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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Saturday, May 31, 2008
What's In A Name

I just felt like blogging, really.

Over the years I've had several nicknames.

But none of them have lasted as long as the two I will mention below. Why? LAWL I don't know. Nicknames have a habit of sticking to you if people around you keep using it. It sounds natural after awhile, but people you're not close to will think it's weird. Nevertheless, it's good having a nickname. I think it'll be quite miraculous if your good friends around you don't have a nickname for you by the end of the first year of being friends.

1) Isetan (or Ise)

Yes, well.

I think this name stuck because it really sounds super close to my name. O_o But how cool is that? To be named after a shopping centre. Even though the only thing I can remember that I ever bought from Isetan was my secondary school prom dress... $99. I should have just bought some cheapo dress and mod-ed it. But then again, what lah. First prom ever. I guess it's ok to splurge abit. For me now, $99 is half my one week's expenditure on food, travel, books and etc.

2) Ban (or Bun)

This came about during Trinity. Funny how nicknames come up in the most mundane of situations. I can't imagine what I'd have been called if we weren't talking about that exact topic, at that exact time and place. Maybe people will still be calling me by my normal name. Cuz I know if I didn't ask that stupid question, NO WAY in the entire world will this nickname ever be made. But let's face it. I buy so many buns from Breadtop all the time. Maybe now I'm resigning myself to my fate.

Why do I keep getting nicknames?

I must be very gong.

Yes, that must be it.

But then again, I don't think I mind. Being gong is fun. But of course, being gong by yourself is not as fun as "gong"-ing with other people. :D I'm glad I've found people to gong around with. If all my lame jokes fell flat, I'll feel like I would DIE!

And my JAW is aching like SHIT from all that CHEWING and LAUGHING that went on today. I'm just super happy that my milk tea turned out great. I'll definitely be going back to Dessert House sometime soon, especially to try out the other rice dishes. I just hope my jaw gets better soon. It's kinda hard to work up an appetite with it being so hard to CHEW. DAMN you, you horrible jaw, I HATE CHEW.

<3-ing M&M Crispies. X3

...is what I said. Savvy? 11:01 pm

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I went out with my aunt's family to eat yumcha today at Box Hill! Wow, it was good. Too bad I was too busy eating to take any pictures, lol. Today was also the first time I've tried eating that chicken feet dish. After all the hype about it being so good, I was expecting something close to divine bliss. Alas, people always hype things up too much. I enjoyed my egg tart better. Not that I'll never eat chicken feet again, but I won't squeal and jump around about it. Although...it WAS fun spitting out the joints after I finished chewing on them...it was just the thumb part I couldn't chew off... O_o

Aside from the chicken feet (we ordered 2 plates), there was chee cheong fun (prawn, it was nice, but the white stuff was a bit too thick), chicken pie, har gao, siew mai, pig's stomach (which tasted distinctly disgusting and greasy!), carrot cake (nice, really nice), glutinous rice, spring roll (a bit too salty for my liking), char siew pao (AWESOME-ness, sweet and warm and just plain GOOOOOOOD), prawn wrapped in fried wonton skin (really good, I'm partial to anything with prawns in it), some weird meat thing (I don't know what it was called, but it was still good, lol) and pei dan chok (crystal jade's porridge is better, but then again, there's no crystal jade kitchen here is there? Grr. Nevertheless, worth a taste).

Unless my memory fails me, that's about it. Now I just feel a tad too full, but that's how I always feel for lunch anyway. For dinner, I just feel 3/4 full which is just the way I like it.

We arrived at the restaurent at about 11am, so we got a 20% discount for arriving early, Heck, we were their first customers for the day! ^^ It was a Post-Chiang Chinese restaurant, you know the Kuomintang leader, Jiang Kai-shek? Yeah. There were pictures and descriptions on the walls about Jiang's favourite foods, but then again... the stuff they sold were just about what you'd find in any restaurant, in terms of dim sum. But I guess they were referring to the a la carte dishes. The Kungpo Pork is apparently brilliant. Although it doesn't quite live up to its name, picture-wise... My aunt says its awesome though. Looks are deceiving.

All I have to do now is wonder about what to do on my birthday. Hmmm. 19's not really anything. It's the halfway point between 18 (OMG-I'm-an-adult-now) and 20 (OMG-I've-hit-the-20s). I guess it's significant because 19 is the last 'teen before twenty. So does this mean it's the last year I can be stupid and childish? Nope. My cousin's 23 and he's still childish. ;P In a fun way. I just hate it when my birthday falls on a weekday. At least I don't have to wait for every leap year to celebrate my birthday! XD

In the car on the way back, my cousin started talking about 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation Asians. It goes like this: the 1st generation starts making money, the 2nd generation builds on it, and the 3rd generation spends it all. Apparently, my other cousin has this really stupid friend who just spends stuff. He works for his parents and gets paid, AND his parents still get him a $70k++ car. That is SO LAME. Anyway, that got me thinking: into which generation do I fit in? I have no idea of my grandfather was rich or not, but I'm guessing no. So if this IS the case, then my dad has got to be the 1st generation and I'll be 2nd generation. But I think I'm quite spendthrift. Although I DO feel the need to work. Does that mean my CHILDREN will be spending and spending and spending but never earning?

That settles it. I'm not having children.

I mean, imagine going through 48 hours of labour pains! I'm not going to do all that just to become a mother! It's OVERRATED! *ahem*

And what was with the weather yesterday??? I was SO FREAKING COLD! Thank goodness I didn't go out for the whole of yesterday. Pouring, dreary and wet wet wet and COLD it was. Even huddled under my blankets didn't make me feel any better. Until, of course, dinner time and my aunt heated this leftover soup up (her soups are really good, ESPECIALLY on cold bitter nights). You know how soup gets better the longer you cook it and left it sit? Well, yeah, this soup was 3 days old, and it only got more awesome! So imagine my delight when I grumpily shuffled downstairs to find HOT SOUP waiting. ^^ And the heater was on downstairs. Whee!

Of course, I'm going to get that $20 fan heater from Target now. My cousin has one, and she seems the better off for it. I WANT ONE TOO! Imma get myself one on Monday. Heehee.

I also have to remind myself not to cook double packets of instant noodles for lunch anymore. It's just WAYYYYYY too much. Plus I added too little water so it ended up quite salty, and I was chugging down water like my throat was on fire for the rest of the day. (Or then again, the water went so quickly cuz I put two eggs in as well, hahaha) My cooking skills are sadly lacking, How I wish I could cook Kungpo Pork as well. No wait, stuff that. I wanna make pastries. I wanna be a pastry chef and make delicious cakes. And then I want my husband to be good at Asian cooking. YAY! My children will become fat and obese and I will have to ship them off to Africa for a couple of years. During which time I will take a break from child-rearing.

Wait a minute, didn't I just say I wouldn't HAVE children a few lines before? Dammit. Must be Legal Theory screwing with my brain cells again.

...is what I said. Savvy? 12:57 pm

Thursday, May 08, 2008

SAYO! ;)

So today, early in the morning at 6.30am, I woke up, took a shower and swept off to Uni to do my habitual bit of reading for Legal Theory. I'm falling into this routine where getting up super-early is becoming to feel normal. O_o At least now I know I'm devoting sufficient time to getting my Pass grade for Legal Theory. XD Of all places where I thought I could evade Philosophy, here I am being corralled into doing it. GAH.

Ok I should stop ranting about my studies now.

My aunt told me this morning that she wouldn't be cooking, so I found a good reason to eat out today for dinner (even though I missed, like, 3/4 of Ghost Whisperer). Usually Thursdays are the worst of days, since the last day of uni is when you want it to end the most. But today was really fun. I mean, the last part of the day.

I finally escaped the library at about half past 12 to go catch some lunch. Sat down at my fave corner in QV with my two sushi rolls, and couldn't help but keep glancing at this plump woman sitting opposite me munching on KFC. In fact, I felt kind of put off. So this world is filled with skinny people who like sushi, fat people who like fast food and fat poeple who don't like sushi but eat it cuz they're on a diet. O_o How come I don't see skinny people liking fast food? LAWL. That's easy to answer, I guess. Like, when you're not used to fast food, it feels as though your body rebels every time you eat fast food. Every time I eat fast food, my stomach feels all weird and makes gurgling noises. The last time I ate any sort of fast food was KFC, and I got a bad headache after THAT. >.> Almost immediately after finishing the meal. WTH?!?! Must be because I haven't eaten fast food in a LONG LONG time.

Which is to say, a good thing. I still remember my Trinity days, when I ate KFC once a week and I was ok. Goes to show how toxic fast food is once your body has really purged it.

At that moment, just then, I felt like telling the woman to just leave the fast food and her huge cup of Coke. I felt like telling her, you'll feel so much better about yourself, and your body will feel so much better, if you just stopped and tried to find something less unhealthy to eat. Heck, instant noodles feel better than fast food. And they cost like, 45c a packet (although I eat 2 at a time).

In the end I just kept my meddling mouth shut. Hey, individual natural rights. People have the right to decide what's best for themselves. Who am I to give advice as some random person? I feel I have no authority, and I don't have thick enough skin to approach people like that, on my own. She might sit on me and squish me. X(

For all my talk, I still went to get a cup of chocolate mousse from Breadtalk after I finished my sushi. XD

Obligations was fairly ok today. I'm enjoying it actually, one of the best law subjects I've had so far. Anyway, one of the students brought her baby to class. He/she (babies are so unisex, they look the same from afar) was SO SO CUTE! Like, he/she made gurgling funny noises during class and the lecturer was obviously charmed by the little kid. Haha, our lecturer is such a nice guy! :) I hope more of my Law lecturers are like him in future.

Then of course the baby started getting fussy and irritated. I mean, how can you expect a baby to pay attention to an Obligations class? Hell, even I fidget during class. Can't imagine what the baby must be going through: "What the hell is that guy talking about? How come all I see are words and no nice pictures?! I don't understand why mommy must stay for this boring shit! I WANT OUT!!!". (Ok, maybe something less vulgar, haha) She kinda had to leave halfway because the baby had had enough. ;P Too bad.

During Chinese Politics and Society after that, I managed to PAY ATTENTION! As opposed to my usual habit of doodling ALL OVER my lecture notepad with bad pictures of disproportionate people... LOL.

Because I'm not working anymore, I decided to go healthy and walked to Bourke Street from Uni. Quite an exhilarating experience, when you're all snuggled up in a warm coat and comfy boots. I ended up choosing where to eat (not surprisingly) so we went to the newly-revamped King's Cafe in the Arcade.

HELLO! PEOPLE! King's Cafe is quite a decent place! Why not abandon that Dessert (#%@$) House on Swanston and head there for a meal instead? It won't disappoint, I assure you. Go against the grain and stop being herded around like sheep (i.e. OMG so many people are queueing up there, let's eat there too!) who assume that only crowded places have good food. What's life without a bit of risk? Eating the same, safe thing over and over again is -_-|||. Life's not meant to be safe. (I mean, I totally respect that security is important in a person's life, but c'mon man, it's just food, experimenting a little more won't hurt much) It's said that the bigger risk you take, the bigger the gain you stand to receive. ^^

We stayed there for about 2hrs, haha, cuz we were busy chatting. I'm surprised I didn't eat more air than food! Though I wholeheartedly believe that meals are primarily about the company than about the food. What's a five-star dinner when you're eating alone? Eating instant noodles with friends seems so much the richer. That's why I love people. They give your life colour, when sometimes you just bore yourself out. :) If tehre were no people other than yourself, who'll be there to irritate you, to irk you, to make fun of you, to laugh with you, to accompany you, to talk with you, to help you understand you etc.

HAHA, I know I was complaining and nagging about missing Ghost Whisperer but inside, I know I would have chosen to go out with friends over staying home to catch a TV program. :) I just nag cuz it irriates people I like to irritate. MUHAHAHAHAH!

I'd like to end with a final observation: the new Flinders St tram stop is really cool. Love the additional benches. Love all the people surrounding me and holding me up, too. They're like benches. Always there for you when you need to rest, and fun to "sit" on. HEEHEE.

NARA! <3

...is what I said. Savvy? 10:44 pm

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Storm on the Horizon

Yaii!!! The exam timetables are out.

'nuff said.

Well, ok, not really. I have to say, this'll be the first time I'm finishing up my semester so EARLY. In fact, I'll be free by the end of the 2nd week of June. How cool's that? Except of course this means my exams are much earlier than before...which means cramming and all that sh*t.

So, with all the essays, websites, take-home exams and exams that are arriving soon, what am I doing? Yep, You guessed it. I've been fooling around on Facebook. This is, of course, a form of de-stressing that doesn't actually work.

OH NOOOOO. I have exactly 11 minutes to blog before NCIS starts on TV. After which I'll be hooked for the next two hours. Don't bother contacting me during that time cuz I'll be blind and deaf to the world, hahahah!

This morning, after a night filled with editing and previewing and adjusting html on my bloody bright screen, I woke up from the dead to go to Uni and read Legal Theory. It wasn't an entirely wasted session, but what I can tell you is that I am SO NOT a morning person. Even if I sleep early the night before. My switch isn't flipped yet, not until after lunch. I guess I should be thankful, then, that both my exams are in the afternoon. X)

Oh, I have something else to vent.

Why is it that people bring their subjective assumptions about movies onto other movies that aren't even related? And thus miss out on a totally fulfilling movie experience? Take Transformers. So many people were like dismissing it for being a children's film and blah-de-immature-and-blah. Why can't people just take a movie at face value, and give it chance? Instead of shoving each movie into stereotypical pigeonholes, why can't people approach movies with an open mind? I hate it when people form assumptions about movies and dismiss them before that particular movie has had a chance to entertain them.

It's not all that important, you'll tell me, whether people make presumptions about movies and dismiss them or approve of them accordingly. Yeah, ok, granted that's pretty true. BUT if people carry over these presumptions and apply them to people instead, it becomes a whole new ball game. This is the arena where misconceptions such as "blondes are dumb" and "chihuahuas are for girls" and "people who wear specs and are smart are nerds" come from.

To presume something about someone is, to me, one of the saddest occurrences in the world. Because when you do that, you lose a potential friend, and you disregard a person's multi-dimensional nature as well. I mean, how would YOU feel if someone else viewed you as a cardboard cut-out?

Thus, in conclusion: Iron Man is NOT Transformers. Narnia is NOT The Dark Is Rising. Spiderman is NOT Batman. Go on, you. Start off with a clean slate and start discovering movies you never knew you'd ever like. ;) I DARE you.

...is what I said. Savvy? 8:14 pm

Monday, May 05, 2008
Snip Snip Snip

Yes, you guessed it, this part contains photos from my hair cut day out with Adlin at Springvale.

^ Adlin, glowing with HAPPY after her brand spanking new haircut! We took this at the train station while waiting for it to arrive. It started raining on the way back, which was just plain horrible. Considering it was so sunny when this picture was taken!

^ Me, with my new haircut! Can't really see it cuz my jacket's blocking the view, but hey, I was cold, and comfort comes before looks in my dictionary. Ideally, comfort should accompany looks. XD

^ Ooooh! Adlin showed me her limited edition Singaporean $20 note! I've never seen anything like it before. Wonder if people in Singapore will recognise it and allow it to be used in stores. I'll bet the cash machines in Singapore don't have an extra slot for $20 notes. Wonder what they'll do if they get a note like this, lol!

^ Yeah, those are my research books. Although admittedly I didn't end up using even half of them, this is what research ultimately entails: sifting through shitloads of books until you manage to sniff out the relevant ones. And reading and browsing through every one of them to see if they're relevant. -_- WHYYYY am I not enrolled in a science course? Regular lab reports don't sound THAT bad...

^ Just a random doodle of Adlin, secretly drawn while she was poring over her Chem notes. Face it, I was just so dead bored I needed a distraction. Plus there was scrap paper, and Me + Scrap Paper = Doodles. What can I say? It's in my nature...like if I see this blank piece of paper, I feel some sort of magnetic force to bring my pen to it and make SHAPES. O_o

...is what I said. Savvy? 9:29 pm

Sun, Sand and Sky

More photos, whee! I'm on a roll...

Well, only because I just got round to transferring all my phone pictures into my PC... which is really the product of procrastination and pure laziness. ^^

Whew, I had no idea we did so much camwhoring on the tram, LOL! Shameless la, we all.

^ Adlin, laughing at who-knows-what-weird-things-she-laughs-at on the tram to St Kilda beach. HAHA.

^ Me, haha, the ultimate chio-bu. :P Jess said I looked like some Hawaiian. She forgot to complete the phrase with "princess". So I'm supposed to be a Hawaiian Princess. Muhahaha. Ahem. Please don't bash me. I have my rights.

^ Clarice, living up to her T-shirt's name, haha!

^ OMG *barf puke vomit* Although I am extremely reluctant to put this up, I have a moral and ethical obligation to. Otherwise this pic would have ended up deleted from my Recycle Bin. Jessica, "The Shameless One", trying to open her eyes wide enough so that she will get transported into the world of anime and manga to find a bishounen boyfriend. XDDD HAHAHAHA. ROFL. Most probably she's praying that people will eat her pancakes...

^ Calista, the total opposite of "The Shameless One", haha! Jess must learn to be as camera-shy as Cal is. This is the picture of humility! :P She looks like she's gonna explode from something funny. XD

^ Sunny Shay Fern! The sun shines on where it properly belongs. :) (No wonder the first picture of Jess was as dark as hell...;o)

^ Another photo of Adlin...well...just cuz she's Adlin. ;) And also because this pic speaks volumes about her spastic personality. Like, almost on the verge of "chou jing"-ing every time she looks into a camera... LAWL.

^ Everyone staring in awe at the sand...
"Is this really sand?!?!"
"Oh my gosh!!!"
"I can't see my foot!"
"Adlin, you baka..."
"Sorry lah! Jess' shirt so bright, make me step on your foot! All her fault!"
"What lah! Wan-die-arh?"

^ Adlin's delightful box of agar agar...or wait, was it konnyaku jelly? HAHA. I forgot. Oops. Too bad there were too few of us to finish it, they were all so pretty...we should have coated them in plastic so that they'd last forever. And use them as paperweights. LOL. Or if we waited long enough we could poison our worst enemy, or at least throw them so that the enemy gets a concussion...

^ Munch time! Jess and Clarice look like hamsters, haha! And Adlin "The Queen" looks like the ultimate trishaw rider. Hello??? You don't see Queen Elizabeth doing that la can. Ruining the reputations of all the great queens who have reigned on Earth. Tsk tsk Adlin.

^ Whee! My name engraved in the sand with my foot! Although my phone cam didn't capture it particularly well. ;P Now if only I can find a way to make it permanent...will it be considered vandalism if my markings don't vanish from the sand? HAHA.

Altogether a very fun day. Coupled with all the silly dares and stunts that we did, I'm surprised we all managed to survive, haha! Quoting that donkey from Shrek who every time is used in that irritating Hoyts ad before movies start:

"Let's do that again!"

...is what I said. Savvy? 8:51 pm


Actually what I meant to say is, lots of pictures. It just somehow felt right to put "noodles" in my blog title. :D Today's entry is going to have a heck of alot of pictures, so if any of you have freaking crazy download limits, I'm sorry! XD

This post will be labelled:

My Lovely Silly Brothers

^ Here they are! :) Love them lots! This was taken while we were at Swensen's in Singapore celebrating my mum's birthday. I can't believe I ate a whole pan of apple crumble on my own. HAHA. The one on the left is Yi Zu and the one on the right is Yi Jia. ^^ Mostly, I can get Yi Zu to do stupid things, like those below...

^ LOL. This was taken while we were waiting outside to get into Swensen's, Toa Payoh there, and there was the cinema just outside. So we started taking stupid photos like this. I said I wanted to watch The Water Horse cuz its so cute, and my bro, as usual, went and did this...which was SO DAMN FUNNY...XD Priceless, my brothers, priceless.

^ We discovered a hole in L's cardboard arm, lol! Looks so real right? Haha, freaky. Ok, well, it WOULD have looked freaky, except that my brother looks so goony beside L that it sorta spoils the effect. Bwahahahaha!

^ A tiger's eating my bro! Oh goody! XD Nah, we went over to my cousin's house and discovered a whole treasure trove of soft toys, including this life-sized tiger, which OF COURSE Yi Zu wanted to mess around with, as usual. (Had he NOT messed around with it, it would have been extremely abnormal) Makes me wanna bash him all the time, haha, for doing stupid things. XP

^ What can I say? My bro's got this thing with his nose...(please refer to the above Water Horse photo...) But, yea, gotta admit, DAMN FUNNY as usual. :)

See where I get all my silliness from? I have good teachers. ;3 And spontaneous, adorable brothers who mostly do what I ask them to do. ^^

...is what I said. Savvy? 8:15 pm