Hehe, ok this is the second season of Shugo Chara, and up there is my fave Amuto pairing!
LOL! One of the best anime I've ever watched, because, unlike Bleach, it doesn't take itself too seriously, but contains enough drama and action to keep the adrenaline pumping. The pace is fast too, which means almost no fillers and the characters are so neurotic, weird and unforgettable! All I can say is, hello, 51 episodes no enough, more please! ^^

At first, the premise of the story was very interesting, but then it turned out to be one of those nosebleed kinda animes. Although it was so silly and just plain WEIRD and CRAZY and that I couldn't help but finish it. LOL. Definitely not "I think, therefore I am" material. But even Soul Eater was more funny than this, so I won't necessarily recommend it unless you're into Love Hina, Ah My Goddess and that kinda crap. :P
Ergo Proxy: 9/10

Wow, this was very intriguing. There are plot twists in almost every episode, so much so that I am often caught with my mouth open. And even when there are no twists, these people really know how to do cliffhangers. I finished this hell of a ride in 2 days! Well, 23 episodes of apocalyptic landscapes do get you down a bit I guess. Maybe watch Soul Eater/Shugo Chara AFTER you watch Ergo Proxy. :P Explores quite a bit of that whole "I think, therefore I am", and though some parts can be confusing and not all questions are answered, the series delves quite deep into the deep end of things. But still. Must-watch for Ghost in the Shell fans.
Moving on to more mundane issues: today's broadcast includes the fact that Avatar in 3D is pure awesomeness. It is awesomeness distilled and evaporated to its highest density and potency and transformed into a movie. So magnificent it is that I feel I have to put up a picture:

They did the eyes really well I must say. Very soulful. Although I might agree partially with Empire's remark that the scenes with masses of them swaying to and fro might be a little cheesy and New World-ish, it brings home the fact that, yeah, everything's connected. :)
So just like that, my favourite movie of all time has gone from LOTR: Return of the King to Avatar. 9.5/10. Seriously just go watch it. For me to describe the movie here is like using baby speak to describe the Grand Canyon ok.
Will be watching it again next week, in 3D AGAIN, HAHAHAHAA! Ok but it'll be a little different I guess. I watched it at Shaw Lido. The next time will be at GV Vivocity. Will take the opportunity to compare 3D quality. Heehee.
Meanwhile, my mum and me have been going all over the place looking for CNY clothes for my two brothers. One Billabong shirt costs like $60 can. =_= But Bugis Street is not a very conducive place for my mum to shop, can't bring her there for all the $10 bargains. Ah well. Next time I'll have to drag my lazy bro to Bugis to get his shirts.
Alas, I have been summoned to lunch. Well, that was a lovely bunch of crap up there. Stay tuned for more slack-at-home crap in the meantime! :P