城市里非常少人。在Melbourne大学见到的人影少得很。虽然这样平常对我来说是一件好事,但是我的research当天也落空,连一丝relevant article也找不到。也许那天我是fated的。早知道会这样,我也不会去图书馆了啦!多么的浪费我的宝贵时间。离开图书馆以后,我们到洁西卡的apartment去。花了老半天,我这啰里啰唆的朋友终于换好了衣服。谁叫她的apartment的镜子这么大. 镜子多大她就会花多少的时间准备. ;)

我们决定去天人那里吃晚餐, 然后我们点了一个非常奇怪的花生面. O_o 不知道杰斯卡有没有把昨晚的花生面拍下来, 可以让你们看, 哈哈! Suffice it to say, 那盘面不太好吃啦. 我也蛮kaypo的. 一直注意着坐在一旁的两位女生. 她们好像吵架了, 正在默默地吃晚餐. 我们觉得十分莫名其妙.

咿呀! "莫名其妙" 这个成语我用得太多了. 总共用了三次. 请各位recommend意思相近的成语, 可以吗? 我的头脑快要爆炸了. 也许写太多华文对我的神经不好? 哈哈. 也许吧. 问题是, 我的神经早有malfunction了.

YAY! I managed to type it all out in stuttering Chinese. Hope it's even half-way coherent. :P

...is what I said. Savvy? 5:28 pm

Monday, March 03, 2008
1st Day of 2nd Year Uni, 2008


The lecturer for one of my Law subjects looks and talks like Voldemort. But he seems like a nice person, amicable and all that. It's just that the very first word that came to my mind when he spoke was Voldemort. It's not that his voice is all evil-sounding and sibilant, it's just that it sounds very gentle, almost faint, as if he's speaking from a great distance. One of the most unique voices I have ever heard.

For first days, today was quite good. Except for the fact that the 207 bus I took had this weird smell, the smell of when people perspire onto the seats and the cushion absorbs all the sweat and gets old. Yeah. Kinda gross right. The key is to NOT think about it. At least it was air-conditioned. Today was SO SO bloody hot, like 32 degrees. Worse than S'pore man. At least tomorrow is gonna be better.

My Net Communications lecture was full of jargon, but it was all very comforting. After months of not doing anything much at all, it feels really good sitting down to a lecture which you don't enjoy (after all, during holidays, all you do is do thing you enjoy) and listening to the lecturer droning on about transcoding and new media and blah blah whatever. I didn't know how much I missed Uni until today. :)

Since this week is only the first week, there were no lab classes for Net Comm, so I hung out with Jess instead. She was walking around trying to look for job vacancies. I should have been doing the same, except that I haven't gotten my work visa done yet. BUGGER. Oh well, sooner or later I'll get one. Hopefully the money will start coming in, haha!

I was expecting my Law lecture to be a total waste of time, as all introductory lectures always are. All they do is go through a summary of the course, what to expect, assessment, guidelines blah blah. But I ended up quite happy to go to today's lecture. Got to meet with Yuqi, Lionel, Sue Ann, Mabel and OMG-I-cant-believe-I-forgot-her-name-she's-so-nice. Everyone lives so close to Uni. I tagged along with Yuqi to get a glimpse of the new apartment she's renting, just a few metres for the Law school. It was small, but very quaint, with a decent balcony view and spiffy toilet, although it wasn't much bigger than the bathroom in my aunt's house. The sink, for instance, was the size of a bowl. Seriously. But other than that, it looks nicer than the other apartments I have looked at. The price is pretty nice as well, about AU$900++ a month. For a room. Oh well, that's the life of people who don't have relatives here. ^^

Oh, I just found out that the really shuai angmo guy who was in one of my Media subjects last semester is also taking one of my Media subjects this semester. Hope we're in the same tute, but it's highly unlikely.


(I don't think she'll see this message cuz she doesn't really use the com, so if someone would be so nice as to tell her I said this, I'd really appreciate it. Especially if you are from REEDS and are reading this. :P)

Now if only it would get cooler...

Apple pie tastes weird with chocolate and honeycomb ice cream. But I had no choice. There was no other ice cream flavour in the fridge, and how can ANYONE possibly eat apple pie without eating ice cream???



Talk is cheap! OMG. Boohoo.

...is what I said. Savvy? 8:54 pm

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Mysteries Solved, Unsolved

I now know why I blog more in Australia, and neglect it anywhere else. Have I ever mentioned how slow life here is??? If Australia were a person I would grab it her by the shoulders and give her a good, long shake. Oh, and gift her a pair of good earphones, attached to an iPod with neverending songs. Cuz it's just so bloody quiet out here in the suburbs, I can totally envision a horror movie being shot here, with no one being able to hear you scream. Can't wait til uni starts next week. I'm not looking forward to the work, mind you. I'm just looking forward to the fact that I'll have something to do, somewhere to go, people to see. Right now I'm just stewing like a pot of laksa at home and being envious of other people going to work and being able to meet friends every day. HAHA. I was just reading Hy's blog, and I'm so jealous of her $1.27 bus fare. Here? The best you can hope for is a $2.60 city saver, and that's only enough to last you one trip, through the city only. -_____-||| Right now my monthly ticket costs $104, up from $98 the last time I bought one. If inflation were a person I would stick an umbrella up its arse and open it. >.>

Aside from money woes and nothing-to-do-so-bloody-boring woes, I know I'll be wishing for some peace during semester, haha! I have no doubt that the moment I set off for uni on Monday, the essays will come flooding in, the readings will bog me down and the early morning calls will tire me flat. Oh well. Being tired is much better than being bored. At least when you're tired, you can sleep.

Shopping online is the most unbelieveable fun. It's just that the guilt that comes after feels horrible, haha. Oh well, there goes my ang pao money. The next time I go on a shopping spree, it will be with my pay. I just have to get off my ass and get my working visa soon. If not I'll lose my drive altogether. And in the end NOT get a job. But I have to get a job if I wanna go exploring around Sydney this July holiday. At least, whatever job I get, I know that the pay's good. ^^ Let me see if I can recount what I did for the past few days.

Tuesday I arrived, very astonished at the cool weather here. Was expecting it to be blisteringly hot. Glad I didn't have to carry my jacket then. I met this girl called Eunice, who took the same flight with me. She's a 2nd year doing political science, seemed very nice. I wanted to get her hp number to keep in contact, but we parted at the declarations area, darn. Oh well. Maybe I'll meet her on campus. Got picked up by my aunt, and then when we got home I slept for the next 8 hours, to my delight. I like sleeping for long periods. It's so very relaxing and stress-free. Plus I get to meet all the shuaiges in my dreams. Ok lah, who am I kidding, there aren't any shuaiges in my dreams, my subconscious mind is not so kind. I get weird stuff I forget in the morning.

Anyway, it was around this time after waking that I read my friends' notes and watched the short movie clip. It really uplifted me, seeing as how I was really missing my family and home sweet home already. For some reason, this year's homesickness was worst than last year's. I think I cried for a few days, until I sorta got over it. Must be all this idle activity. I'm not doing anything, so I think too much. I must remember to leave my thinking for work instead, for studies. LOL.

On Thursday I went out with Jess to catch the movie Jumper. It was quite ok la, if not for a cliche plot. I'd really really like his power. Paris, Egypt, Japan and Shanghai in a day? I wanna do that too! XD He got to stand on a sphinx's head, haha. Probably one of a handful in the whole world who got to do that la. I was already feeling a little sick by then. I think it's my body transitioning from S'pore to Melbourne weather, cuz I feel fine now. I mean, from 28 max to 18 max is a big temperature jump. Had to re-adjust and remember what sort of clothing to wear for this weather, O_o

Jess says she likes four seasons. The only reason I like winter is cuz I get to disguise my arm fats by wearing long sleeves. Don't deny and try to make me feel better, I KNOW I have arm fats. Just like I know I'm not obese but say I am. Anyway, the issue of weight and fats is insignificant in my life right now. What is significant in my life now is that thick uber-scary-looking tome on my bed called Contracts: Cases and Materials. More intimidating than my Torts book. I tried reading a random page and nearly gave myself a heart attack. Maybe, postmortem, I'll still be holding that book in my hands, my mouth open in a silent scream.

GOSH, I don't even watch horror movies, where is all this horrid imagery coming from? I keep diverting from my topic. Oh, so on the day I watched Jumper, we ate zha jiang mian at our reliable and cheap shanghai dumpling store. I really really felt like eating zha jiang mian cuz I kept seeing people eat them in Witch Yoo Hee and Coffee Prince. AAARRRGGGHHH. I really really love noodles in gooey sauce.

The next day, aka Friday, I felt even worse. Sicker than usual. Plus I HAD to get out of bed to go to the city, cuz that was the last day I could collect my Law materials from the darn office. So, amazingly enough, I managed to drag myself out of bed, onto the bus and I made it to the Law building without collapsing on the floor twitching. Imagine my dismay when the lady hefted this monster stack of papers when I told her this semester's subjects. Was I surprised? HAHA, not in the least. Was I disappointed? Yes, quite. Did I expect it? Yes I did. Hey, it won't kill me to do some wishful thinking right.

At least this time, only one subject needs a textbook. The other relies on notes only, HUHUHU.

Now if only my classes are filled with shuaiges. FAT CHANCE MAN. I miss the multitudes of good-looking guys in S'pore. Oh well. Depriving myself of eye candy is another way to a slim figure. Figuratively, I mean. OMGAH what am I talking about? This is the typing equivalent of mumbling. I wonder how many words a person can type before he dies. If he was a secretary, he'd probably type alot more than, say, a toilet cleaner. And every time I think toilet cleaner, I think of Lionel being mean and tricking me into thinking that he took a part time job at Newton Circus as a toilet cleaner. BAH. I'm so naive. Why are people constantly taking advantage of meeeee!!!

I feel bad about blogging too. Cuz when you blog, all one is doing is talking about oneself. When, really, one should be living for the sake of others, cuz other people matter the most.

The last thing that the founder of the Red Cross organisation said to the volunteers in his final letter before he died was this:



I think now that the world only seems small because most times, we think only of ourselves. Unhappiness seems to always stem from us wanting to satisfy our selfish desires, yet we are reluctant to embrace true happiness by putting others first. Love begets love. I am blessed to be a blessing. :) I hope and pray that I will be just that, a blessing to those around me. I hope that my life will be a gift to others, and especially to my family. Yet I know that I still have my selfish ways, so I can only try harder, to mature faster, and to love others more than I love myself. Talk is cheap, haha, and I may take a lifetime to achieve this, but with God's help and guidance, I want to at least try, even if I have zero confidence in myself, to be a candle to others. Weird thing is, before I can learn to love others, I have to start loving myself first. GANBATTE!

...is what I said. Savvy? 11:48 pm