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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
And The World Goes 'Round The Sun


I can't believe all the hassle I've been through just to turn my timetable into something more humane. If I'd left things as it was, I would have had 15hrs of FREE TIME on my hands between lessons. Considering I only have 13hrs of contact time during the week, 15hrs is unbelievable.

Now, after a few days worth of stressing and rearranging and emailing, I've cut that break down to 4hrs. 4hrs is still alot, considering my timetable last semester had only a 2hr break, which was split half-half. Now this semester I have a 4hr continuous break. Oh well. I discovered something weird.

If I hadn't changed my subjects this semester and left it at that boring subject I disliked, I would have gotten 2 days off and little/no break. It happens with my other politics subjects as well (and OMG hopefully I will no longer be taking any more politics subjects). Like for Chinese Politics last sem, my timetable was near perfect!

So I have come to the conclusion that if I am to take subjects I actually enjoy, I will have to bear with the imperfections of my timetable. Which is fair enough, I suppose. Every choice has its ups and downs. :) So yeah, I could actually be using my time now to reduce that 4hrs to 2hrs, but I've decided to let it go for now.

Instead, I've come up with a list of things to do for that 4hr-long break:

1) Learn Japanese***
2) Do essay research (if any)***
3) Read course materials***
4) Go to the gym
5) Play around with my DS
6) Stream dramas on school computers to while away the time
7) Download more DS games/music
8) Watch movies on my mp3 player
9) Go window shopping
10) Muck around with friends
11) Do grocery shopping

After consulting this list, I realise I can do quite alot of stuff in this time period. And then I didn't feel so bad anymore. HAHAHA! Especially the top 3 on the list. Those are the things I wouldn't otherwise do unless I'm at school, so I guess this "break" actually forces me to sit down and keep up with my readings. Whoopee. Haha, no, really.

This also means that from Mon-Thurs I will definitely be free during lunch times, and definitely free from 1-3pm on all these days! So if anyone wants to catch up with me or hang out for lunch, I will be able to make it 99% of the time. :D

By the way, The Dark Knight is AWESOME. So dark and menacing, unlike so many other predictable superhero shows (which become predictable because of this same formula: guy/girl has super powers, is defeated by bad guy the first time, makes a comeback and defeats villain, and gets the girl/guy that he/she loves in the end). So many themes in the story are relevant and meaningful, and some are questions we ask ourselves on a daily basis. Instead of labelling this a superhero flick, I think it should more precisely be hailed as a movie going one step further and questioning what it means to be a superhero and whether the world really needs one.

Watch out for Heath Ledger. His Joker will send spiders up your spine, and keep you on the edge of your seat (forgive me this cliche).

Another observation: I've always had the impression that word-of-mouth advertising is tedious and weak, but being myself a proponent of this activity just recently, I now think otherwise. Of course, it still helps more if you broadcast on TV, but word-of-mouth advertising is still effective because it's more viral and it comes from a source you trust or have a certain proximity to (e.g. friend, relative, tutor etc.), which means you're more likely to go try a product or service.

I think that's how Ying Thai got famous anyway. But that's just IMO. :D

...is what I said. Savvy? 1:27 pm

Saturday, July 05, 2008
Guilty Annoyances

Frustrated SIGH.

You know sometimes you piss me off alot. ALOT. The things you say are so frustrating and just piss me OFF. What's more, I just feel so guilty for disliking you because you mean well and you're a nice person, but I just can't seem to make myself like you. Admittedly, sometimes I try my darndest to like you, and sometimes this works. But most times I fail miserably and end up being annoyed at you whilst feeling guilty for being annoyed at you at the SAME time.

Which only serves to frustrate me more. And yet I can't bring myself to tell you howirritating you are. Love your neighbour as you would yourself, this much I am certain, but the things you say and the way you say things...

You might not mean to annoy or irritate me, but you DO. Your ideals and ways of thinking just really really annoys me. Pisses me off. You're a nice person, but I can't seem to agree with you, or tolerate you for long periods of time.

I'm so so sorry that I feel this way. I wish I didn't. I'm trying very hard not to feel this way. But it seems like the more I try NOT to get annoyed, I DO. Which only serves to irritate me more, what the heck.

So I'm sorry if sometimes I seem very waspish. Your personality seems to rub me the wrong way, even though I know very well that you don't mean anything by it. I disagree with most things you say, which frustrates me, because you keep trying to persuade me to see it your way, and I CAN'T see it your way because I DISLIKE your way.

You're such a wonderful, bright and cheery person but I can't seem to make myself appreciate you. Maybe because you're everything I'm not and you make me feel ashamed? Probably. Maybe because your views differ vastly from mine? Probably. Maybe because you're S-L-G? Probably.

Would you please stop bothering me with your NICE-ness already? Maybe if you stop being so nice and try being a little mean I might start to like you. Until then...I shall ganbatte and keep trying to appreciate you more...

I'm sorry.

...is what I said. Savvy? 11:11 pm