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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Birthdays, Essays and Cornflakes

Man, I am getting worse and worse at coming up with a blog title for each post. -___- Actually, I might be lazy and just let you guys infer the story from the title...

HAHA, cannot cannot. I promised myself to blog after both my essays are done, and they ARE, thank goodness. ^^ In a very good mood now, in fact.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again to JESS the BAKA! :DDDD 19 is a very nice number, no? The number just before a person hits the 20s. So still considered young la. HAHAHAHA.

The weekend was full of essay crap, so I shall not elaborate. Monday was a nice day despite the fact I woke up at 3am to chiong finish my Arts essay. Decided to skip contracts and constitutional law, because after 3 consecutive days of closeting myself in my room and staring at the PC for hours on end, I thought I deserved a break. :) Later that day, ended up in Melbourne Central browsing the magazines in preparation for my ad analysis. ^^ There was a mini-fashion show being held next to the clock, it was really quite fascinating, except for the fact that my cam video quality is worse than shit. (BTW, I've found my DREAM PHONE: the 8.1mp Sony Ericsson phone coming out end of this year/beginning of next. OMG I can't bloody wait! Apparently this phone is the flagship of Sony for 2008! And it looks uber sleek and awesome! XDDDD)

Ahem. Oops. Went off into hyper I-love-tech-stuff mode. Ehehehe. After hanging around a bit to watch a few more sections of the show, I ended up at Valleygirl checking out some of their spring arrivals. SO MANY FLOATY, FLORAL AND FUN STUFF!!! But in the end I restricted myself to a cute shirt. :P Since shirts are the only clothing I never buy from monday.com.

Tuesday was spent slacking too. I headed down to target during my 4hr break to look at a blanket I wanted, but ended up shopping instead. -________- On the bright side, I only bought one item, hehe. :) I'm getting better at controlling my shopping impulses, YEAAAAAHHHHH! Now to reduce that one item to zero...............

I suppose I'm one of those people who shop for the sake of shopping bah...~shudder~ What a horrific thought.

Today was damn fun though. Although Wednesdays come with the prerequisite 4 hours of law in the morning, having good friends in class helps pass the time. Christine was promoting Festival of Nations cuz she was manning a stall. So after classes, Yuqi and I headed down to Union House to check out the FOOOOOOD! Weee! (The thing about these sorts of festivals is that if any of your friends are operating the stalls or selling stuff, you all of a sudden feel obligated to buy. XD And of course those bloody good friends will "coerce" you to buy la, LOL, damn funny.)

We obligingly bought Nasi Bryani and Rendang (with free drink) from Christine's store, Poh's Kitchen, and it was pretty good, all for $6. :) Then we went to the Malaysian store to get goreng pisangs, which were pretty good too! ^^ Except it came in bits and pieces la, but who cares, it brought back fond memories! XD As we were walking back, Yuqi told me she recently got a pet mouse, Cornflakes! OMG of course once I heard that I HAD to drop by at her place to catch a good look at the adorable, dark grey guy.

Apparently when she told this to everyone else they just said "Ewwww, gross, a mouse!". Which I think have no rational basis at all. I mean, would you rather hold a cockcroach or a pig? Just because mice are criminalised and villainised on TV doesn't make them evil incarnate and rabies-infected mutants. In fact, as I held Cornflakes in my hand, he was shivering la can! And his ears are so small, fine and translucent, and his cute nose kept quivering and he kept scurrying around just being naturally adorable. Except he seemed so fragile I was loathe to handle him for too long.

In the end I think he got a bit of heart attack and went all hyper because of me (a stranger), so Yuqi had to cover the cage with towels to calm him down. Thereafter I ended up chatting for another hour, lol!

Dunno why, but I suddenly have the itch to read Twilight. Where is the Borders coupon when you need it??? ~curse mumble curse~ And I feel like apple pie. (' o, ')

Yada~~~! Cannot think of food now. Instead, I shall just end my post with the photo of my dream phone. HAHAHAA.

And this is what Cornflakes looks like, only cuter:

とても かわいい です!

...is what I said. Savvy? 8:59 pm