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Welcome to The Most Awesome-est Place on Earth
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Art of Kaypo-ing (Or Not)

Really, the formal word for it is "interviewing", but that's how I feel about it in general. :P

I wanna write about yesterday, when I went about interviewing buskers. They're all really interesting people. There was this duo and their guitar broke, so one of them asked me to stick my hand in and try putting a wire through a hole at the other end of the guitar, but my hands not long or thin enough, so in the end I couldn't help them much.

At any one time there are like 4 buskers on Bourke Street, I hadn't really given them much notice at all. since buskers are to Melbourne like ham is to cheese. If you just sit along Bourke street during the afternoons you can hear guitar music, piano music, weird-ass music that's not really music, people doing portraits and drawings, and even saxophones. O_o I didn't interview some people, for practical reasons. Like I couldn't very well go up to that man standing on a barrel covered in flowers, face paint and hula-hooping like there's no tomorrow. (Seriously, he was like hula-hooping for 2 hours straight, I swear, no opportunity to talk to him at all)

And no, I didn't interview that weird not-really-music guy because he looked a bit dodgy. But don't tell him I said that. ;P

It's also quite harrowing and rushed, because you're interviewing them in-between their busking and I felt bad keeping them from actually busking and may be earning some gold coins. And sometimes it was just a practice of patience because I had to wait til they finished playing a piece, then some random person will talk to them (ahh, missed my chance!) and then they'd start playing another piece, and I'm just sitting there going "C'mon c'mon I'm freezing!". But hey, that's part of the fun too.

Then again, I really shouldn't mention anyone else, cuz my article hasn't been handed in yet.

So tell you what, I'll rewind until Wednesday, which was a super stressful day, all in all.

On Wednesday, Writing Journalism tute was rather scary for me because I still hadn't thought of a topic for my feature story. So I was sitting there listening to other people talk about their ideas and their interviews and I was going "OMG sh** I'd better start soon." and hoping fervently my tutor didn't go around listening to our ideas individually because I would have NOTHING. LOL, thank goodness we didn't have time for that.

Carried both mine and Yuqi's lunch to her house after that, which was a balancing act in itself. I was supposed to be presenting during Administrative Law that day, so I borrowed some of her stick-on notes to mark pages and cases. A bit scary to know that you'll be called on to answer questions in class. But then again I was stressing about my feature story, so admin took second stage.

Rather depressingly, I found out I failed my seminar response assignment. >.< Should've collected the damn thing after class, cuz during class I got so depressed and worried I couldn't concentrate. GRAHHHH.

It got better after that though. I think.

My aunt messaged me about this dinner we were going to have at Box Hill with the relatives, so that meant I could leave my Property class 15min early. I managed to squish myself onto the full-to-the-brim tram and made it to Melbourne Central in 10min, hooray! By then I'd already missed the Lilydale train so I took the Belgrave express.

And I gained a whole insight into why people in Melbourne are constantly so disgruntled with trains. It wasn't air-conditioned, it was old, creaky, cranking, the seats were uncomfortable and it felt like I was in some old tin can with crumpled sides. At least the ride was smoother than on trams, that's all I can say in defense of such an ancient contraption that should have been scrapped long ago.

Since it was an express, it stopped at Richmond, skipped all stations and stopped at Camberwell, then skipped all stations and then stopped at Box Hill, so it was quicker that I thought it'd be. I hopped off and arrived at Fu Long restaurant only to realise no one was there yet. HAHA, quite embarassing, I barged into the restaurant and looked up and down the tables but no one had arrived. XP

Turned out my aunt told me the wrong time. The dinner was set for 7pm but she told me 6.30pm. LOL. I arrived at 6.40pm and thought I was already late, oh well.

The food was ok. I don't know why my aunt likes Fu Long so much, the seafood and stuff wasn't even that great. The crab was good, but not awesome. The steamed fish was great though. :) Not alot of people went for the fish, so my aunt ended up lumping this whole stash of fish onto my plate, including the fish cheeks (which are the bestest part of a fish). So yay! Not too thrilled about crab though, I'm a seafood person but I'm not a crab person. I don't mind it, but I won't go gaga over it. Unlike prawns. XD

After dinner, we all headed back to our house, and my uncle had this semi-family-reunion. It was quite cool. He'd asked all his siblings to contribute stuff about their childhood and compiled it into a booklet and distributed it to them. When I read about their childhood, like the swimming around in long kangs, playing with firecrackers, rowing sampans into town, buying their favourite mee for 15cents, eating 20 mandarins at one go and hoarding precious soda drinks under their beds, I thought it was all just so cool. Most people my age don't have such kampung-like childhood memories.

O_O OMG. Most of my childhood memories involve HDB flats. HOW SAD.

How typically Singaporean. :P

I also had this peculiar urge today to buy a container full of strawberry-flavoured Hello Panda.

Oops, gtg for yet another relatives' dinner thingy. See you guys soon! <3


...is what I said. Savvy? 4:44 pm

Friday, May 08, 2009
Poop Is DONE

Ahhh, definitely feels like something like that, lol!

But no, what I really mean is:



I'm gonna eat lots of junk food and sweet stuff and PARTAYYYYYY~~

At least, for maybe a day. =__= If I don't start catching up with Admin and Property it'll be damn bad. GRAH. So hard to start work right after you've finished something BIG. LIKE THIS. XD

Well, I've been having weird dreams lately. O_o Must be because of the stress. The one I had this morning was I woke up in my cousin's house (no, it wasn't my real-life cousin's house, but in the dream I knew it was my cousin's house). I walked out, the walls were all white, quite bright and airy, and then the walls were not white anymore. I walked closer to the wall and inspected it, it was like metallic with cool futuristic fonts on it. Then I went into some random room, picked up a laptop from who knows where, and started typing up my property essay (yea, seriously, in my dreams as well, =___=). There was a beanbag in the room though, so I sat on it.

For some reason the laptop couldn't work halfway, but it didn't matter, cuz my cousin was in the room suddenly and we were comparing the essays she does and mine.

I can't remember much else...something about merry-g0-rounds, ponies, cupcakes and then her brother came and dunno do what.

LOL ok this is a really random dream, and this is a really random post, HAHA. But it's cool to remember dreams. I wished I'd taken the time to record all my dreams in a dream book, then over the years look back and laugh at the funny stuff I've dreamt about.

But then again, there're those dreams you can't really forget, like for me, I still rmember that stupid spy, pig and dustbin dream. SO NONSENSE. Oh, and the organic apple dream. In a supermarket. But I can't remember much else. HAHAHAHA. I knew it was organic though. XD

Now the only dilemmas I have are:

1. What to eat first? HOHOHO.

2. What to watch first?

OH! Despite all my proeprty essay issues going on last night, I still managed to catch Ghost Whisperer and Grey's Anatomy on TV last night. WTH!!! Grey's Anatomy is undoubted one of the most moving and ethically ambiguous shows I've ever met. Can't believe doctors have to make such decisions sometimes. High stress people like me not suited to become doctor la, I'll just make my patient even more stress, and send him/her into seizures or something. XD

Hmmm...I also wanna catch up on Bones and Life leh...


1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Bones
3. Life
4. Dollhouse

I'll go use that iPhone app which helps me make decisions... teeheehee. ;P

(And Bak Kut Teh, cuz my aunt makes very nice Bak Kut Teh.)


...is what I said. Savvy? 2:18 pm

Saturday, May 02, 2009
Here we go. HERE WE GO!

"Everybody's gonna get high, let's go!!!" - Bowling For Soup

New year, AGAIN. New blog skin, AGAIN. :D And of course, doing this up when I really should be doing work, haha. Fresh Start, Old Me.

I'm not gonna start from Ground Zero and list what's happened since I last blogged. My notoriously short memory doesn't quite stretch that far. Suffice to say that I shopped, I dropped, I ate lots of porridge, I survived another 2 plane rides, I lost and gained weight, I gave and received, I laughed, I cried, I played, I watched, I squealed, I LOVE BLEACH and I marathoned 200 episodes.


I caught up, I lost contact, I celebrated, I lamed with, I crapped, I played board games at Settlers' Cafe, I J-Co-ed my doughnuts, I closed and re-opened Generation Gaps, I hugged, I bullied, I kachau until people go siao, I whined, I overslept and underslept and slept just nice, I lost my favourite big bath towel to some sadly deprived dude in Thailand, I witnessed pig slaughter, I ate it anyway, I carolled until 3am, I collected shatloads of hongbao, I splurged in Bugis, I visited old haunts, I perspired like mad, I counselled (LOL), I hung out, I crammed everything into one obese luggage, I missed my chance for a chat with a shuaige sitting next to me in the plane, I touched down, I shivered, I discovered my new room layout, I love my full-length mirror now on my wardrobe door, I got an iPhone plan, I got addicted to Apps, I went cold turkey on music (because I apparently now have the hearing of a 35 year old, courtesy of some free hearing test App), I collect newspapers everyday like a karang guni man, I always discard the Sports and Business sections, I met awesome people and ate awesome food at Careers Dinner, I still cannot tahan alcohol or sake, I love mochi, I steamboat-ed and hotpot-ed, I pyjamas-ed, I went to the Camberwell Markets and found gorgeous vintage dresses, I chionged during Nightmare Week,


I k-boxed and I Box Hill-ed and I yumcha-ed and I slept over. I got a bit sick from playing with a motion-sensing App while sitting backwards on an old, cranky bus late after class. And I love my aunt's Seafood Marinara and Curry Laksa.

Meh. The above paragraphs are what happens when you press the fast-forward button on words, instead of on video. Anyway, now that's all over and done with...

Don't we all love Fridays. My latest Friday was spent finding and printing journal articles on Property, and of course the paper wouldn't let me escape without giving me a few cuts first. =__= Then Jess (hereonin J.Co) and Cal (hereonin Calisto) and me (Bento, HAHAHAHAHA) went to this new Korean place on Lonsdale, since Oriental Spoon was closed.

I will remember the dish I ordered til the day I died. It was called Jjol Myun and it was some sort of sweet and spicy cold noodles. Goodness knows I HATE cold noodles and I almost choked to death on them since they were so hard to chew.

"Silly girl dies while choking on Jjol Myun. Friends who collapsed in fits of laughter sent to Royal Women's Hospital." - Herald Sun, 2 May 2009.

J.Co, meanwhile, was frying her brain circuits because the Korean Hana Yori Dango was showing. Every time Goo Jun Pyo appeared on-screen she let out little squeaks and squeals like a seal. I was surprised she could still eat. :P The wise Calisto ordered something safer (which I should have done, I dunno why I go for all these weird-sounding dishes in the hope that I might discover something akin to Asian caviar), BiBim Bap, which was good, and more importantly, WARM.

Eventually, after taking pity on my sad, sad situation with the cold (bloody) noodles, J.Co traded her AWESOME Tuckboky with me! The noodles and fishcakes and rice cakes were awesome in the sauce, though I think Big Mama's stuff is of a higher caliber. Nonetheless, at the end of the whole meal I was feeling decidedly spicy-fied, and my nose felt the same, because it kept running. ("Running Away" by Midnight Hour is an awesome song, by the way) At least the water was free. Why does Singapore charge 10 cents for tap water anyway? WILL AN EXTRA 10 CENTS KEEP YOUR RESTAURANT AFLOAT DURING A FINANCIAL CRISIS???

"Wall Street saved by restaurants charging 10cents for tap water. Obama vows to adopt NEWater in gratitude." - New York Post

We then tramped down all the way to Chinatown where J.Co introduced us to what has replaced TenRen's as the premier Black Milk Tea place in town: "...".

Yes, that's right, I forgot the name. It's on Russell Street, if that helps. BUT NO, I DON'T WANT IT TO HELP, I'LL KEEP THIS PLACE SECRET, IT'S ALL MINE. MINE MINE MINE!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

That place also has awesome buns and pastries.

I bought one.

Damn sad right? Only bought one. Shoulda bought the whole damn store. (I also wanna buy Air Force One, anyone wanna chip in?)

We three Musketeers proceeded to sip happily on our superb drink with sill expressions on our faces down Russell Street. Then we gostan-ed back to QV to sit and chat (cuz, hey, my mouth was in heaven but my feet were in hell).

My hypothesis is that, in order to reach 7th Heaven, all you have to do is eat or drink 7 things from "...". Breadtop is NOTHING compared to "...". Even if TenRen's Black Milk Tea used to be as nice as the tea from "...", now it's no longer comparable. In my humble opinion, "..." should be re-named "Stairway to Heaven", one because it really is, two because it's easier to remember "Stairway to Heaven" than "...".

And yes, for those people who "get it", the Milk Tea from "..." is much like the Egg Tart from Shark Fin House. XD

It all went downhill from there though. J.Co started zi lian-ing in front of the reflective surface of her mobile phone, Calisto made it worse cuz she kept taking pictures semi-surreptitiously of J.Co and J.Co just lapped it all up. Note to J.Co: next time just hire a bunch of paparazzi to surround you and keep taking your photos la, simple right? ;) And the worst thing of all???


I know. The tragedy right? More moving and poignant than Shakespeare and his angsty shakeforks, shakespoons. More moving than that boy who sparkles. Especially since said boy didn't bathe for 3 whole frickin' weeks and had balls of dandruff rolling off his scalp, holy crap. It can't get any less moving and poignant than THAT okay... =__=


Yar, so, when I ran out of Heaven, it was time for us to catch X-men Origins: Wolverine anyway, so la-di-da, we headed to Melbourne Central. And of course another random person was holding another random rally outside the State Library at such a random time, it was randomly annoying. As if people who have just got off work after a tiring week wanna spend their Friday nights out in the Autumn cold looking at someone with a loudspeaker vent his thoughts and saliva because he doesn't know how to publicise his own blog with Google Ads.

[By the way, I always seem to be carrying enough bags for 3 persons. How can people get away with carrying only one small purse on their arm??? Oh. I think the bulk of it is in their boyfriend's Country Road bag. I see. No wonder she must cling on so tightly to his arm. One must always be careful with one's own belongings. Pickpocketers are rampant.]

Gosh, this stress is really making my random-mometer shoot sky-high...

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 7.5/10


Not brilliant, but enjoyable, and the action scenes were done quite well, IMO. Daniel Henney as Zero came as a pleasant surprise though, but his hairstyle was too slicked-back, weird. He does psychotic villain who kills grandmas quite well though. Hugh Jackman, what can I say? Always a pleasure to watch, he's built for Wolverine, he IS Wolverine and if he of all people actually turned into a wolf I wouldn't be surprised. I think the girl, is she Native American? She was really pretty in that Native American kind of way. Her sister looks so different from her though. Must be that casting director's fault. I really hate how he cast Gambit as well. I mean, what a fine way to mess up a fine character. Long hair??? Gimme a break. Gambit was never that much of a sissy, and definitely more pragmatic than whatshisnamewithlonghair. Seriously, the casting director shoulda just gone and killed a hamster, it would've been less traumatising. As it is, I'm still feeling the after-effects of my disappointment with Gambit in the movie.

I'm gonna hunt that casting director down and spread toothpaste on all the door knobs on his house.

Liev Shreiber was magnificent, claws and fangs and rangy gait and all. Love the way his fang peeks out from under his lips when he smiles that sardonic smile. He might not have the cleanest of fingernails but he sure had his role down pat. Except, ok, I still think it's weird when humans run on all fours, even if it's enhanced with CG effects. Like come on, if our hands and feet stayed on the ground we'd all look so ridiculous with our asses kissing the sky.

And with Experiment 11??? If that sword guy's mother saw how he looked at the end, she'd flip in her grave. Heck, I would flip, if I had a grave, but hopefully I won't have a grave, and hopefully they'll check that I'm well and truly dead before cremating me. Honestly, since now property prices are so high, I wonder how much a rectangular piece of burial ground would cost. $200k? Won't surprise me. :S

Wolverine's claws are cool. I wonder what he'd have done if he'd accidentally cut one of those children in two while he did that whole claw thing with the cages. And why did it look like he needed to put in a bit of effort to claw those cages? His claws can like freaking cut through diamond, he didn't have to go all Hulk-like. I think he coulda just started waving his claws around like a fairy wand and they woulda still been able to cut up the metal. WTH. See how Hollywood exaggerates things?

Ahh, and now we come to the juvenile Cyclops, who for all appearances confirm the popular saying "Once a nerd, always a nerd." His writing on the chalkboard reminded me of Bart Simpson, but of course I reckon Bart Simpson trumps Cyclops in terms of teenage charm. Cyclops vs Wolverine is like New Age Sensitive Guy vs Valiant Medieval Knight. No wonder Jean killed him, she must have gotten so annoyed with his whining and his "OMG I can't find my glasses, where're my glasses? I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT MY GLASSES, HELPPPPP!!!" predicaments. GO JEAN YOU ROCK! :) Well, ok, not really, you really shouldn't have tried to kill Xavier, he such a nice old man.

I miss Storm, Nightcrawler, Mystique, Magneto, Xavier, Jean, Iceman and Rogue though. BRING X-MEN BAAACCCCKKKKKKK! Oh, and bring Viktor back too, he sorta just disappears without showing his face again.

"Back to back!" - Logan and Viktor, X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Hehe, very cool. Not so cool is how sometimes during the movie Jackman's hair sort of gets a life of their own and in some scenes, one in particular, looks like some sort of semi-Afro. I guess when someone's just killed your wife and you're in the midst of trying to avoid getting killed, putting on hair gel is just too much to cope with. I feel you man, I really do.


J.Co wanted to try this cod place, Nam Loong on Russell Street. Hey, the cod was really good! I think why they had to fry it though is because the cod here is not fresh enouogh to be steamed and still taste good. But like I always like to think:

"It is the sauce that makes the fish, not the fish that makes the sauce."

My Japanese tofu was nice as well! XD But we couldn't finish the lot, it was too much. I still can't quite believe it's possible to have 6 bowls of rice and STILL be hungry. No wonder my parents are so fanatical about saving money. They're saving up for the bowls of rice they have to buy when my two brothers grow up. Dunno they eat so much also for what, just stay at home and play computer games is all they do most of the time after school. >.> I know la huh, CounterStrike must be very tiring for them, the clicking on the mouse and moving it here and there is particularly exhausting on the body, poor things.


After Nam Loong though, it got really interesting, cuz I think I nearly got a heart attack from running from Bourke to Swanston in 3 minutes. My Amazing Race can? Only no prize money, just alot of wheezing and panting at the end. Now I know how in need of exercise I am, HAHA! Run a few blocks so tired already. What happened to the 2.4km I used to be able to run? Maybe the 2.4km would still be there if, say, an angry bull was chasing me.

I accidentally took J.Co's strawberry danish home as well, LOL! Ate it this morning since I was not sure pastries could keep so long, and IT'S REALLY VERY NICE. So when I say I'm not gonna buy from Breadtop anymore, I mean partially: I'm still gonna buy that strawberry danish, mango wrap, vanilla brioche and taro buns. :P

OK OK OK OK. Epic post, I ranted too much already, my fingers wanna break from my luo suo-ness. This blog post is like the modern-day grandmother story. EEeeyyeerrr. Already becoming like grandma. Choi.

...is what I said. Savvy? 7:53 pm